Leveling up the World

Chapter 797: The Step to Nobility

Chapter 797: The Step to Nobility

It was the last person Dallion expected to see, especially here. Adzorgwhile posing as Nilhad told him that the gorgon had joined the Alliance of Stone and Steel, though never explicitly in what capacity.

One look was enough to see she had become a full noble, still leading him by a few levels. Her empathy trait had increased by a fair amount, reaching the mid-twenties. Yet, more important than all, since Dallion had gotten rid of the void within him, the sensation of being close to her had returned. No longer the dull inertia he had felt on and off during his time at the Academy, his feelings for her had rekindled, which sadly was the worst possible time.

Youre a n he began, only to be stopped by her finger on his lips.

I dont have much time, she whispered in the language of griffins, of all things. Her snakes moved about casually, glancing in all directions. Youre in danger. The archmage is planning to kill you.

The sudden change of topic caused a flurry of mixed feelings within Dallion. There were times when he would have considered that statement a given just not now. Despite their mutual hatred, Alien and Dallion needed each other. Not only that, they had all but made Moon vows not to kill each other. It was Dallion who had earned the man his current title, and in return received a special one of his own.

He cant, Dallion whispered back in the same animal language. He needs me too much.

No, he doesnt. Trust me, I know. I cant tell you how, but I know. He

The emperor is waiting, emissary, the child overseer said, appearing out of nowhere. Your reunion can wait for later.

If there was any emotion within the entity, it had been buried too deep for Dallion to sense. Even the expected ripples of annoyance were no longer present. It was as if a chunk of ice had materialized in the room a few feet away.

Im aware. The snakes on the gorgons head straightened out in a clear display of hostility. But thats for him to say, not you.

The authority in her voice was strong enough that even Dallion felt like taking a step back.

It was nice seeing you again, Dal, she added, no smile on her face. Well continue this at a later time. And with that she stepped forward, the metalins opening the door for her.

You had to expect that, Gen said, within Dallions domain. Knowing her, theres no way she could have remained a hunter.

Yeah, no way Dallion replied.

Where is Adzorg? he asked, turning to the overseer in an attempt to mimic the gorgons attitude.

The prisoner has been taken to the imperial healer, the other didnt appear at all impressed. Youll get him back once the emperor decrees. There was a brief pause. Along with all his missing body parts.

There was that. Magic could only mimic that much.

Very well. Ill be Dallions voice trailed off. A new crystal elevator had appeared on the floor. Its occupant was someone Dallion expected to meet here as much as he expected to see the gorgon. Alien, he said to himself.

Any other day, Dallion would view this as a coincidence. It was well known that Alien went to report to the emperor on a frequent basis. Having him spontaneously arrive just now, of all times, suggested there was more to it, especially after Eurys warningwhich happened to be an actual coincidence.

Archmage, Dallion said respectfully with a slight bow as the other stepped out of the elevator.

We need to talk. Alien went straight to the point. Well need a room. He glared at the overseer.

Yes, archmage. The platinum blond child all but sighed. Still, he gestured to a segment of the wall behind him. A doorway formed within, leading further in.

Without a word of appreciation, Alien walked straight in. Dallion followed, ending up in a small six-by-six-foot room. Comfortable, it was not, although it was safe to say that no one would be able to listen in. Just to make certain, the archmage cast a spell covering the entire space with an aether barrier.

Fly up, he said in a harsh tone as he levitated off the ground.

So much for congratulating me on becoming a mage, Dallion thought and cast the spell.


Reality shifted, yet the new one wasnt of Dallions personal realm. Rather, he found himself in the courtyard of an orange castle. A single fury with orange hair was there, sitting on a stone bench, looking at the setting sun on the horizon.

Dararr? Dallion asked. I thought that

That itll be Astreza? The Orange Moon looked at him. No, it was always me. He just indulged himself, as always, wanting to have a chat with you. Cant say I blame him. Youre one of the interesting ones, and a human, to boot.

Is that significant? Dallion wondered, though chose not to voice his question. For once, the deity didnt react to his thoughts with anything else but a smile.

So, youve made your decision?

The world made it for me, Dallion replied.

Really? The fury tilted her head.

There was a long moment of silence. While there were factors that had hastened his actions, Dallion had always known exactly how he wanted to proceed. The only reason he didnt want to go so fast was because it would make him a target sooner than hed like. Being thrust into a polite society of backstabbing politics was going to be a lot easier if he didnt have to worry about nobles and other awakened charging at him on the field of battle.

Is there a way I could hide passing through the gate? he asked. Just for a while.

Still demanding conditions. Astreza was sulking for weeks after you turned down the offer.

Weeks? I didnt turn down

Of course you did, the Moon interrupted. You never had any real intention of stopping at level eighty. Even with the curveball you received from Aether, you were on the course to join the nobility. You could have said that there and then, but you postponed the grand moment, and just after youve purified the void. A few of us were worried you might fall and become the next Star.

Upon hearing that, Dallion tensed up.

Or Adzorg, the Moon continued. Both of you fulfilled the requirements. It was fun watching you push each other away from the path you were both heading towards.

Adzorg could have become the Star? Having an archmage obtain the power of the void was extremely troubling, especially since he still had the knowledge to make a device capable of bringing forth the end of the world. And yet, the way the Moon spoke of it was as if it were nothing more than a game.

So, youre really ready this time? She stood up, floating up to him. No indecisions, second thoughts, and all that.

Ive got many, but yes, Im ready.

Youre sure? The orange fury narrowed her eyes. Once you pass through, nothing will be the same.

Ive heard that before. Dallion forced a smile.

Maybe, but each gate changes things more than the last. Up to now, weve been holding you by the hand as a child. After this, youll be treated as an adult.

I thought I was that now.

We know, The Moon chuckled. Everyone reaching this point thinks they have it all figured out, just like teenagers given a brief taste of freedom. I wont lie. Some regretted taking the final step.

Dallion glanced at the door. As the saying went, one could never un-lose ones innocence. However, refusing to go forward means spending the rest of his life going back.

Im sure, he said, then pushed the massive door of the castle open.

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