Leveling up the World

Chapter 803: The Tubular Realm Network

Chapter 803: The Tubular Realm Network

Scatter and attack, Dallion said to a row of white-haired furies behind him.

Without delay, each conveyed the orders to the thousands that filled the skies. The area they covered was massive. There were countries that werent as large. Yet, it wasnt them that would perform the attack. Their real task had been to protect the cloud forts from any surprise attacks.

Hundreds of mages cast their spells, launching aether projectiles and balls of fire. A hailstorm of purple and orange rained destruction on the ground. The intensity of the spells was such that in places it created clusters of glass in the soil itself.

Going a bit overkill, dear boy? Adzrogs echo asked.Geett the latest novels at wuxiahere.com

Dallion continued looking silently at the battlefield. It was extreme, but it was also the minimum needed to get the enemy to reveal himself.

Tell Katka to keep an eye on the ground, he told one of the furies, then turned to Diroh.

The ice fury was standing a short distance away. A sense of subdued fear emanated from her. Dallion would have been concerned if it hadnt. No one in this world had seen destruction on such a massive scale since the fury wars, and even then, the intensity would have been less. The old battle mages, as powerful as they were, remained few in number. The same could be said about awakened furies. Right now, one witnessed the full might of the Academy focused on a single point.

Diroh assumes command of this fort, he added.

Me? The fury stared at him blankly.

Dallion allowed himself a smile. He could sense that the white-haired furies supported the idea. The crimson ones might create some issues, but they wouldnt dare go against his orders, not yet in any event.

Taking another look at the former fields below, Dallion went to Diroh, continuing in a low voice so only she could hear.

Youll be fine. You just need to make sure that there are no problems in the air. Katka will handle the rest.

The ice fury nodded.

Youll have to do it alone. Dallion gave the mental order for his echo to disappear. The momentary shock in Dirohs eyes told him that it had. Youve learned enough. You should be able to handle it.

Ive seen crap. The spark of rebellion shined through. Jiroh would have been proud. You keep bouncing me from place to place, hoping Id pick up enough!

I know. He placed his hand on the furys cheek. And you have each time.

Im not an otherworlder, Dal. How many times must I tell you? Following your trail isnt as easy as you think.

Youre a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, Dallion thought. She had to be. Win or lose, events such as today were likely going to become a reality, at least until Grym was taken down.

Take care of the clouds, he said loudly, pulling his hand away. Well discuss things after I come back.

We better, Diroh whispered.

With a nod, Dallion then cast a flight spell, then flew to the edge of the cloud fort.

Have them keep casting until I reach the ground. He burst into two hundred instances. It was the first time he had burst into so many. It didnt seem effortless by any stretch of the imagination, though it wasnt as difficult as he expected.

Are you sure its the right move? The armadil shield asked.

I learned this trick from a memory fragment with grandfather, Dallion said.

Thats not what I had in mind.

Flying beneath the layer of attack proved challenging. Even with all his skills, three quarters of his instances were easily hit. The remaining continued further down. The intensity of the spells showed no sign of decreasing. Some might even say that more than a few mages were deliberately aiming to hit their new commander. Dallion had little doubt that some did. At the same time, he was more than confident in his abilities to avoid similar clumsy attempts. Adzorg had even joked that this was a good way to get used to the life that awaited him.

The moment Dallion set foot on the ground, all spells ceased. There was no noise, no smoke, just a few pools of fire where the fire orbs had landed.

So far, so good. Dallion thought. There were several minutes until the vortexes were supposed to appear. The mages were very adamant regarding their prediction, as was Adzorg.

Glass crackled beneath Dallions feet. On several occasions, he entered the realm of his shoes to reinforce their soles. As far as the eye could see, there wasnt a single other person. Some might even go as far as saying that the empire had wasted all that effort on a barren patch of land.

Ruby, get ready, Dallion said. The real form of the creature appeared on his left shoulder and flicked its wings. Lux.

The bladebow flew off Dallions back and pointed down. A ray of blue light shone from the kaleidervisto on it. For the most part, there was nothingthe wilderness held no realms or guardians, but after a few moments of flying around, the otherworlders suspicion was confirmed. A network of realms, each the size of an extremely long straw, crisscrossed the area. Unlike the empire, the Azures had been smart enough to prepare their advance beforehand. All the scouting parties, all the skirmishes, had one role: to create more and more awakened area realms. The realms were insignificantnot enough to increase the level of a single noble. However, linked together, they granted Grym the ability to transport his armies from one place to another instantly.

There was no need for any of them to be present. As long as there was a direct connection between this realm and wherever their forces were gathered, an army could spend years marching through the realms and still emerge the second the vortexes appeared. Unfortunately for them, there was an easy way to foil that plan.



You gotta be kidding. Dallion stared at the massive centipede made of rock.

Each segment was the size of a small castle, made entirely of flawless granite. Legs the size of towers were attached to them, forming craters on the ground as it walked. The headif it could be even called thatwas an origami of sharpness, two caves of green light glaring at the otherworlder.

It cant be this weak. Dallion turned to the dryad. Granted, it was a while since he fought common area guardians, but even so, there had to be something wrong.

Carefully, he examined the creature with his magic vision, seeking any trace of illusion spells, and yet it turned out there were none.

Leave it to you to complain about anything, Vihrogon shook his head, then turned around, walking away from the realm guardian. He was shortly followed by Nox, who wasnt in the least interested in the fight.


I guess this is really happening Dallion split into sixty instances and waited.

and waited. The strike seemed to take forever. At one point, he simply couldnt take it anymore and performed a line attack aimed at the left row of the rockapedes legs.


Dealt damage is increased by 200%


Dealt damage is increased by 200%

Rows of red rectangles emerged as dozens of stone legs were chopped off before the creature could even finish its initial attack. The ease with which it had been done made Dallion feel bad.

We can stop here, he said, filling his voice with the notion of surrender. Just give up.

The rockapede collapsed to the ground, twisting around with such ferocity that the entire tunnel shook. Still, it refused to give in.

Theres no point, Dallion tried again. You know that one more strike will finish you off.

Cant surrender, the guardians voice boomed. Must maintain the realm.

So that was it. The Azures had taken safeguards, making sure that no one could invade their realms. If that were the case, it was also likely that upon Dallions victory, the realm would crumble altogether, vanishing from existence. There was no way to know for certain, but everything suggested it.

Im sorry, Dallion said. That seemed to calm down the creature at least to the level of acceptance. We dont have to end the fight right away.

In the far distance, Dallion was able to see the occupants of the realm bailing out by the hundreds. They had probably seen what was going on and now were eager to return to the real world as quickly as possible. That didnt particularly matter. Once Dallion had finished here, hed join them, appearing on the battlefield at precisely the same moment.

Dont, Vihrogon said.

Dont what?

Youre thinking of leaving it alive, arent you? Reasoning that now that the gig is up, theres no need to destroy it.

Dallion shook his head.

No. He knew that he couldnt afford to leave an active enemy realm this close to the vortex area. Im just sad about it.

After he had purged the void within him, the sensations coming from his empathy trait had returned in full effect. They werent crippling, but were constantly present.

Better luck with your next realm, he whispered, then performed another line strike.


Dealt damage is increased by 1000%

The rockapede split in two, then disappeared in a cloud of gray dust that faded away.



Two more rectangles emerged, after which Dallion was returned to the real world.

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