Leveling up the World

Chapter 836: The New Icepickers

Chapter 836: The New Icepickers

The streets were as full as before, but the cheer wasnt there. It wasnt just a case of the world being at war. With no one firmly in control of the domain, there were no limiting echoes to boost peoples mood, nor did the domain itself fill the city with joy. The overseer could probably do that, but she was as much a tool as a personthe owner of the domain had to make the decision, which apparently hadnt occurred.

Some stalls and shops were better than others. The Mirror Pool seemed to be doing well. Thanks to his magic skills, Dallion was instantly able to recognize anyone with disfocus items as they tried to blend into the crowd.

This place has seen better days, Vihrogon said. Dont worry, though. It will again, once a proper ruler is determined.

Dallion nodded. Good or bad, as long as the ruler was confident enough, all efforts would focus on getting the inhabitants to believe that they were the most fortunate people in the world. Just as life had been like in Dherma village during the rule of Aspion Luor, ignorance was bliss.

The Gremlins Timepiece was noticeably less lively than usual. There were no tables on the street and from what could be seen through the windows, there hardly was anyone inside.

Here goes. Dallion stepped through the door.

To his great surprise, the place was not only rather full, but he knew a large part of the people thereall of them, with the exception of Hannahwere former Icepicker members. It was as if half the guild had relocated here.

Dal! Estezol shouted, causing all eyes to turn in the appropriate direction.

All chatter suddenly stopped. Any other time Dallion would have been concerned with what would follow, but knowing their emotions was a pretty clear giveaway that none of them were mad at him. Even after all this time, they still considered him one of them and were glad he was alright.

Its been a while! the short, bearded man continued. Being a mage must have kept you pretty busy.

Only an optimist like him would greet him in such a fashion. One would almost think that the last few years hadnt occurred, and the guild was about to take part in another Nerosal Festival any month now.

Everyone has their way of coping, dear boy, Adzorg reminded. One of the best ways Ive observed is to skip long stretches of time, pretending they never happened.

The rest of the people soon followed. A pair of siblings that Dallion had started his item leveling career were quick to rush to him, almost drowning him with questions. Grunt, the quiet giant, was also there, as were Bel, Spike, June, and several more people Dallion knew rather well. Not least, March was also present. Seeing her, though, filled Dallion with mixed reactions; he couldnt be sure whether that was really her or a copyette.

A burst of combat splitting suddenly occurred, putting Dallion on guard. Unable to see the immediate consequences, he split as well, concentrating on all points of entry into the hall. One of his instances rushed to the staircase, only to see someone elses instance already there.

Vend? Dallion asked.

Good to see you still have it, the other replied. I feared magic might have made you rusty.

All of Vends instances faded away, leaving only the one Dallion was talking to. Naturally, Dallion did the same.

A new silence filled the room. In the main hall, the table March was sitting at quickly cleared.

You look well, Vend said. More or less.

In contrast, the old guild mate hadnt managed to go through the last few years unscathed. His entire right arm was missing, leaving an empty sleeve hanging from his shoulder. Looking closer, Dallion found that it wasnt a simple wound, but a permanent condition. No healing spell would be able to restore him, even if Dallion had the affinity to cast one powerful enough.

Lets have a drink. Vend made his way to Marchs table. After a few seconds, Dallion followed.

A jug of ale and several glasses had already found their way there. The taste was passable, but not something Dallion was keen on. Gaining a few dozen points of perception had changed his tastes quite a lot. Thanks to his time as a hunter he was able to endure it.

Wheres Hannah? he changed the subject. Its not like her to be gone.

Out haggling for supplies, March said. The guild master she paused. The former guild master restored the Icepickers making her inn our guildhall, but she still insists on doing the work herself. I guess thats her way of dealing with things.

Of course she would. Dallion thought. Of all the people she found dear, only one remained at the inn. Eury had left long ago, Jiroh had returned to her world, and Dallion had become a mage who had captured Adzorg. That only left Pan hiding in the kitchen.

Is that why you came here? Vend took a mug with his left hand.

She knows, Dallion thought. All this time, she pretended to be nothing but an innkeeper, yet she knew.

Of course, she knew, dear boy. Adzorg joined in. She knew about the device from the very beginning.

Before Dallion could say anything, a series of air currents sliced through the door, removing it from its hinges.

Youre quite popular today, Vihrogon said.

Popular in all the wrong ways Dallion thought.

This time, the atmosphere in the inn changed completely. The guild members had drawn their weapons and were looking into the street where the entrance door had been. A large fury, clad in light armor, stepped in, followed shortly by a second.

How many of them are there? Dallion asked all items and area guardians in a hundred-foot radius.

Hundreds of voices replied, all saying the same thing: there was absolutely no one outside.

The general would like a word with you, the large fury said, ignoring the hostility of the room.

Sure. Dallion feared that might happen. Tell him that

The general wants a word with you now, the fury interrupted. A Moon vow was made, so hes within his right to drag you out, if thats what you prefer. Glancing at the Icewakers present, a smirk appeared on the mercenarys face. Hes not the only one whos made a deal with the general. If you want your debts postponed, you better not interfere.

So thats how it was. Due to the many conflicts and misery that Nerosal had been subjected to, the slimy snobs influence had grown tremendously. Hardly surprising given that the artifact bubble had popped long before the poison plague and subsequent provincial war. Still, Dallion hadnt imagined it would get to the point that hed become this brazen.

Can I finish my drink? Dallion used his music skills to add some weight to his words.

The fury glared at him, but said nothing.

I dont have depts, Vend stood up. Ill join him.

Vend, March grabbed him by the shoulder. Youre in no state for that. She pulled him down, standing up instead. But I am.

Im touched, but theres no need, Dallion said. Thisll be settled quickly.

Nothing with the general is settled quickly. The woman put on her helmet. If it is, Ill just enjoy the walk.

Dallion finished his mug in one go. It wasnt the most pleasant experience. Drinking the liquid felt like drinking sandpaper with a hint of oranges. Once he was done with his debt, hed ask Pan to make him something better.

Is he in the usual place? Dallion asked as he placed the empty mug on the table in front of him.

Ill escort you. There was fear in the furys voice, but even so it was less than the fear that emanated from him.

I also dont have any debts, Hannah stood up.

Captain. March turned to the innkeeper. I can handle this. You dont have to.

She was the captain of the guard, wasnt she, Adzorg? It suddenly hit him. The first time your device exploded.


Imperial Academy, 35 years ago.

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