Leveling up the World

Chapter 845: A Chalice Realm Encounter

Chapter 845: A Chalice Realm Encounter

Griffin remains filled the chamber. In a past era, this had been the treasure vault of a throne room, now fallen to neglect. Traps and protective spells had kept it from being looted for centuries, though after millennia those had faded and rusted away, allowing for creatures from the wilderness to make it their home. Later still, the creatures had been killed off by hunters, though not all valuables had been taken away.

Twenty magic circles glowed on the far wall of the chamber, shooting aether daggers with the speed of hail in a hurricane. Individually, Dallion could avoid each and every one of them, but in such large numbers, he was forced to rely on his armadil shield and combat splitting.

Extend! he ordered, spreading his magic threads through the shield. The item stretched out, doubling in size.

Hello again, Count Elazni, Viscount Salista yelled.

The noble had it for Dallion ever since hed entered the imperial capital. Lately, though, he had become particularly annoying. Of the seven times that Dallion had secretly ventured into the wilderness in search of artifacts, in almost half theyd crossed paths. Up till now, theyd only traded insults and provocations, but this time was different. The item that Dallion had come to claim was too important to let it go, and by the looks of it, the viscount thought the same.

Will your family withstand another scandal? Salista performed a point attack hitting Dallions shield.

Idiot! Dallion thought. It took a particular kind of stupid to cast such destructive spells in an underground dungeon, and yet nobles seemed to do it all the time. The last was back when Dallion had gone to help his fianc escape from a wyvern infested ruin.

An entire section of wall crumbled behind Dallion. Thanks to a quick spell, he was able to stabilize it, but that wasnt going to hold for long.

Ive no time for this, Dallion thought, then entered the realm of the room.


Reality changed. The smell of rot and mold vanished, replaced by a chilly breeze. Dallion found himself in a world of giant grey and green structures composed almost entirely of columns and arches. The style was quite unique, but Dallion could see the nymph influence.

It had taken him several months of following clues and quite a large sum of money to find this current ruin. Technically, he wasnt supposed to be hereit was in former Azure territory, even if far from a significant settlement.

You are in the realm of LANON CASTLE.

The destiny of the realm has been fulfilled.

Fulfilled? That explained the lack of guardians. Even so, getting to the spot he wanted wasnt going to be quick. Dallion hadnt explored the ruin well enough to know which part of the realm corresponded to which. To make things worse, the builders had added magic protections that rendered orientation spells useless.


Seriously? Dallion cast a flight spell on himself.

That pesky noble didnt know when to give up. It didnt help that House Mizovy tended to give him more than enough artifacts to partially make up for his lack of levels.

The figure of Salista emerged in the grey sky. This time he was accompanied by a dozen sun gold bladerers. Like animated suits of armor with wings made entirely of blades, the constructs formed two circles around their master, staring at Dallion with empty eye sockets.

Nice trick, Dallion said. What did you give the Mizovy this time? Or are you fighting on credit now?

Very funny.

A web of line attacks propelled from the bladerers in Dallions direction. They had done a rather good job of filling up the space so that Dallion couldnt escape. No doubt their goal was to force him to take a defensive stance and gradually overwhelm him. Of course, that was a total waste of time. Being level ninety-one, Dallion had a lot of ways to deal with the attack. After a bit of thought, he decided to go on the offensive.


You have sliced the BLADERERs attack in two.

Attack has no effect.

So persistent. Dallion summoned the aura sword with his free hand. One quick wave later, and the entire room was isolated, with thick barriers of purple that covered the floor, walls, and ceiling. Id hoped youd quit back in the realm.

Just because you know some magic? The viscount pulled back, not in the least bit impressed. Ive been fighting on the front long before the start of the war. You think that a few magic tricks would make you better than me?

Thats how it usually works. Dallion waved his aura sword again to create a new layer of barriers over the cracked ones.

In the light, the prize had become visiblea single chalice of Moon platinum placed on a pedestal in the center of the small room. A series of religious scenes were engraved all over its surface, visible only to people with a perception trait of forty or more. The gorgon embodiment of the White Moon Emion was depicted in several of those scenes, granting her followers with good fortune and prosperity. By any standard, the item could be defined as priceless. The Moon platinum alone was enough to make everyone outside of the imperial family envious, yet that wasnt why Dallion wanted it.

Plunging forward in another attack, the viscount reached to grab the chalice.

Noticing his intentions, Dallion extended the magic threads from within his body in the direction of the item.


The green rectangle popped up the instant the magic threads came into contact. The realm had shifted again, transporting Dallion to a serene lake surrounded by platinum white sand.

You are in the land of CHALICE.

Defeat the guardian to fulfill CHALICEs destiny.

That was sort of good. It meant that the item still had a guardianhopefully one that could be reasoned with. Unfortunately, there also was a fly in the ointmentthe same fly that had been pestering him all day now.

Without a word, Dallion played a chord on his harpsisword. Music, attack, and magic skills combined, causing a series of purple threads to shoot out from the weapon. Mercilessly, they attached to the viscounts armor and throat, freezing him in place. A split second later, the mans entire armor shattered.

I warned you last time, Dallion said, still playing chords on his harpsisword as he approached. I was very clear about it.

You still cant kill me.

Here lay the problem. Despite his hounding, the noble was loyal to the empire and still took part in skirmishes on the front. After the return of the nymph empress, the Azure Federation had crawled out from their holes and launched attacks on the frontier. In most of the cases, their attacks ended in defeat, although there were chunks of territory they continued to gain here and there.

If Dallion were to kill an ally during peacetime, hed have a lot of explaining to do, not to mention give House Mizovy an excuse to cause problems in the capital. Salista knew it, so thats why he kept on hounding Dallion every chance he got.

Cant kill me, cant cripple me, cant hurt me, the noble smirked.

Wrong. I can definitely hurt you. Dallion infused the harpsisword with magic and thrust it into the others stomach.


Dealt damage is increased by 1000%


VISCOUNT SALISTAs stomach has been affected. He will receive urges every hour until the status is removed.

The status continues to be in effect in the real world.

The man flashed out of existence, leaving the realm.

Ouch! Vihrogonthe dryad guardian of Dallions shieldsaid. Might have been better if youd have killed him.

I didnt harm him physically. Dallion let go of his harpsisword, causing the weapon to disappear in midair. He can complain to the emperor if he wants to. Part of him hoped that the viscount would. Now to do what I came for.

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