Leveling up the World

Chapter 862: Allies through Necessity

Chapter 862: Allies through Necessity

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When it came to awakened, the definition between an army and a crowd was a lot more subtle than one might think. A group of fifteen people had gathered in front of the Gremlins Timepiece, waiting patiently for Dallion to come outside. All of them could be defined as mid-level; all of them had multiple disfocus rings on. Along with the other artifacts they were wearing, this group was enough to take control of a mid-sized town, or even cause serious disruptions within a city, should they be inclined to do so.Cheêck out latest novels at wuxiahere.com

On the other side of the inn door stood half a guild of competent awakened as well. While most of them lacked in level, a few made up for it. And of course, there were Hannah and Dallion. Domain rulers in their own right, the pair could be considered the strongest entities within the city, assuming the Order of the Seven Moons hadnt secretly brought in any of their big guns.

Casting a subtle aether armor spell, Dallion opened the door and stepped outside.

Well met, your grace. The man in front bowed. A pleasure to see you again.

Is it really? Dallion asked. Thanks to his aether vision, he could see through the effects of the disfocus items, looking at the face behind the illusion. You thought differently last time, Belaal.

That was back when you were weak, the man said unapologetically, removing the disfocus ring. Despite our differences, the Mirror has always acknowledged strength. We serve the hand that holds the sword.

Rather, youre the first to run off a sinking ship, Dallion thought.

The past is the past, Belaal continued. Whats important is that were here with an offer for you.

Please, do tell. Dallion crossed his arms.

I heard that you offered any fury in Nerosal to become part of your domain.

That was hardly surprising. Criminal organizations were always the first to hear things. Even so, Dallion was impressed at the speed they had managed to do so. His conversation with the lord mayor was a few hours ago. Originally, Dallion intended to spread the news right after convincing Hannah. Somehow, they had saved him the effort.

Its true, he confirmed.

Ill cut to the point. I speak for the prince when I say that the Mirror Pool is offering its services and will be glad to join your new endeavor.

The offer hardly counted as a surprise, considering everything else Dallion had gone through over the last year, but it did cause him to raise an eyebrow.

You want to join my city? he asked. After everything you did?

I admit mistakes were made, but you know our capabilities better than most. And not to forget, we are willing to swear loyalty to you. Belaal narrowed his eyes. A full Moon vow.

Any normal person would have asked about the catch. After spending some time in the imperial capital, Dallion could spot it right away. The Mirror Pool itself was the catch. When word went out that he had accepted part of the awakened underworld, many would think twice before joining his settlements.

Do you take him for an idiot? Hannah asked, joining Dallion outside. No way anyone would agree to that.

Thats not your business, Hannah. Belaal hissed. This is between me and

Shut your mouth or youll be going on expeditions to mend your teeth for the next hundred years. The innkeeper didnt let him finish. She wasnt one to stay quiet before, and definitely wasnt going to take that with her awakened powers fully restored.

Let it go, Dallion whispered.

Why? Because he said a few polite words to tickle your ego?

Because hes serious enough to get the whole Mirror here. Not just this group, but everyone else in the street.

Dallion gave the woman a quick glance, then looked back out of the window.

Doesnt she get upset when you use her form? he asked.

No. Im the only person she can rely on to keep her sane. The womans form morphed into that of Pan. Her curse was linked to otherworlders, but thats not the whole thing. If she remains far from an otherworlder for long, the void might consume her.

What? She didnt

Tell you that? The copyette interrupted. Would you have stayed if she had?

There was a moment of silence.

Let me end the suspense. No, you wouldnt have. No normal otherworlder would. The thing about us is that were like water, always flowing towards something. When we face a barrier, we stop and build up, creating the impression that weve settled down, but its only temporary.

Except you?

You can say that. Pan looked out of the window. Magnificent, arent they? Seven glowing orbs of power in the sky. Ever so beautiful and merciless. The truth is that I cant return, not after what I pulled. I tried conquering the world once, and it didnt work out, so all thats left for me is to seek out some calm and quiet.

Calm and quiet didnt sound like the copyettes first choice. Thinking back, it reminded Dallion of a copying mechanism, exactly like Havoc, Aspion, his grandfather They too had chosen the calm life, and each time as a result of massive failure.

Is that why you joined me? Because of her?

Maybe in part. Im more like the Mirror Pool, to be honest. Choose or be chosen. Were in the endgame war. Ive been through one already, so I know how to recognize the signs. Maybe it wont happen right away. It might even be decades off, but things are in motion.

Things were in motion and depending on the outcome, Dallion might end up in the same position Pan was in right now. With the skills, abilities, and companions he had gathered, maybe he too would manage to escape the banished realms and spend the rest of his existence hiding in a world without humans. Or maybe the next Order of the Seven Stars would summon him to act as their eyes and ears?

Your choice was a choice. Only you can decide whether to forgive the Mirror Pool, but you can definitely make use of them until the time you make that choice.

Are those the words of wisdom from the ages? Dallion cracked a smile.

Thats what I get for trying to be supportive. The copyette chuckled. So you know how to move domains?

Ive done it once before.

Good. Ill be able to give you some advice. The most common mistake is trying to rush. Stay calm and everything will be alright.

And if its not, Ill deal with it.

See? Youre learning, already. Pan gave Dallion a pat on the back. Youll still need to find more people, though. Remember what I told you about quantity and quality?

Dallion nodded. The conversation was only half a day ago, but with everything that had taken place, it already seemed months back.

Anything else I should know?

Eye on front and never trust a weatherman, the copyette said, adding some humor from his own world.

Ill try to remember that. Dallion took a deep breath, then pulled Hannahs inn and the arena out of Nerosals domain. The second move to Sandstorm had just begun.

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