Leveling up the World

Chapter 867: Return to the Twelve

Chapter 867: Return to the Twelve

I need to have Dallion began, but before he could finish the overseers hand darted forward with a speed far exceeding that of the otherworlder.


A green rectangle indicated that they were no longer in the real world. At this point, Dallions instincts kicked in. Leaping back, he burst into instances, while also summoning his weapons.

No need for that, the copyette said. Im just here to convey a message.

Cautiously, Dallion put down his weapons, although he didnt unsummon them.

I need to see the emperor, Dallion continued. The Azures attacked my settlement. Just a small group for now, but

We know, the copyette interrupted. Two dozen monasteries were infiltrated and destroyed in the last few months.

Two dozen? This was the first Dallion had heard of it. With no one attacking the Order in the known world, he had assumed it would be the same everywhere. Clearly, that wasnt the case. The Order of the Seven Moons held a lot of secrets and never publicized their failures. Few outside of the organization knew of cultist infiltrations. Even less was known of destroyed monasteries. Dallion himself had witnessed one razed by the Star cultists, only to be quickly rebuilt without a word.

So, you agree with me? The emperor must be told.

If hes told, well miss our chance, the copyette flatly refused. Theres every possibility he sends a more experienced noble to take over your domain and fight off the threat. Youll remain in control of your settlements, of course, but your development will end there. Youve had to deal with a noble above you in the past. Do you think itll be different?

Dallion couldnt deny that such an outcome sounded very likely.

Its even possible that he gives the area to Priscord just for the fun of it.

Hearing that, a blob of anger emerged within Dallions forehead. There were a lot of things he could ignore or forgive, but the former Countess Priscord wasnt one of them.

Youre telling me to sacrifice my settlements for the greater good? He frowned. Is that another of the archbishops prophecies?


The single word conveyed everything Dallion needed to know. It wasnt a case of blind loyalty, the copyette truly believed that the prophecies held truth, despite them being wrong a few times so far.

War clerics are on their way to fortify the monasteries in your area. An aether map of the known world emerged as the copyette spoke. Theyre moving in small groups so as not to raise suspicion, but when they gather together, theyll be a force to be reckoned with.

Sooner or later the emperor will find out.

Thats a given. Which doesnt give you too much time to get into the inner sanctum of the Twelve Suns.

Of all the things that Dallion expected, that was the last. With everything going on in relation to his settlements, he had all but forgotten about the Order of the Twelve Suns.

Come on. He looked to the side. As he did, he found that another version of the copyette was standing next to him as well.

Weve learned that an event of major importance will take place soon. The slime ignored Dallions reaction. Its believed that a close relative of the emperor will take part in it. Were not talking about any of the branch families, but someone whos in the line of succession. A ruler without direct heirs will inevitably become a victim to rumors, even the emperor.

Strange. Dallion hadnt heard any such rumors. He was just about to make a remark, when it hit him: he hadnt heard any such rumors. In a city that lived on gossip, every major house was discussed. House Elazni was especially prominent, with opinions split between Dallion being outcast to drop out of the race and him being sent there to gain some quick hands-on experience before replacing the duchess. There was no way people wouldnt discuss the future of the empire. So far, the direct line of succession had continued without fail for hundreds of years.

Hes been suppressing it, Dallion said, trying to think of anything else that people were actively not discussing.

The person in question is Duke Abla Eir, second duke of the empire.Cheêck out latest novels at wuxiahere.com

During his time in the capital, Dallion had occasionally heard the name. Like most of the established members of the main imperial house, he didnt have to involve himself in the local webs of intrigue and politics. Supposedly, he was adequately skilled, but the same could be said for most imperials. Training echoes, artifacts, and skill gems werent an issue, allowing them to achieve in weeks what others couldnt in decades. The only limit was the one they were born with.

Is he part of the Sun Order? Dallion asked.

I just have to open the door, right? Dallion took a step closer.

Unlock it. If you try to force it open, even with the expected skills, youd have failed.

I only have one go?

The Suns dont believe in second chances. Remember, its your goal to prove yourself to us, not the other way around.

What a load of snobs, Dallion clenched his teeth. If it wasnt for the archbishop, he wouldnt have gone along with this. Making it to the common room was enough to obtain general recognition. The rest was superfluous.

Unlock, he repeated, correcting himself.

Yes, thats all it takes. And don't worry, youre free to use your magic to summon any tool, device, or materials. You merely cant use them to create the actual item.

Clearly, they werent aware of magic forging.

See you on the other side, then.

Dallion was about to start, when the woman moved in front of him, hands extended forward.

Just one other thing, she added. You need to use this. She handed him a ring of black metal.

An artifact?

A precaution, if you will. We need to be sure that you arent using your magic vision.

That stood to reason, but it also could be a trap. In the home of paranoia, where the simplest actionor inactioncould ruin careers, Dallion was wise to be cautious.

So much for trust.

Trust is only determined after the fact.

The argument could well have continued for a while longer, but Dallion quickly took the ring and put it on his left pinky finger. All magic threads he could see abruptly disappeared.

Gen, is everything okay in there? Dallion decided to check.

All good so far. No portals, no realm invasion, the echo replied.

Am I allowed to enter the doors realm?

Only if you find a way to.

Taking a few steps forward, Dallion put his hand on the door. Just like last time, nothing occurred. Normally, any object would have a realm, and often a guardian. This one merely kept shimmering in an otherworldly light. It was obvious that the material was metalDallions forging skills told him that muchbut for all intents and purposes, it was so foreign that it might not exist.

No magic and no entering its realm, Dallion thought, sliding his fingers along the cold surface. Obviously, there was a way to complete the trial, but how exactly? The four crafting skills were forging, carving, arts, and scholar. Similar to the first trial, all of them would have to be used to go through this.

Avoiding the door would also constitute a failure, Unnie said. Just in case youre considering it.

I wasnt. Dallion lied. One more thing, though. If I break part of the door, but not enough to pass through, would I still lose?

If youre as skilled as people claim, you already have everything necessary to complete the trial, the woman replied in a way that suggested that damaging the door in any way might be considered a failure.

Alright, lets get cracking, Dallion thought.

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