Leveling up the World

Chapter 870: The Order's Treasure

Chapter 870: The Order's Treasure

What are you doing here? Dallion retained his composure.

What am I doing here? A mocking smirk formed on Tors face. Im the one who backed your invitation. Did you imagine these things just happen?

That was a surprise in more ways than one. Tors never hid his disdain of Dallion. The only reason he was even engaging in conversation was because of their title difference. When Dallion was a baron, the noble took every chance to degrade him. Now that the otherworlder was a count, his opinions hadnt changed, but he was savvy enough to create the appearance that they had.

I didnt know you were a member of the Twelve Suns. Dallion made his way further into the room. The door closed behind him, disappearing beneath a layer of illusion.

Knowing our great-grandmother, how do you think I became her favorite grandson?

You dont have twelve skills.

That rule went out of fashion centuries ago. Nine skills are enough now.

There was a touch of irony that the Order of the Twelve Suns had started admitting members with nine skills. There was no denying the practical need. Now, Dallion fully understood the difficulty of the second trial. For all intents and purposes, that was the final step to be acknowledged as a proper candidateperfect mastery of eight skills, and knowledge of one or two more. After the Green and Purple Moon had hidden their faces away from the world, it must have become incredibly difficult for someone to have the full set of twelve. As far as Dallion knew, other than himself, only the emperor had such a mastery.

And the young duchess? Dallion asked.

Shes crippled. Cruel joy emanated from the Tors. Her music skills are the best the family has seen since your grandmother, I believe. And yet she had the simplest skill blocked upon awakening. He made a sign for one of the waiter golems to serve him a glass of glowing amber liquid. A complete lack of athletic skills.

I was nearly the same, Dallion thought.

Although circumstances were different, he too had considered forsaking attack skills once his first skill choice was offered. If necessity hadnt forced him, he would have undoubtedly preferred forging skills, turning him into a valued crafter with a very limited combat ability. There was every chance that he would have remained in Dherma village, raising a family, joining the elder council at most, he would have traveled to a few of the neighboring settlements.

But enough about her. With you, our house has two members in the inner sanctum. Tors took the drink from the platter and downed it in one gulp. As a matter of fact, your timing is perfect. Id like to introduce you to someone.

Returning the empty glass, the noble stood up and turned towards the section with a view of the east waterfall. Dallion followed. He could see why his cousin believed he had a valid chance to take over from the old duchess. Despite his terrible character, he was rather skilled as well as a domain ruler. Being a member of the Twelve Suns was more than a secret society. It provided a direct link to the emperor. That was also the reason Tors was so fearful of being replaced for the positionwith his twelve skills Dallion was well ahead.

Three people were standing at the edge of the vast opening, observing the waterfall. One of them was a mageDallion could see the difference in magic threads even from this distance. The remaining two had to be skilled as well, but were wearing artifacts that kept Dallion from taking a peek at their trait levels.

So, what happens in the inner sanctum? he asked casually. Sitting around, talking about otherworlders and the good old days?

Thats for those in the other rooms. As members of the Order, were discouraged to speak ill of them, but theyre just a faade. Dont get me wrong, they have skills and some of them I could even call friends, but theyre members only in name. Back when the Zenith building was first constructed, the rooms were reserved for candidates. Heres where the real decisions are made.

Funny you could say that with a straight face, Dallion thought. From what he could gather, in a different time, Tors and all other sub-twelve skill candidates wouldnt have moved beyond the common room.

Hes here, an item guardian whispered. Yet, the comment wasnt meant for Dallion.

Abla, Pierce, Tors shouted once fifty feet from the end of the room. Look who I brought.

Two of the people turned around. The third one remained staring in the distance.

With this, I won the bet.

Dallion would have very much liked to call his cousin a sniveling ass-kisser, but based on the emotions emanating from the people, they held each other with a good degree of respect. Reading into the bouquet, it could be said that Tors was considered the new kid on the block.

Dallion? the mage asked. Clearly, titles werent a thing in the Order of the Twelve Suns.

Dont mind him, he doesnt believe in wasting time on traveling, Astra said. Im sure youll see more of each other. Tors, she turned to the Elazni, did you show him the shrine?

I have somewhere to be as well, the noble said, clearly annoyed. Im sure our fabled prodigy will figure it out on his own. Then he, too, vanished. The difference was that, unlike the duke, he was running.

Might be just me, but I dont think he likes you a lot, Pierce whispered.

Family issues, Dallion said, remaining on guard. He didnt like him and Tors being so close. Hopefully, the Order of the Twelve Suns had rules about members not attacking each other frivolously. Nothing unusual. So, you have an awakening altar?

No. The Order of the Seven Moons have those. We have something a lot rarer, and for people like usmuch more useful. Come along.

Feeling like a stranger in a tourist trap, Dallion had no choice but to follow. Nine times out of ten, the great secret would turn out to be something completely useless but with a lot of historic significance. There was a brief moment in which Dallion was hoping to get a look at the forty-level altar, not that he needed it.

The room changed as they walked. Using his aether vision, Dallion was able to see as they went to one of the rooms walls, where another, less prominent door was placed. Three layers of illusion covered it, creating a majestic marble gazebo surrounded by veils of pure light.

Just like the Academy, Dallion muttered.

I wouldnt know. Pierce pulled a curtain segment aside. Please.

A small altar slightly bigger than a water fountain became visible in the center. Wider than the awakening ones Dallion had seen, it was composed of familiar hexagonal prisms, although the central part was missing, as if someone had removed its heart long ago. To compensate, the hex prisms around it were not six, but twelve, each in a different shade.

Thats the Sun Orders altar? Dallion asked, refusing to believe it.

Magnificent, isnt it? Pierce asked. Its what separates us from the Academy, the Order of the Seven Moons, or everyone else in the world. We have the worlds only skill altar.

The name alone was enough to impress anyone. If what was claimed turned out to be true, this was the only object that would allow a person to increase their skills at a rapid pace merely by completing shrine trials. No wonder a minor religion had formed around it. Being able to grow at such a degree was as miraculous as the standard awakening altars themselves.

Whats the limit? Dallion asked.

The limit you are born with, Astra said, effectively suggesting that there was none. The only requirement is that you already have the traits. Other than that, the principle is the same. If youre strong enough to defeat the creatures it sends your way you get to improve.

In his mind, Dallion could almost see it nowa wide field, similar to an arena, surrounded by a ring of a hundred arches. With enough skill and dedication, one could go far. Of course, if it was like any of the other altars, asking for help was also possible. That was the real reason members brought their childrento acquire skills that they otherwise wouldnt.

By the Moons, I did not expect that, dear boy, Adzorg admitted. It would have saved me so many troubles growing up.

It would have saved many people a lot of trouble, Dallion replied.

The existence of this altar virtually guaranteed that anyone in the capital could instantly be transformed into a nine-skill awakened. Hundred-level skills alone werent enough to defeat someone with high traits, but in large numbers they were perfect for creating armies. All of a sudden, the Azures didnt seem like the greatest threat in the world. Rather, it was the emperor.

And caused just as many problems, Adzorg continued. I can understand why the Order of the Twelve keeps it hidden, but still. I was the archmage for Moons sake!

Yes, you were an archmage, but were never invited.

Well, I gather the emperor had a good reason. Anyway, what are you thinking? Ready to give it a try and boost those incomplete skills of yours?

That was definitely a good idea, but in the present circumstances, it wasnt going to be enough. Against a force such as this, Dallion would need more.

Im thinking I need an awakening altar of my own, he said.

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