Leveling up the World

Chapter 899: The Order's Support

Chapter 899: The Order's Support

Another dragonlet froze, captured by coming into contact with the prison sphere. The issue was that the hunter who used them only had three. He was one of those specialized in taking on large game; matched against a pack of small creatures, he fared no better than anyone else. The issue was that with six people remaining, there was no one who could exclusively focus on the smaller pests.

Although incapable of flight, the new large dragon had learned a lot from the groups encounter with the previous one. It was much better at evading point attacks, and line attackseven when infused with sparkhad no effect on its magic coated scales. To make matters worse, it also made attempts at using standard guard skills. In comparison to the attacks, the attempts were clumsy, always ruined before a full sequence could be completed, but it was one more thing to worry about.

Performing a line attack with his aura sword, Dallion used the motion to cast another healing spell aimed at Abla. Knowing that speed was of the essence, the high noble had focused exclusively on attack. As a result, several of his attacks had gone in, dealing minor damage. The price was getting a few hits of his own. Individually, they werent anything much, but as everyone knew, even small things mattered in large amounts.


Damage dealt is increased by 1000%

A dragonlet plopped on the ground, moments before its body disappeared into a cloud of fading particles.

Eight left! the Count shouted.

Seven and one big one, Astra corrected.

With the white rectangle revealed, fighting the creature was significantly easier than before, although not to the point they could relax. It was notable that no one, not even Dallion, used any of their top tier attacks.

I can take some of the pups, the spectral shardfly whispered to Dallion. I think I could take the big one as well.

No, Dallion said firmly.

Slashing the air with his aura sword, he drew more weight symbols on the dragons body. The creature was probably bearing the weight of a mountain, but that only marginally slowed it down.

Every instinct in Dallion screamed for him to end with his support and join the attacking group. Five people dealing with seven dragonlets was feasible. After that, everyone could focus on the big one again. The wiser him decided to wait. If his suspicions were correct, the enemies hed face this hunt wouldnt just come from outside the party.

Ive softened the eyes, he shouted, as a new set of magic symbols took hold.

Abla and the Count darted at full speed. Each took a side from which they charged, aiming at the creatures weak spots. The dragon seemed to be expecting that, for it spun around, using his wings and tail as weapons.

The strikes were unsuccessful, though they forced the two nobles to pull back. Astra, on the other hand, took it upon herself to leap over and focus a point attack aimed at the dragons head.


Dealt damage is increased by 10%

A few scales tore off the side of the monsters cheek. Not losing determination, Astra followed up with a second attack, though the dragon quickly extended its wing, using it as a shield.

Its catching on quick, Dallion thought.

Magic spheres emerged in the air, pouring aether shards on the back of the dragon. Facing an attack it was unfamiliar with, the creature moved its wings, shielding itself from the new source of damage. That proved just enough for Abla to do his thing. Taking a step back, the man threw his sword as if it were a spear.

The weapon split the air, changing shape as it did. The massive blade shrank in width, taking on the form of a five-foot needle. Then, it struck.


Damage dealt is increased by 1000%

First strike, Dallion thought.

The attack was identical to last time. Now all that was left was the second phase.


Damage dealt is increased by 10%

Dozens more red rectangles appeared, stacking on one after the other. Whatever changes the blade was going through, it was devouring its target from the inside, like a shoal of piranhas. The dragon roared and twisted in agony for a few seconds, after which it fell lifelessly to the ground. Another moment later, the second large dragon was gone, its body vanishing in a cloud of particles.

Now, there were only seven creatures left, all of them dragonlets.

Tors, focus on the mist! Dallion ordered. There might be more.

What else? A bubble of reality surrounded Abla. We continue through the mist wall.

Passing to the other side of the void revealed a sight no different from the one they had left. The terrain remained dark, bleak, and shifting, covered with occasional void clouds sticking to the ground. Looking into the distance, the faint outline of another thick mist wall was visible. Ten minutes later, it was confirmeda wall of void mist surrounded the area like a thin band.

Initially, one might suspect that it was meant as a protection keeping hunters and curious awakened out. However, it could equally be meant to prevent the feral dragons from leaving.

Splitting into hundreds of instances, each of the remaining members explored the encircled area foot by foot. Other than some magic traceswhich clearly came from the dragonsnothing of interest was found. The entire place was one big nothing, leaving the group to the single conclusion that the path had to continue into the real world. Summoning their weapons, the nobles formed a circle, their backs to each other, then simultaneously left the awakened realm.

The change was abrupt, causing sunlight to flood their senses. Caught off guard, Tors split into a dozen instances. Everyone else remained as they were, staying vigilant.

Doesnt look like any are here, the Count said. Prodigy, any magic traces?

Nothing I can see, Dallion replied. Nothing fresh in any event.

Fresh is a relative term, Gleam said, fluttering above him, wrapped in an illusion of invisibility. Theres nothing on this spot, but thats not the case everywhere.

I think there might be something, he added out loud. Show me.

Just to let you know, Eury has done what you asked, Veil told Dallion now that his blocker item was removed. Shes not too happy about it.

I bet, Dallion replied as he kept walking after Gleam. Did the archbishop break his promise?

The bishop who met her claimed to be an old friend of yours. Of ours actually. Remember the albino cleric who was with us during the first chainling hunt?

That was a bad turn of events. Dallion knew for a fact that Cleric was a copyette posing as a human. Officially, he had taken on the role of archbishop of Nerosal and the de facto ruler of the city. There was no reason for him to go so far east, unless the archbishop had something specific in mind.

Cleric has granted you full control of the Land of NEROSAL.

Defeat the guardian and change the lands destiny.

Cleric has granted you full control of the Land of MONASTERY 1902.

Defeat the guardian and change the lands destiny.

Cleric has granted you full control of the Land of MONASTERY 1903.

Defeat the guardian and change the lands destiny.

Cleric has granted you full control of the Land of MONASTERY 1904.

Defeat the guardian and change the lands destiny.

Cleric has granted you full control of the Land of MONASTERY 1907.

Defeat the guardian and change the lands destiny.

Cleric has granted you full control of the Land of MONASTERY 1908.

Defeat the guardian and change the lands destiny.

You have broken through your one hundred and twenty-seventh barrier.

You are level 127.

Choose the 17 traits you value the most.

Rectangles stacked up in front of Dallions eyes.

What do you know, Veil commented. The Order of the Seven Moons decided to honor their promise, after all.

Yeah, Dallion could only say. Curious timing.

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