Leveling up the World

Chapter 977: The Mansion of Illusions

Chapter 977: The Mansion of Illusions

As a child Dallion would adore watching zombie movies with his friends. It was discouraged by their parents, which automatically made it interesting. Also, there was a lot of blood, violence, and jump scares. Nearly always the watching session would be followed by a “series” discussion regarding how one would survive in a zombie apocalypse.

Right now, Dallion didn’t have to imagine it. Whatever Alien had done effectively had transformed a large party of the people into the equivalent. They weren’t slow, decomposing, nor did they seek brains. Laying eyes on him was enough for even old ladies to become violent and set off to fight him.

Keeping out of sight, Dallion watched a rather expensive car drop off Atol a few roads away. Despite his warning she had convinced someone to lend a hand. Thankfully, she was cautious enough not to let him see Dallion.

With a whisper she made the man drive off, then—only after making sure that no one was looking at her—did she pick up the phone.

Dallion’s mobile vibrated.

“Nice car,” Dallion whispered.

“Haven’t you learned by now?” The woman spoke casually, but there was slight tension in her words. “Where are you?”

“Head towards the oak, then continue along the street. You’ll see me in a few miles.”

The woman looked in Dallion’s direction, but her perception trait had to be less than his, for she didn’t comment on noticing him.

“I really have no idea why I put up with this,” she hissed.

“Because you’re hoping that I’ll be able to kelp you relearn some of your skills, but mostly because you don’t want to remain alone in a world of awakened.”

“Shithead.” She closed the connection.

As she was approaching, Dallion went though his plan. In typical fashion, it was rather reckless. He had found what he suspected to be Alien’s home. What was left was to get there in one piece. Combat splitting gave him a substantial advantage, but it wasn’t foolproof—one mistake too many and Dallion could end up dead.

Putting his phone away, Dallion looked at his left hand. All the scars and scrapes had vanished, courtesy of Lux. Sadly, it wouldn’t be enough to stop a knife or bullet.

“I wish you were her old man,” Dallion said thinking of Adzorg. “At least then I’d know what spell your apprentice is using.”

In some ways it felt like music, but the general behavior didn’t fit. Also, when Dallion had tried using his own music skills to convince a biker to stop chasing me, there hadn’t been any effect.

The only thing he could think of was the use of a limiting echoes. It wouldn’t be the first time. Yet, to place echoes in so many peoples Alien would need a lot more than dedication.

It took ten minutes for Atol to reach Dallion. Even in these circumstances she refused to run, out of caution and pettiness in equal measure. Seeing that no one was following, Dallion stepped out of his hiding spot and went to meet her.

“You better have some good news.” The woman shook her head.

“I know where he is,” Dallion said.

“That’s it?” She didn’t sound at all impressed.

“Magic seems to require electricity in this world,” Dallion continued as if she had asked a completely different question. “There’s been one house that’s been using loads of it for years. The residents aren’t anything special, but they got approved for unlimited tier usage.”

“I got to live in a five-star hotel for a month without paying.”

Tiles, Dallion said using his empathy ability. Are there any traps beneath you?

Traps? Several of them asked surprised. There are no traps.

Just improvements, another added. The metal sheet beneath can withstand anything.

Metal... so, that was the mage’s trick. For one, it was probably reinforced steel. For another, there was a good chance that it was covered in illusion symbols as well.

Right then a ringtone sounded. It was faint, no one without awakened skills would have even noticed, but Dallion did. Not only that, but he was able to pinpoint its location within the building. Despite recent events, it wasn’t coming from the ground floor, but the second.

There could be many reasons for that. There was no reason for Alian to have the phone with him at all times. Dallion himself would leave it in his dorm on frequent occasions. However, the place that the phone usually was had to be the one most frequented.

Rushing along the roof, Dallion used his athletic and acrobatic skills to smash through two of the second-floor windows. In both instances he ended up in the same room. Neither was followed by a gunshot.

The room was small, full of cheap furniture, and a computer that had probably gone out of fashion in the year two thousand. Cables covered the walls forming symbols. Funnily enough, Dallion could recognize quite a few of them. Once the power was restored, the place would likely be at least ten times as large, pleasantly cool, and possibly full of waterfalls.

A pair of shots punctured the door of the room, followed by the start of a click—the mage was reloading. This was it—the best opportunity Dallion would get. Splitting again, he leaped into the door. Splinters exploded all around, as Dallion entered the corridor. A man with a rather impressive rifle was there, in the process of reloading.

Instantly, Dallion grabbed the weapon. He expected Alien to put up some resistance, but surprisingly he was able to pull it out of the man’s hands even before Nox could break it.

It was only then that Dallion got a good look at the man. There could be no mistake that it was the last archmage of the Academy. Alien’s features were recognizable, even if he appeared four times younger. Skinny, unshaven, wearing a pair of clothes that most people would throw out, there was nothing left from the grandeur the man had in the awakened world.

“Alien?” Dallion asked, unable to believe his eyes.

The other didn’t say a thing, staring forward in sheer terror.

“What are the rest of your countermeasures?” Dallion asked, using his music skills to nudge the man. “Are there guards in the house?”

“No guards,” the other replied. “Can’t be trusted.”

The response made one thing clear. Alien wasn’t making an attempt to take over Centennial, he was hiding from someone, or possibly something. All the layers of protection were just that—a means to ensure that the mage knew when other awakened came close and could deal with them.

“Who’s after you?”

Alien didn’t say a word.

“Why are you hiding?”

The sound of a creak caught Dallion’s attention. It seemed that there was someone else in the house, after all.

With Alien’s mobile still ringing in the background, Dallion split into instances. Letting go of Alien in one of them, he rushed along the corridor. There was no telling who he’d stumble on. It could be an unsuspecting guest or it could be another awakened.

As it turned out, it wasn’t too difficult to find out. Within moments, Katka emerged. Unlike alien, she appeared almost the same as she was in the awakened world, possibly a bit older.

“I thought it might be you,” she said, looking at Dallion. “And to answer your question, he’s hiding from everyone. There aren’t many mages in the world, and everyone who remembers hates us all.”

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