Leveling up the World

Chapter 996: A Plan in Motion

Chapter 996: A Plan in Motion

Jenna was the first to arrive at Jeremy’s mansion. Despite her attempts, everyone could sense how starstruck she was by being in Jeremy’s presence. Apart from being a supermodel, he was well known in the void network, not least because of the show of force he had displayed when the watcher organization had reared their head.

Although he knew that he’d have to repeat everything again, Dallion went through his recent discovery, vaguely mentioning that he had heard it from the Broken Star. At this point, the secret of her escape had probably crossed the entire globe.

There was a lot to take in. Every few minutes Dallion would stop, so Jenna could rationalize things in her head. Then, under the amusing glance of Jeremy, he would continue.

It wasn’t until the next day that Kraisten arrived. Even with the tickets purchased and mailed by Jeremy, the man had refused to use his abilities to get any advantages. The main reason for that was his intention to teach the mages humility. Judging by how quiet Alien appeared, one could come to the conclusion that the Kraisten had succeeded. Based on the emanations of anger, it was clear that the success was only partial.

Much to Dallion’s regret, the deputy marshal had refused to come. The previous Architect had taken the pains to send a patrol car to Jeremy’s estate to check for a domestic disturbance. Since Jeremy had never been married or in any relationship, at least in this world, everyone could tell that the patrol car had been sent as a warning. The deputy marshal didn’t care what Dallion had found and didn’t want to get involved in it.

Once evening came, and everyone was enjoying the food that Jeremy had ordered, Dallion finally revealed the secret to the rest of the group. Reactions were all over the place: from panic and disbelief to mild amusement.

“You want to go to the moon?” Katka asked amid almost hysterical laughter. “That’s a new one, even for you.”

“It actually was attempted by an archmage once,” Jeremy said casually. The instant he did, Katka’s laughter stopped, and Dallion would swear that she managed to sit to attention. “He failed, of course, killed by the Order’s guardians. My echo tried to warn him a few times.”

“We’re not there,” Kraisten said, still deep in thought. “You’ll make us build a spaceship, aren’t you?”Finnd new chapters at wuxiahere.com

“Only a construction worker could come up with such a response,” Jeremy laughed. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

“What other option is there? Catapult him there?”

Dallion understood the dilemma. However, Kraisten wasn’t that far off from the truth. When it came down to it, everything was a matter of force. If they could use enough magic to propel Dallion with enough force in the correct direction, there was every possibility that he reached his destination. Whether he’d do that in one piece was a different topic altogether.

“You help me sneak on a rocket,” he said.

Everyone went silent.

“Hey, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. It’s not like there’s one launch per year. I’m not saying that we hijack it, or that I even sneak aboard one with people in it. I could travel as cargo. I’ll just get rid of the real one.”

The silence continued for ten full seconds more.

“Sometimes, I’m really ashamed we’re related.” Kraisten shook his head, arms crossed. “Have you even thought this through? How are you going to breathe?”

“That’s why Jeremy has ordered a magic power source. I’ll use that to create air. Lux will handle the rest. From what I remember, it takes a few days to reach the moon. I can survive without food or water until then.”

“Living in your piss and shit.”

“As I said,” Jeremy joined in. “The archmage was very convinced he could reach one of the moons. The empire held a lovely ceremony for him. I think he received some honorary title or something. I can’t remember.”

“What if he uses void matter?” Jenna asked. “That would help. If he leaves Earth’s orbit, maybe that could keep him safe?”

Everyone looked at her.

“Doubtful, also impossible since he can’t use it and has no intention of learning how to. Isn’t that right, Dal?” Jeremy mocked.

“Even if all that’s possible, I still don’t see you making it to the rocket,” Katka returned to the conversation. “That’s not like breaking into a loony bin. There are cameras and sensors everywhere. If one of them malfunctions, they don’t just ignore it. They stop the launch until they have cleared things out.”

“What do you mean?” Dallion arched a brow.

“When you get there, you might be a level one again. And even if you’re not, the Moons will have the power to punish you. They’ve obviously done it before.”

“I doubt they’ll spoil their new world so soon after leveling.”

“And if they do?”

“Then...” All hesitation vanished from Dallion’s mind. “Then at least I’d be with the one I love, achieving the thing I wanted. I’ve already lived for a few thousand years, give or take. Not bad for a human, don’t you think?”

The question effectively brought the conversation to an end. Jeremy excused himself, then went to sleep in the master bedroom. One by one, the others did the same. Each of them had a guest bedroom, which was more luxurious than anything they were used to on Earth. Naturally, they also had Jeremy’s permission to use some electricity to adjust the rooms if they wanted to—just as long as it wasn’t permanent.

Soon enough, only Dallion and Kraisten were left.

“It can’t be just love,” the large man said. “Can it?”

“Why not? Jeremy made an empire and set the entire world ablaze because he didn’t agree with Simon’s view of celibacy.”

“That was in the other world. He’s not like that here.”

You’d be surprised, Dallion thought. If anything, Jeremy was behaving like a widower with a shrine of his wife in the form of a room full of Alice in Wonderland books and paintings.

“You act as if you’re still there,” Kraisten added.

“Maybe I am,” Dallion said. “Maybe a part of me still is.”

“No. Not maybe.” The man placed his hand on Dallion’s shoulder. “And it’s more than a part. Looking at you, it’s as if you never left. I felt the same when I was banished to Dherma. I tried to continue living as best I could, hoping that she was still out there somewhere, just out of reach.”

“She’s still there.” Dallion smiled. “Simon made her a guardian against the void.”

“That little—”

“When I became the Architect, I set her free. She’s there right now. She doesn’t remember me, of course, and doesn’t remember you, but she’s there.”

Kraisten remained silent.

“When I get back, do you want me to tell her anything?”

“What’s the point?” Kraisten smiled. “I don’t exist there anymore. Although... If you make it there, and the Moons don’t create a new crater in your honor, think of something. If she knows she has a daughter, she’d know that at some point she had a husband... or something close.”

“I promise. When I get there, I’ll tell her you miss her. And I’ll also tell my mom as well.”

“I appreciate that. What about your family here? Want me to take care of that?”

“No need. I’ve made them forget. It’s better for everyone that way. As you said, I’m still in the awakened world, not in this one.”

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