
gossip Princess Kara greetings (survey)

We're going to write down what we received in our 1000 Story Memorial Request today! That first round was "Father with Dreams x Princess Kara"! After that, I will write it randomly or in the order I came up with it.

This time in chronological order, dreams will introduce the kings to their parents for the first time!


A special guest had arrived at Castle Mephirado that day. Alim and Mika, who have often come to visit with the princess of this castle from time to time, and the three sages who seem to have something to do with them. The identity was a person from another world. Such five parents had been summoned from another world by the hand of Alim, and were coming to greet him.

Princess Kara was excited. Because the family of my best friend, who I never knew was born, is coming to my house. They were told by Alim that they were exploring the castle before there was an official greeting, so Princess Kara was walking around the castle alone for the purpose of meeting and talking to someone.

Along the way, one brunette, dark-eyed alim and a woman with a very similar face. I have spoken to Princess Kara from the woman.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Could it be Princess Kara?

"Yes, it is! Are you..."

Dark hair, dark eyes, hair was slightly longer and looked very similar to Alim. She was a little taller but quite beautiful. Princess Kara decided that she was Alim's sister and decided to move on with that.

"Alim's sister...... is it?

"Ha, no, you don't. Ayu... Alim doesn't have any sisters."

"Really? I'm sorry, Alim's mother. I heard that Alim is sixteen years old by nature.... You're so young!

"I'm not a mother, as they say."

Princess Kara tilted her neck unexpectedly. Not my sister, not my mother, I wonder what position you are in when it comes to it. Arim told me beforehand that each parent and brother would come, so I'm not even an aunt or cousin.

Princess Kara chose an option that was narrowed to the remaining one, thinking it would be unlikely in the boulder.

"Oh, uh... no way, Father..."

"Yes, I'm Alim's father. I always take care of her."

"Eh, ho, really... Oh, and excuse me. I didn't think..."

"Never mind, I've never been wrong."

He laughed, naming himself Alim's father as if he didn't actually care at all. Princess Kara observes him seriously again. It was also an extraordinarily beautiful woman, a little over the same age as Lilo and Muli, no matter where she looked from.

"Oh, you are"


He grinned and smiled gently. Princess Kara was hazy. And I always start telling Alim that I take care of her.

"... Oh, that! I've always been helped by Arim, and Arim is the benefactor of my life and my best friend to me. Um, Alim really just took care of me... and I can't seem to repay her for the rest of my life..."

"Was I? Anyway, the best thing about her is that she's nice to the bottom."

"Yeah, I think so! But other than that, Alim is amazing anyway, and, uh... I don't know what to say..."

"Don't worry too much about thanking me or having my life saved, keep up with that kid"

"Ha, ha!

Alim's parents, Princess Kara was satisfied to hear the words she most wanted to hear, although she could not tell them what she wanted to say to them. Princess Kara, who is relieved of all the tensions, continues to think about asking a lot of questions.

"Um, may I ask you a few questions about Arim or your father?

"Fine, ask me anything"

"So, what kind of work did your father do? Alim is such a fine adventurer, so your father did something like that..."

"There are no demons on Earth, so there are no adventurers to exorcise demons called anasm."

"Oh, did I!

"And I'm a researcher."

Princess Kara did not know what profession the researchers of the planet were in, so she visited them as they were. Alim's father explained from the differences between Anasm and Earth and told him in detail and concisely what he was doing on it.

"What a great job!

"I'm glad you said that. If you have any other questions. I'll tell you anything I know. Maybe it's Alim's secret."

"So how does Arim usually spend time there?

"Woman's... uh..."

Alim's father clogged his words for a moment in Princess Kara's inquiry. Alim was also late when she thought about how she behaved in this world. I coughed up once and then went on talking.

Roughly the fact that you are usually a student, hot regardless of your opposite sex or same-sex, showing unusual concentration on one thing, having exactly the same relationship with Micah as this one, being more childish than your original age, etc.

"So... that means neither Arim over there nor this Arim is fundamentally the same, is it?

"You will be."

"I kind of heard a very good story! Thank you!

"Fine. Keep up with those kids."

"Yes! See you later, Father."


"Then when I get another chance, I'll tell you what Arim told me - let me hear it!

"Sure, fine."

The two had a conversation and then cut the conversation off.

Princess Kara got in a pretty good mood when she learned about her favorite Alim.... more than that, though he remained surprised by the way his father looked.


(List of requests)

-Alim x Sho

-Alim x father

• Alim x Lil

· Women's Club by Anasm Women Members (with Alim)

-A Dream x Sho (when we first met)

-Shong X Lil (newlywed)

- Samurai (Fantasy Maru) x Xiang (samurai rigging)

-A Dream Family Father x Kara [done]

- Ult x Shiva

-Rose x Rakhand or Gabayina

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