Lewd System

34 3 chapters today


I will be doing 3 long chapters today to compensate for not posting chapters yesterday.

Vote power stones.

If I reach top 50. A Mass releaselike no other will happen.

Also if you donate to my pa.treon you will get a special deal I am planning out. Which is not only extra chapters, but also a direct discord link to talk to me.

You can choose your harem girls and fetish ;).

https://www.pa treon.com/ghostybones

Each tier represents the number of chapters.


5$ tier= 5 plus chapters

10$ tier= 10 plus chapters + bounus chapters

20$ tier = 20 plus chapters + bounus chapters.

30$ tier = 30 plus chapter + benefits such as discord me and talk about stories or 'other things'.

Also review if you can. Thank you all for the support.

>>>All non chapters will be deleted after next chapter is up<<<@@

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