When Yu Ye was about to hold his breath and concentrate on retreating to complete the processing of the eight barrels, in Taiyuan City, Yamamoto Kazuki was reporting work to Shinozuka Yoshio.

"Yamamoto-kun, according to you, the hidden clues you buried within the independent group have been eliminated this time?"

Yoshio Shinozuka leaned on the seat, rubbing his belly with his hand, and spoke in a serious tone.

"Yes, General."

Yamamoto Kazuki replied with a half-bowed body.

Obviously, Yamamoto Kazuki was extremely upset that the secret he had buried was discovered.

"General, not only was this secret discovered by the Independent Regiment, but also the Chinese people I arranged to assist were also discovered. The independent group used this as a breakthrough and directly captured everyone on this line.

This makes our already difficult intelligence work even more difficult."

Yamamoto Kazuki lowered his head, his face showed a rare dejection.

"Mr. Yamamoto, by now we should realize what a formidable opponent we face."Yoshio Shinozuka was seriously discussing this issue with Kazuki Yamamoto.

"Yes, General"

"Yamamoto-kun, this team is different from the Chinese army we have encountered before. At present, they should not be included in the official ranks of the government forces, but their organization is far stronger than that of the government forces.

In the past, even if the Chinese army we met resisted, it would only swarm forward with courage and might very well collapse on the spot, or fall apart in an instant after being defeated by us.

However, this team's strong organizational capabilities and spirit of sacrifice in order to achieve strategic goals are to some extent stronger than the Locust Army."

Yoshio Shinozuka sat up straight and said seriously.

"General, in addition to the factors you mentioned, we should also note that in the past six months or so, the combat capabilities of this guerrilla team or non-government army, which we did not originally take seriously, have increased unprecedentedly.

In particular, the equipment level of this army has been greatly improved.

In terms of firepower density, it is even stronger than our empire's army.

Also, some of the weapons used by this team are quite new.

I specifically asked our military industry experts to verify that there are many technologies and design concepts that we cannot do ourselves.

But to appear in such an army is simply incredible."

Yamamoto Kazuki raised his head, his eyes gradually became sharper.

"This is indeed the case. I have carefully studied the records of all the battles between the Independent Regiment and our army in the past six months or so. I can confirm that since the explosion of the Zhengtai Line special train, or since the Xiaowangzhuang gun tower was bombed by the Independent Regiment with homemade cannons, the Independence Regiment's Firepower levels increased dramatically."

Yoshio Shinozuka has obviously done very in-depth research on the independent regiment.

From another level, he lost six to seven thousand Japs, two flying squadrons, and one special train. This cannot help but be the responsibility of him, the Japs dispatched to Jin." People don't pay attention

"General, during the process of burying the secret, I also got some important information from the mouth of the prisoner of the Independent Regiment. I think I can corroborate it with the information you mentioned."


"The soldier of the Independent Regiment we captured named Zhu Ziming was responsible for the security of the Independent Regiment, which meant that he often had access to some of the core figures of the Independent Regiment.

According to him, in fact, half a year ago, even though the independent regiment's combat effectiveness was relatively strong, it was only at a relatively strong level of organization.

It wasn't until the young college student named Yu Ye appeared that the independent regiment's combat effectiveness suddenly increased."

Yamamoto introduced in detail the information he obtained from Zhu Ziming.


"yes general"

"General, according to Zhu Ziming, Yu Ye is a top student in the physics department of Southwest Associated University and is proficient in various arms manufacturing.

And the top brass of their army also attach great importance to industry.

Under the appointment of their headquarters, the Liaoyuan Arsenal was established specifically for Yu Ye, and he was appointed as the director of the Liaoyuan Arsenal.

According to their internal management structure, the entire independent group is even under the management of Yuye"


Yoshio Shinozuka responded, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

He murmured to himself:"Southwestern Associated University, Yu Ye, military industry expert."

There was extreme silence in the room, and Yoshio Shinozuka's eyes suddenly burst into murderous intent:"Kill him! He must not be allowed to cause more casualties to the empire's troops."

Hearing these words, Yamamoto Kazuki felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to continue. Yamamoto

Kazuki lowered his head, and a thought came to his mind: Can we really kill the military experts of this independent regiment with our current military strength?

"Mr. Yamamoto, do you have any thoughts on the military expert who killed the Chinese Independence Regiment?"

Yamamoto Kazuki:"......"

Yamamoto Kazuki's head lowered even further. He only had one thought in his mind: I have a saying that I don't always mean when I say it.

Three brigades, nearly 30,000 people, almost the strength of a division, have not yet eaten up the independent regiment, or killed this young man.

What the hell are you asking me?

How many divisions do I have?

Am I not the captain of a special operations brigade? I'm not even a major general, how the hell am I going to kill Yu Ye? are you joking?

"Yamamoto-kun, as a soldier of the empire, why do you keep your head down and say nothing?"Yoshio Shinozuka's tone became serious.

"General, I think with the current emphasis on industry by the Eighth Route Army, it is basically impossible for us to complete the frontal encirclement and suppression of the Independent Regiment.

Last time we used three brigades.

If we want to completely wipe out the Independent Regiment this time, I think we need at least 50,000 troops, and our entire Shanxi Province only has 200,000 troops.

Once we make such a big move, it will inevitably cause other Chinese armies to counterattack.

This is detrimental to our overall situation of obtaining various resources from Jin to support other battlefields."

Yamamoto Kazuki broke into a cold sweat. He must persuade his boss to give up this crazy idea.

"Are there any other options?"

Yoshio Shinozuka also calmed down. Last time, 30,000 people were killed and thousands of them were killed. He almost had to be held accountable. It's better not to go too far.


Yamamoto Kazuki broke out in a cold sweat,"Are you going to catch me trying to pluck out the wool today?"

Without waiting for Yamamoto's reply, Yoshio Shinozuka said:"There are two other options.

First, we now have enough advantages in the air force to disrupt the production rhythm of their arsenal through indiscriminate bombing. If we are lucky, we can also This Yuye was killed.

Secondly, we can also arrange for elite troops to infiltrate to carry out beheading operations."

When talking about the second plan, Shinozuka Yoshio stared at Yamamoto Kazuki.

Yamamoto Kazuki could only bite the bullet and reply:"Hai!"

He knew that the general at this time was already on the verge of rage. Thinking about the captain who was forced to commit suicide, Yamamoto Kazuki still pinched his nose and followed this Task

"Yamamoto-kun, I have another question. Do you have any information on the commander of the industry or even the independent regiment? Do you know them?"

Yamamoto Kazuki:"......"

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