Twelve twin-linked anti-aircraft guns aimed at such a small airspace above the river valley and fired intensively. The air defense network weaved was extremely fine and astonishing.

Akira Tanaka, who was sitting in the belly of the bomber, had a very personal experience of this net.

Last night when he and Nishimura Rokusuke came for reconnaissance, they encountered the anti-aircraft guns of the Independent Regiment. Under the crossfire of the two anti-aircraft guns, Nishimura was blown up on the spot, and his own plane was also hit to the point of falling apart.

Today, when he sat in the plane again and came to the sky above this area, feeling the intensive firepower outside the cabin, he only felt that his whole body was shaking, and there was an indescribable pressure and fear.

Since the density of Japanese aircraft was very high at this time, the people of the Independent Regiment had no reservations the moment they contacted the enemy, and all anti-aircraft guns opened up their firepower instantly.

They knew that only by quickly forming an absolute suppression of the Japanese planes could they keep as many Japanese as possible here.

The 12 anti-aircraft guns were arranged in groups of two and one echelon as rehearsed in the previous training, harvesting Japanese aircraft one after another.

The twin rocket launchers are filled with high explosives developed by Yu Ye himself. During the intensive attack on the Japanese aircraft, not only the powerful penetrating power of the shells themselves but also the high kinetic energy fragments produced after the shells explode.

Hundreds of artillery shells produced tens of thousands of fragments, which began to sweep through all Japanese aircraft in this airspace.

The fragile armor of the Japanese aircraft was simply vulnerable to such an intense bombardment. The shells themselves and the fragments generated by the explosion penetrated these aircraft like a knife cutting through tofu.

Sitting in the belly of the plane, Tanaka's scalp was numb. He curled up and tried his best to avoid being affected by the shell fragments.

His head rested on the cabin of the aircraft, and he could even clearly feel the impact and penetration of shrapnel and shells on the aircraft.

Akira Tanaka's whole body was shaking a little. He felt that his life would be harvested by the independent regiment's artillery shells in the next second.

He began to regret why he had provoked the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. boom! boom!

Just twenty seconds after the independent regiment opened fire, two planes were hit by fuel tanks at the same time. They exploded in the air on the spot and were seen to be scrapped.

The entire battlefield will not stop just because of two Japanese planes, and the artillery shells against the Japanese planes have not stopped.

In addition to the three planes whose fuel tanks exploded, there were more than a dozen planes that were hit in the power system or caused destructive damage to the wings of the planes. The attitude of these dozen planes became uncontrollable, spinning and hitting the ground. And go.

Seeing such results, the artillery team of the entire independent regiment did not relax at this time. They knew that a more difficult battle was still behind them.

Although it is gratifying to achieve such results in the first wave of offensive through surprise attacks, once the Japanese adjust, it will be devastating to themselves and others.

However, the entire anti-aircraft artillery team of the independent regiment did not hesitate at all. The anti-aircraft guns in their hands did not stop for a moment. Even if the Japanese planes were diving towards their positions, their expressions did not change at all.

Grabbing the joystick, adjusting the muzzle, and pedaling to fire, all the artillery soldiers on the same position cooperated seamlessly, just like they had been training non-stop for the past half month.

On the position halfway up the mountain in the distance, Li Yunlong was so happy to see the battle situation that he slapped his thigh:"Old Yu, your cannon is really powerful! It's so pissy!

In less than a minute, the Japanese have already lost Nearly twenty planes were shot down! If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed this record.

The number of planes you’ve shot down in this moment is as much as the total number of planes we have shot down over the years!

The total is even more!

If this record is reported, not to mention the brigade commander, even the commander will have to buy you a drink!"

Yu Ye was not as optimistic as Li Yunlong. At this time, he gritted his teeth and started to defend the soldiers on the anti-aircraft gun position. I sweat a lot.

At this moment, this brilliant result only took the advantage of the enemy's firing first, and the density of firepower of the independent regiment also greatly exceeded the Japanese's expectations.

How could any devil have imagined that at this moment, the Eighth Route Army, which was extremely short of weapons and equipment, could produce twelve anti-aircraft guns? It sounds like a fantasy.

After the Japanese adjusted, the two sides faced off fiercely. At that time, the outcome was still unknown.

Maybe in half a minute, the battle will be like what Li Yunlong said before, the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road!

Whoever can withstand the pressure of the other party will survive.

After continuing to shoot down seven or eight Japanese aircraft, all the artillery positions of the independent regiment felt extremely strong pressure.

At this time, there are less than half of the remaining Japanese aircraft, and each anti-aircraft gun position will face at least one and as many as three or four aircraft, which gives the soldiers a strong sense of oppression.

The Japanese also learned the lesson. After suffering such heavy casualties, they quickly abandoned the dense formation and dispersed to conduct a surprise attack on the artillery positions of the independent regiment.

The Japanese's airborne machine guns began to fire at the independent regiment's position from a long distance away, and the raindrops of bullets raised waves of dust.

Many bullets landed three to five meters away from the soldiers, and some soldiers in some positions were even injured or even sacrificed.

However, what moved everyone was that in the entire twelve positions, even in the face of the enemy's powerful machine gun fire and the threat of aerial bombs, no one retreated!

Everyone, fight to the death and never retreat!

Although Captain Yang's gun position has just been adjusted today, the ambush position he is in at this time is still the core area. This position will face harassment from three Japanese planes.

The intensity of the Japanese counterattack was terrifying even to Yu Ye who was observing from a distance, and Li Yunlong frowned.

Captain Yang roared angrily:"Keep reloading me! Mad, either I will die today or the kid will die! We must kill the kid today!"

Even in the face of the bullets pouring in, Captain Yang did not lower his head. He came down half an inch, his eyes fixed on the Japanese plane, and the movements of his hands and feet did not stop.

The heart doesn’t stop, and the hands don’t stop either!

The Japs hovering in the sky also fired real fire. Since they entered the territory of China, where have they ever suffered such a tenacious counterattack from the ground air defense team, and where have they paid such a heavy price?

Among the three planes faced by Captain Yang's position, the pilot of one of the Japanese planes looked crazy:"Be loyal to the Locusts, and the spirit of Bushido will last forever!"

This Japanese fighter actually withstood Captain Yang's artillery fire and dived towards his position. Come.

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