When Yu Ye heard Li Yunlong's words, he wanted to say something, but he still swallowed the words.

According to the original timeline, so many soldiers should not have died because of his sudden arrival, which changed everything.

In other words, these soldiers died because of themselves.

I owe these soldiers many lives.

The journey back was very solemn, with almost no one talking the whole way, all the way back to their respective barracks at Yangcun Station.

Yu Ye was brought to the independent regiment headquarters because he followed Zhao Gang.

The regiment headquarters and the munitions office work together, using some unused houses of fellow villagers. When passing by the munitions office, Yu Ye saw a lot of ammunition boxes, some stretcher trolleys, and even some cast iron pipes.

After arranging the work at hand, Li Yunlong turned around and poured himself a bowl of wine, sat down on the kang, half-leaned against the wall and drank sip after sip.

Li Yunlong was obviously holding his breath.

He had no intention of greeting Zhao Gang and Yu Ye at all.

This is leaving two people here to hang out.

Even in industry���I'm a little embarrassed, and I'm thinking about finding an excuse to leave here first.

After a full five minutes, seeing that Li Yunlong did not move, Zhao Gang took the lead and said:"Captain Li, I am your partner in future work. Please help me."

After saying that, Zhao Gang stretched out his hand towards Li Yunlong who was leaning on the Kang. Take action.

Li Yunlong picked up the bowl, squinted his saliva, and said in a neutral tone:"Here comes another white-faced scholar."

He directly hung Zhao Gang's hand in the air.

"Political Commissar Zhao, can you drink?"Li Yunlong glanced at Zhao Gang and said

"Sorry, Captain Li, I don't know how to drink."

"If you don’t know how to drink, what are you doing in the independent group?"

"The Independent Regiment is for fighting, not for collecting wine and food."

"Yeah, that makes sense." Li Yunlong nodded indifferently.

Li Yunlong:"Oh, he is a cultured man after all. It seems that Political Commissar Zhao has fought in many battles. Will he teach us in the future?

We went too early today, otherwise we could have seen Political Commissar Zhao's killing spree.

This will also make us understand what fighting is."

Zhao Gang paused, paused for a moment and said:"I don't deserve it, let's learn from each other."

"When we first met, our independent group lost 6 soldiers because of you, so it’s better to explain some things clearly. The military and political affairs are separated, and everyone does his or her own thing. I have the final say in fighting, but you have the final say in matters of life. Is that okay?"

Li Yunlong directly gave Zhao Gang a blow.

Zhao Gang was suddenly resisted by Li Yunlong, but because of his work quality, he still said:"Of course it's okay for everyone to perform their duties, but on matters of principle, it's not who has the final say..

As long as it is within the scope of the political commissar's responsibilities, I will definitely take care of it!"

"It's the same thing, the regiment leader is in charge of fighting, the political commissar is in charge of life......"Li Yunlong's anger suddenly rose.

Yu Ye, who came from the army in the new century, naturally had a hard time agreeing with Li Yunlong's words, and blurted out:"Without iron-like discipline, there is no steel-like will, and there is no fire-like victory!"


As soon as these words came out, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang turned to look at him at the same time.

In this era, people who are not in their own team cannot say such things at all. Other teams are full of warlord style. Even Lao Chiang, who is known as a regular army, is no better than other military leaders.

Li Yunlong glanced at Yu Ye and asked Zhao Gang:"Is this white-faced scholar the document you brought?"

"No, we met this classmate on the road. He was chased by Japanese soldiers and we rescued him."Zhao Gang said truthfully

"This white-faced doll can't shoot a gun, but he can talk a lot. He can talk but is of no use to me. Give him two cornbread tomorrow and let him get out of here as soon as possible."Li Yunlong's face turned black instantly.

Because his previous two partners didn't get along well, Li Yunlong's attitude towards scholars has never been good.

"I won't leave. I want to stay here and fight the devils." Yu Ye stepped forward and confronted Li Yunlong head-on.

"You don't want to leave? With your thin arms and thin legs, what can you do if you stay here? Being a target for the Japanese?

Fighting the Japanese is for us soldiers, so go back to school as soon as possible.

A white-faced scholar beats up Japanese soldiers. What nonsense."

Li Yunlong slammed the wine bowl on the table angrily and said disdainfully.

Faced with Li Yunlong's disdain, Yu Ye's anger quickly rose. After all, he was also a top military industry expert, and he kept insulting the white-faced scholar. Even the clay figures are a bit angry

"Captain Li, I am a graduate of the physics department of Southwest Associated University last year. I am what you call a white-faced scholar. However, I owe the lives of the several comrades who died this time.

I have to return it!"

"What do you want in return? Can you shoot or fuck?"Li Yunlong was even more disdainful

"Commander Li, if I don't destroy one of your soldiers and capture one of the Japs' artillery towers, can I stay and fight the Japs?"Yu Ye stared at Li Yunlong's eyes and said word by word.

Li Yunlong looked at Yu Ye's eyes. Under the young man's eyes, he saw a fire-like emotion. This emotion he had only seen for some years. I saw it in the veteran.

His momentum was a bit weaker:"You white-faced scholar, what nonsense are you boasting about?""

"Commander Li, just say it’s okay?

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yunlong said:"Okay!" If you don't take down the turret within three days, get out of here as soon as possible"

"It’s a deal!"

"Yu classmates, don't be impulsive. This blockhouse must have three or four floors and be more than 10 meters high. The masonry structure must be at least one meter thick. Each turret has a Type 92 heavy machine gun and grenade launchers.

The standard configuration of each gun tower is 13 people, including a Japanese commander, four or five Japanese soldiers, and seven or eight puppet troops.

The most troublesome thing is not to destroy this turret, but that once one of the turrets is attacked, other turrets and bunkers will immediately come to support.

Not to mention our guerrilla comrades, even if we regular troops attack them, we are likely to suffer heavy losses if we are not adequately prepared."

Zhao Gang was worried that Yu Ye would be stimulated by Li Yunlong and brag about Haikou, so he introduced some details of the current artillery tower to Yu Ye.

Li Yunlong on the side heard that Zhao Gang was so familiar with the Japanese troop configuration, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. Deep in his eyes, the contempt for Zhao Gang is lessened.

"Thank you, Political Commissar Zhao, for reminding me that I did not agree to Commander Li casually. Since I agreed, I have a way to do it."As he said this, Yu Ye also glanced at Li Yunlong.

"Commander Li, since I don't need any of your soldiers, I would like to ask you to borrow something. I will return it to you after I take down the turret. What do you think?"

"what? Don't think about my machine gun."Li Yunlong became vigilant.

"Don't worry, your independent regiment only has two Czech guns and one foreign weapon. You are so poor that you pee blood. I don't dare to have the idea of using these weapons."

"That's okay, you say it."When he heard that Yu Ye didn't want his core weapon, Li Yunlong's expression instantly softened a bit.

"Give me those cast iron pipes from your munitions department, as well as some black powder and explosives, and lend me the cart you have.

Don’t worry, after we take down the turret, I don’t want any of the things captured inside, I’ll give them all to you."

"really?"Li Yunlong couldn't believe it.


"good!"Li Yunlong agreed immediately as soon as he slapped the table.

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