What this middle-aged puppet army officer said confused Old Li completely. He sat there for a while without any reaction.

Originally, Lao Li thought that Yu Ye was outstanding in the military industry, but he didn't expect that Lao Yu's random creations could be sold so well in the county.

If Lao Yu wanted to start an industry with peace of mind, he would probably become the leading industrial tycoon in the country.

"I came here so late because of an unexpected situation. The cloth shop and the blacksmith shop were not far apart. Two groups of people were fighting. You pushed me, I pushed you. Several groups of people were fighting.

The Japanese asked us to open it for them, and also confiscated some cotton cloth and coal stoves."

While speaking, the middle-aged puppet army officer had already finished the bowl of jelly in front of him.

"Damn little devil!"

Old Li was filled with indignation and cursed angrily.

The rest of the sentence was swallowed by Old Li:"Damn it, these little devils confiscated the assets of our independent group!

If I don't go back and kill hundreds of little Japs, I can't get this tone out of my mouth."

After hearing Lao Li vent his emotions, the middle-aged puppet army captain said:"Tonight, Gendarmerie Captain Hirata Ichiro is entertaining guests at the Juxian Tower.

All the Japanese lieutenants in the city and a few leaders of the puppet army are going. This can be regarded as a mobilization meeting."

"Mobilization? What action are they going to take?"

Li Yunlong asked doubtfully.

The middle-aged puppet army officer gave Li Yunlong a deep look and said meaningfully:"In recent times, your independent regiment has beaten the little devils too hard, and has lost too many soldiers and generals. The devils have no Explain the method to your superiors.

They didn't dare to send troops to fight against the independent regiment, so they could only vent their anger on some nearby Jinsui Army troops. During this period, the nearby Jinsui Army troops suffered many heavy blows.

A few days ago, a Japanese brigade fought against Chu Yunfei's troops of the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army. Although the Jinsui Army suffered heavy casualties, a Japanese brigade lost most of them.

This was unacceptable to the Japanese. Unexpectedly, besides the independent group, there was a strong backbone nearby. They were organizing another raid, targeting the Dagushan area where Chu Yunfei was currently stationed."

After listening to this explanation, Li Yunlong suddenly understood in his heart that this was the reason why Chu Yunfei had been so angry recently.

At the same time, Lao Li felt a little happy in his heart. The independent group had beaten the Japanese so hard that they no longer had the courage to counterattack. , this can be regarded as planting one's own flag in Jin.

"Also, there are a lot of people going to the countryside this time to clean up, mainly the gendarmerie brigade guarding the county, supplemented by the puppet army and the Luye company stationed in Yangquan. The momentum is not small, so you must be careful."

The middle-aged puppet army officer reminded

"OK, thank you for the reminder."

Li Yunlong nodded. Although it is difficult to inflict heavy damage on the Independent Regiment with this small force when the Independent Regiment is well prepared, but if the group of devils suddenly attacks the Independent Regiment in the name of clearing Dagushan, then Maybe he's passive

"Okay, now that I've finished my conversation and finished eating the jelly, it's time for me to leave."

The middle-aged puppet army officer picked up the military cap on the table and was about to get up and leave.

The moment before he stood up, Lao Li hesitated and finally said:"Brother, if you are in danger, , it’s better to follow me back to our team."

The middle-aged puppet army officer put on his hat and smiled:"I have been dragged step by step to this position in my life, but fortunately, I have not done anything harmful to nature.

Leave, I can’t leave. After all, my wife, children, and parents all live in the county.

You might say it's dangerous, but it's a bit dangerous, but if I'm in danger, you'll be safe.

I saw in the Eighth Route Army the hope of driving away the Japs, and I also saw in your Independent Regiment the possibility of being able to suppress the Japs.

I hope you won't disappoint me.

My life is ruined, so what?

If that day comes, I hope you don't have to worry about me and just escort my wife and children to your side. gone."

After that, the middle-aged puppet army officer strode away.

Li Yunlong looked at the middle-aged officer's back and murmured to himself:"Although he is not in our camp now, he is still a good man!"

In today's troubled times, the fate of the entire country is in flux. Countless people are in danger, and countless people are struggling on the line of life and death. Some people have put down the bottom line and kneel down to beg for life, and some people still yearn for the light even in the darkness.

"Come on, monk, let’s go see how Lao Yu’s achievements sell."

"Okay, from the shopkeeper."

The two came to the location of the cloth store that the middle-aged puppet soldier had just mentioned, and they saw a very strange phenomenon. Everyone formed a long queue at the door of the cloth store, and they were all waiting to buy cotton cloth. You know

, in this day and age, and in Jin Province, which is still under the control of the Japanese, there is no etiquette for queuing up to buy anything.

It is a strange sight to be surrounded by a crowd of people when buying anything. He pulled over an aunt and asked:"Sister-in-law, I want to ask you something, what are you buying?"

The old sister-in-law saw that Li Yunlong and the monk were well dressed, so she politely replied:"We are queuing up to buy cotton cloth here."

"What kind of cotton cloth? My friends and I have been to many places on the street, and I have never seen people buying cloth as lively as you do. It feels like you are buying some treasure."Li Yunlong said deliberately disdainfully

"How can this be called lively? Yesterday and this morning, it was called lively. In the morning, little g......The locust army also picked up a few people who were fighting to steal cotton, and confiscated the cotton they bought.

This batch of cotton cloth arrived in the county yesterday. We have all seen it. The knitting needles of this cotton cloth are very fine, which means that the material is very strong. The price is also very good. There are no sky-high prices. Buying a foot of cloth is better than before. It's less than half the price, and I think the finished clothes are more durable than before."

This old sister-in-law is also an enthusiastic person. Seeing that the two of them were so interested, she introduced the cotton cloth to Lao Li and the monk.

"Alas, I said, you two young people, do you also want to buy cloth? Then you have to go to the back and queue up."

"No, we don’t buy cotton, we just ask, ask."

Li Yunlong looked at the team with obviously hundreds of people, and had an indescribable feeling. What the hell, the locust army is maintaining order for the cloth of our independent regiment?

It seems awkward, but fortunately, the income will be paid in the end. The Liaoyuan Group's public account was gone, and the money earned could be used to make guns to fight the Japanese.

Also, Lao Li felt a little friendly when he saw the Japanese standing guard at the street entrance in the distance to maintain order at the cloth shop and the blacksmith shop. point.

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