As soon as Li Yunlong and the monk sat down, the monk quietly assembled the camouflaged 56 punch under his clothes and placed it in the most suitable position for hands-on work.

Li Yunlong stretched his neck and looked around, and found that Chu Yunfei had the same idea as him and chose to sit opposite him in the hall.

Excellent shooting angle.

This guy said he was going to cause a scene, and his actions were unambiguous.

"Everyone, please be quiet, everyone, everyone, please be quiet."

A translator served as the host of this birthday banquet and came out to shout when everyone had just settled down. It seems that Lao Li and others arrived at the right time.

"Today is the 45th birthday of His Excellency Ichiro Hirata. Now I would like to ask His Excellency Ichiro Hirata to give you a lecture!"

As soon as the voice fell, applause rang out from everywhere.

However, these sounded boring to Li Yunlong's ears. I, Old Li, came here to eat, not to listen to the devil's farts.

Li Yunlong turned a deaf ear to all the devil's words, Li Yunlong directly picked up the chopsticks in his hand and started greeting the good wine and food on the table. He felt that he was moving quickly enough, but he didn't expect that the monk next to him was faster than him. He had just picked up two pieces of pork.

After stuffing it into his mouth, he didn't expect that the monk had already put half of the roast duck in, and was now chewing on a duck leg.

As for the fish in front of him, he didn't pay attention at all. After all, it was this thing. It's too troublesome and a waste of time to eat.

The seats are at the Eight Immortals table. The other six people at the table frowned at Li Yunlong and the monk, thinking that these two guys were the reincarnations of damn hungry ghosts, right ? The reincarnated ghosts couldn't show off like this at the Locust Army's banquet.

They might be mistaken by the Locust Army for causing trouble, and the others at the table couldn't help but shake their heads. According to the monk's report, Chu Yunfei and Sun Ming were much more elegant. When Ichiro Hirata began to speak, the two of them listened quietly and even clapped cooperatively. It was strange.

The whole place was silent. Apart from the sounds of Li Yunlong and the monk eating and drinking, the only sound heard was the sound of Hirata Ichiro lecturing.

"I, Ichiro Hirata, would like to thank you all for coming, thank you very much!"

After Ichiro Hirata finished speaking, he gave a half-bow to everyone.

"As a locust soldier, it stands to reason that from the moment he hands over his personal belongings and puts on his military uniform, it means a complete separation from his personal life in the rear.

Therefore, this kind of birthday party is very luxurious"

"Since 1937, I, Hirata Ichiro, have never enjoyed better treatment than military horses. The Empire recruited me from my mother with just a postcard."

As he said that, Ichiro Hirata actually wiped away tears in public.

Li Yunlong focused on the banquet dishes in front of him, while Chu Yunfei listened carefully to Ichiro Hirata's speech, thoughtfully in his heart.

If according to Ichiro Hirata's words , the Japanese nation is really terrible, it is obvious that all the people are in the state of being soldiers, and they have been planning for China for a long time, and they are definitely not evil intentions overnight.

In the Japanese army, Japanese people like Ichiro Hirata who live like ascetics are definitely not here. Not a few, this is a terrible opponent.

And a crazy opponent who can suppress his crazy desire for decades just to conquer China, if China is really conquered by these guys. What they will do is simply unimaginable.

If this is the case, then don't give the little devils any opportunity to take advantage of them. If they have such intentions, they will be killed one by one. He Sunming took out the twenty-gun box cannon from his waist, opened the safety and cocked the hammer, ready to give the Japanese twenty-guns to celebrate his birthday.

Li Yunlong didn't have the time to listen to the devil's nonsense, so he took a sip of his wine glass and asked the person next to him. The monk who was eating so much said:"What was this little devil just talking about?

Why are you wiping your nose and tears? Isn't today a very festive day for the Japanese?

Aren't they afraid of attracting the Sangmenxing?"

The monk had already eaten so much that his mouth was full of oil. The chopsticks had already restricted his performance. He was holding a duck leg in his left hand and peanuts in his right hand. He said vaguely:"I didn't hear the whole story. It seemed that he was thinking about him. Mom. When Lao Li heard this, he took another sip of wine and said,"He still has a mother. I thought he jumped out of the cracks in the rocks.""

Several people around the same table stared at these two people in stunned silence. Although these puppet army bastards usually cursed the Japanese in private, who dared to point fingers at the Locust Army on this occasion? Moreover, He even made fun of Ichiro Hirata's mother.

Is this because of the courage of a bear's heart?

The people around him felt numb and on pins and needles. If the situation wasn't right, they would have run away. It's fucking scary.

Several people around him looked tense, but Li Yunlong acted as if they didn't see it. He even greeted them in a friendly way and asked them to pass some hard vegetables that they couldn't hold to his side. Move over, it's too far to reach.

The people around them handed the dishes to the two people who were eating, and their hearts were trembling.

Who are these special people?

In the banquet hall, you two are eating so much. Everyone else is listening carefully. Are you two dying?

The translator heard a few sounds and glanced here, but it was too late. There was no attack on this occasion.

Ichiro Hirata continued:"Yes, I miss my mother on this special day."

Chu Yunfei stared at Ichiro Hirata coldly, and at the same time he looked at Li Yunlong and Li Yunlong who were eating wildly, and found it more and more interesting.

Li Yunlong didn't have time to care about this. What he worried about was that if he moved slower, All the delicious food was eaten by the monks

"Monk, do you think this Ichiro Hirata is nonsense?"

"I said so. You just eat when you say you want to eat. What nonsense are you talking about? If he wants his mother, wouldn't it be great if we sent him to see his mother?"

"Monk, I asked you, can you eat more slowly? Can you leave some for me? Look at the way you eat, how embarrassing it is. This is a banquet.

We are all civilized people, look at you?"

As he said this, Li Yunlong also said hello to everyone, with a perfunctory smile on his face.

This smile looked so scary in everyone's eyes. You bitches want to come and cause trouble, so don't hold us back.

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