Kawasaki was furious, and immediately found the president of the Baijiazhuang Maintenance Association, and said viciously:"You, we are here, you must know!"

In anger, Kawasaki no longer cared about speaking Japanese, and put the knife on Baihui Long neck, forcing him to find the rebels in Baijiazhuang.

Chairman Bai's legs were trembling, and he no longer dared to look Kawasaki in the eyes.

He knew very well that except for these three, all the people who took the fertilized field powder from his hand had run away, and they still owed him money that he had not paid.

He really couldn't find anyone suspicious.

"Taijun, no more, really no more, they all ran away. Translate, please translate for Taijun! President Bai's face was full of fear.

Kawasaki didn't care about this:"You must hand it over today. If you don't hand it over, you will be a collaborator and you will die!"

Give you 10 minutes."

As if being stared at by a wild beast, President Bai's legs became weak.

Facing Kawasaki's knife, he could only turn around hesitantly, trying to find some villagers who usually did not have a harmonious relationship with him.

"Damn Chairman Bai, if you dare to touch me, I will not let you go even if I go to the 18th level of hell."

"Uncle Bai, we are relatives."......

Some people were silent.

Under the"identification" of President Bai, more than a dozen villagers were singled out.

Kawasaki was certainly not a fool, and he also knew that these people had nothing to do with this"fertile field fans" incident, but he just watched them as if he were watching a good show, and he wanted to kill them as a warning to others.

Seeing these dozen villagers being singled out and then pulled out by the puppet soldiers, Kawasaki said with great interest:"President Bai, these people are not enough."

President Bai almost knelt down and cried bitterly:" Taijun, it’s really gone."

He knew that if he continued to click, he would be torn apart by everyone in the village after the Japs left.

Kawasaki was a little impatient:"Crying? Crying counts as time."

President Bai reluctantly turned his head and ordered six more villagers to come out.

"You drop, stand with them. Kawasaki pointed at Chairman Bai

"ah? President Bai himself was stunned. He had clearly pointed out the"resistance elements" in accordance with Kawasaki's request.

Kawasaki didn't care about that.

After the row of people stood together tremblingly, Kawasaki took the gun of the Japanese next to him.

The light machine gun started firing at the row of people.

After a sharp burst of gunfire, all of them fell into a pool of blood.

President Bai's eyes widened.

He had always been determined to serve the Japanese and became a complete traitor, but he did not expect that he would end up like this.

He really did not expect that the Japanese would even kill the dogs who were working for him.

After that, without getting angry, Kawasaki raised the muzzle of his gun and started shooting at the crowd.

It was only after all the bullets were fired that Kawasaki put down the machine gun in his hand.

"This is the fate of not supporting the Huang Army. As long as you have anything to do with the Eighth Route Army in the future, this will be the fate!"

After he finished speaking, he probably felt that using Japanese was not enough to relieve his anger, so he continued to say in half-baked Chinese:"Everyone is dead!"

After that, he waved his hand and led all the puppet soldiers and Japanese soldiers away from the scene, leaving only blood and corpses on the ground and cries all over the place.

After the Japanese soldiers walked away, many people raised their heads, and there was a look in their eyes. Unabashed hatred.

This hatred is unforgettable.......

When news of the Baijiazhuang massacre reached the Independent Regiment, Yu Yezheng followed Li Yunlong and moved to the mountains with the villagers of Yang Village and various equipment.

Due to prompt decision-making, the Independent Regiment and Yangcun evacuated before the Japanese arrived, without causing any losses.

However, the news of the tragedy in Baijiazhuang still had a great impact on all the soldiers of the Independent Regiment. Many of the soldiers were locals and were related to Baijiazhuang. After hearing the news, they could not wait to pick up the weapons in their hands. Use your gun to fight the Japanese.

Yu Ye was also very angry. In his heart, no Chinese people should be harmed under the iron heel of foreigners.

Especially not to be harmed by the devils.

The mere three-island Japanese slaves are wreaking havoc on our land of China. This is absolutely intolerable.

If there was no chance in the era when Yu Ye lived, then in this era, Yu Ye can't wait to chop these devils into pieces one by one.

"Lao Yu, don't be so excited!"Zhao Gang held down Yu Ye who was furious.

"How could I not be so fucking excited? It was our compatriots who were being massacred. I really want to skin these devils one by one."

"If you go there alone now, you will die!"

"That's better than us hiding here!" Yu Ye retorted unceremoniously.

Even when he was scolded as a coward, Zhao Gang did not get angry with Yu Ye. He held on to Yu Ye angrily:"Old Yu, you think I don't want to slaughter these Japanese. Clean?

Do you think I can bear to see our fellow villagers get hurt?"

"But, Lao Yu, you have to think about it, the Japanese have already laid out their pockets and are waiting for us to fall into their trap. Indeed, our equipment and firepower have been somewhat improved since you arrived, but this is only a partial improvement. When we face the Japanese's large-scale troops, we still have no ability to fight back.

If we act impulsively and go there hastily, we will only be harvested like wheat."Zhao Gang pressed Yu Ye's shoulder and said sincerely.

"But, that's not possible either......"

Yu Ye swallowed his words halfway through, and finally let out a long sigh.

He had just brought himself into China a hundred years from now. In a hundred years from now, it would be a sin for the devils to even look at the land of China. A hundred years later, if the Japanese general fell into the sea in a plane, the Japanese would immediately issue a statement saying that the incident had nothing to do with China.

Regardless of whether there is a relationship or not, there can only be no relationship.

But now the devils can even use the nonsense of losing a devil as an excuse to arbitrarily humiliate our people on Chinese soil. After entering our capital, they wantonly commit heinous crimes. Tens of millions of people are wailing under the ravages of the devils.

In the final analysis, our industrial capabilities are still too weak, our military capabilities are too weak, and our firepower is too weak.

Zhao Gang thought what he just said hurt Yu Ye's heart:"Old Yu, many times it's not that we don't save people, many times it's just that our abilities are limited.

We transferred the people in Yang Village, and we also transferred those who helped us buy fertilized rice flour. Folks, we can only eat one bite at a time, and we can only do things one step at a time. If we take too big a step, not only will we not be able to save the people we want to save, but we will also be caught in it.

When we gain greater ability, we will save the world."

Yu Ye looked at Zhao Gang and said silently in his heart:"Although you will gradually have the ability to save the world without me, I think I should be able to speed up the process."

In troubled times, the faster the knife, the fewer people will be injured.

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