Erdaohezi gun tower.

The Japanese were also having a hard time during this period.

Since the guerrillas were equipped with cast-iron cannon produced by Yuye, their firepower level was greatly improved.

The guerrillas now have a way to attack the turrets that they couldn't attack before. After dark, they ambush at a distance of four to five hundred meters from the turrets and then fire a shot at the turrets when they are cold.

Maybe the Japanese turrets would be destroyed on the spot.

In the past two months, the guerrillas have used artillery to attack Japanese artillery towers no less than forty or fifty times. Four or five of them were captured, and seven or eight of them were half-collapsed.

In the past, it was usually a good job for the little devils stationed in the artillery tower, because they could bully and bully the Chinese people passing by, but now it was a life of fear for them every day.

Maybe that night a powerful cannon would hit the turret where he was stationed.

Because the Japs in the Erdaohe stronghold were relatively close to the independent regiment, they almost became the targets of the guerrillas' daily training. They were often bombarded with two rounds of artillery fire.

So they are used to it.

Tonight, they specially installed high-power spotlights. They could still see clearly within a distance of four to five hundred meters and found no trace of the guerrillas.

All the Japs breathed a sigh of relief and could have a good sleep tonight.

But unexpectedly, just after ten o'clock, these Japanese soldiers had just laid down when they heard an unusually shrill sound coming from outside the turret. The sound came from far to near, like an evil ghost demanding life.

The Japanese who had fallen asleep quickly stood up, grabbed the guns in their hands, and cursed at the same time, obviously very angry at the Eighth Route Army's attack.

No one saw the expected large cast-iron can, but only saw a cannonball in the distance trailing a shining tail flame and shooting towards the turret. boom!

The collision fuse of the shell hit the outer wall of the second floor of the gun building, and the 1.5 kilogram of explosive inside the shell was detonated instantly.

A big hole was blown out of the masonry turret in an instant.

Some unlucky Japanese were sprayed all over by the blasted masonry debris, and their bodies were smashed and scratched in several places.

5 km away.

In the darkness, the soldiers of the First Battalion of the Independent Regiment saw an explosion of fire in the direction of the turret, and then there was a huge noise and the angry gunfire of the Japanese, and they suddenly cheered.

Everyone can guess that this guy hit a Japanese artillery tower.

"Leader, it seems you won’t be able to drink enough for the next month."Yu Ye joked.

Li Yunlong blushed. He had just seen the scene of the artillery shell hitting the gun tower in the telescope. This could not be denied in any case.

He muttered:"Isn't it just that we can't drink for a month? Our old Li is still Can bear it."

Yu Ye didn't bother with Li Yunlong, and then placed another cannonball on the ground at the same angle on the launch pad made of soil and stones.

He was not only launching at this time, he was also launching Zhao Gang He called him over and asked him to squat next to him and explain to him how he aimed and how the various scales on the cannon were aligned.

Yu Ye hoped to train Zhao Gang into the second person who could perform rough aiming, so that Zhao Gang could go. Teach more people.

Zhao Gang is from Yan University, has good knowledge and learns things quickly.

Li Yunlong squatted beside him and watched Yu Ye’s explanation. He couldn’t understand a word after watching it for a long time. Some people sighed:"It would be great if Zhu Zhu was here, so that he could also learn how to use this new type of cannonball.

I shouldn't have been stingy about the two kilograms of sweet potatoes burned back then."

After more than ten minutes of explanation, Zhao Gang has basically understood the principle of aiming the artillery shells, and can start debugging it by himself.

If the Japanese in the gun tower knew what Yu Ye was doing, they would be pissed to death even if they were not beaten to death. We, the devils, are your easy targets.

Just when Yu Ye was about to take out four batteries to activate the shell, he suddenly seemed to remember something.

He removed the back cover of the shell in front of everyone. He pried it open, and then exposed the firing fuse at the back, and asked other soldiers on the side to gather a pile of pine needles for him. He wanted to use this pile of pine needles to ignite the shell.

This series of operations made the surrounding soldiers stunned. Well, they never thought that the cannonball could be fired just by lighting a fire.

However, now that Minister Yu had spoken, who dared to question it?

After a while, a bunch of pine needles were collected and gathered behind the cannonball.

"Lao Zhao, Lao Li, comrades, take care."

Yu Ye lit a match and ignited the pile of pine needles placed at the end of the cannonball. The pine needles were filled with grease and soon started to beep and burn.

Everyone retreated to a safe distance and saw that a few minutes later, the A very powerful stream of air and tail flames shot out from behind the rocket launcher.

The shell rose into the sky again!

Everyone in the independent group was stunned. How could this happen?

The launcher can be launched, and it can be launched with a battery without a launcher. It can even be launched with a fire without a battery?

This is simply a magical weapon!

Li Yunlong is already imagining that if there is a war, the entire independent regiment can be launched by one person. Carrying a shell, as long as it was aimed at the Japs' position, everyone would gather fire, and more than a thousand shells would hit the Japs' position. What a spectacular scene it would be,

Zhao Gang thought. Going further, the current guerrilla comrades do not have enough firepower. If they send a few artillery shells to each of these guerrillas, and if nothing happens, just wait for an opportunity to take advantage of the enemy and fire two rounds at them. It was already overwhelming. What they had to do was not think about fighting against our regular army. It was difficult for them to even organize an effective team.

This 107 rocket launcher that was ignited by the fire once again brought Yu Ye's expectations. , flew towards the Erdaohezi turret five kilometers away.

To be honest, these Japs were really unlucky.

The first 107 rocket blasted a big hole in the second floor of the turret, but nothing happened to the turret. Structural damage, but by chance, the second rocket launcher penetrated the Jaap turret along the opening opened by the first rocket launcher.


The shell exploded on the middle roof of the second floor of the turret. , countless shell fragments were shot in all directions by the powerful force of the explosion.

The Japanese on the second floor were squatting or lying on the ground, alerting the eight-way guerrillas who might appear around the gun tower.

These fragments penetrated their bodies with strong force. Harvest their sinful lives.

The three or four Japanese were killed on the spot without even a snort.

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