Yu Ye has his own training plan for the group of college students who stayed. He did a survey of these students. Among the 15 people, 5 of them graduated from the Department of Physics or related majors. Guo Shoujue and another 3 students are serious graduates of the Department of Physics. Li Junhua, a girl, is not a simple student of the aviation branch of physics.

There are also 3 students studying chemistry, which is simply like handing pillows to someone who is sleepy.

There are actually 2 students studying mathematics.

1 student studying biology.

There are also 2 students studying economics and society, 1 student studying education, and 1 student studying foreign languages.

Looking at the data he found out, he couldn't believe it himself. All the people he caught were the talents he needed most.

According to the current professional configuration of these universities, he felt that there should be some majors such as philosophy or psychology, but there was none of these majors.

It's not that liberal arts majors are bad. When liberal arts are mastered, they are almost king-level.

It's just that now it's a confrontation between two armies. On the one hand, such high-end talents are not needed for the time being, and on the other hand, Yu Ye will be heartbroken if something happens.

Some feelings, this God is not bad to me, it's just like giving me a cheat.

For this group of college students who stayed, Yu Ye was not in a hurry to let them start their current work immediately.

If they take over the current work immediately, they will not only make mistakes because they are not familiar with the process, but also conflict with their current comrades.

We are doing well, why do you have to manage us as soon as you come?

Although this era respects scholars very much, these things are human nature, human nature is like this, and it is not subject to personal will.

For these college students, the best way is to let them lead a project by themselves, give them some basic resources, and let them find a way to solve the rest by themselves.

This will not only make them feel that they are valued, but also let them exercise their ability to coordinate resources from all parties, and they can quickly produce results.

Guo Shoujue is studying physics, so let him study how to maximize the efficiency of the hydropower station under the current conditions.

Chen Kan studied chemistry, and during his free time during this period, he was studying the problem of piezoelectric ceramics. Now this topic was handed over to Chen Kan.

As for other young people in chemistry, you should study how to mass produce three acids and two bases under the current situation. Those who are engaged in industry, do you think this stuff is too much?

For those who study biology, tell them to study how to promote drinking hot water, and then study the possible bacteriological warfare of the Japanese.

As for those who study economics and society, let them look at the market demand in the surrounding areas and the county, and study how to develop the coal stove market, and leave all the cotton purchasing work to them. For those who study education and foreign languages, let them learn how to teach their comrades to read.

Li Junhua is a bit difficult to deal with. He studies aeronautical engineering, and there are no planes and aircraft for them to study in this mountain valley.

That's easy to deal with. I'll give you a few fluid mechanics questions to keep you busy. Moreover, the prototype of the jet plane had already appeared a year ago, that is, in 1939, so you can design a jet plane yourself to play with it. If you encounter any difficulties, come to me, Yu Ye, and I can answer them for you. The top military industry bosses in Nantianmen back then could handle things outside the atmosphere, so why would they be afraid of your little thing within the atmosphere?

These young people are not afraid of hardship or fatigue. If they were afraid of hardship and fatigue, they would not come to such a dangerous place to conduct social research. What they fear most is that the things they do are worthless.

That's easy.

Give you a full sense of value.

Quantitative indicators are also arranged.

Then the work results will come out.

These lines are advancing simultaneously, so Yu Ye can free up his hands to do more important work.

For the current independent regiment, the most important problem is to solve the problem of stable logistics. Without stable logistics, everything is nonsense.

Even if you can take out a simple version of the fuel-air bomb, you can take out the 107 rocket launcher, you can take out the 56 assault, but these things are actually disposable.

It is indeed easy to use, but it is difficult to replenish quickly after a single use.

This is the most fatal problem.

The problem that Yu Ye wants to solve is how to continuously provide these things to the independent regiment. He has already led the independent regiment to see the high-density firepower scene. Now Yu Ye has to lay bricks one by one under their feet so that they can be more stable and see farther.

To solve this problem, the most important thing is to solve the most basic industry, that is, there needs to be steel mills, chemical plants, and more sophisticated machine tools.

In other words, Yu Ye really wants to rebuild the entire Chinese industry in the 1940s.

When Yu Ye was thinking about how to build the first blast furnace, there was a noisy mechanical sound from the sky outside.


Yu Ye looked out of the window and actually saw a few faint outlines in the distance.

The devil's plane?

Yu Ye has always known that the devil has planes in Shanxi Province, but at least at this stage, they are rarely used when fighting the Eighth Route Army.

Basically, the dispatch of aircraft requires the personal approval of Yoshio Shinozuka, so this is the first time Yu Ye has seen the devil's plane in the past few months.

This should be the devil's reconnaissance plane.

As the distance got closer, Yu Ye gradually saw the details of these planes clearly. There was a propeller on top and a layer of green paint. There was really no beauty to be seen.

According to the chief, the higher the appearance of the weapon, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

The combat effectiveness of this devil's plane is scum.

Yu Ye looked at Li Junhua who was looking out the window and asked,"Junhua, do you recognize this Japanese plane?"

Li Junhua shook his head.

Yu Ye also shook his head and said,"Junhua, your topic in the future will be various types of aircraft. You can't not understand them."

"Junhua, this is the Japanese Mitsubishi Type 97 headquarters reconnaissance aircraft, which can be regarded as the representative of the Japanese light machine supremacy idea.

All firepower was abandoned, except for two 7.7mm machine guns.

The unladen weight is less than 1.3 tons.

The only advantage is that this aircraft is quite fast at this time, and its maneuverability is quite reasonable."

Li Junhua looked at the drawing he had just started drawing in his hand, thoughtfully.

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