“Hmm~ If it’s Agang, it’s still more suitable for a black suit.”

“Is that so? Actually, I feel that white is also very good. ”

Now is the time to choose a suit, Lan’s dress is now selected, as for what color to wear can be slowly entangled after going home, and Lan’s dress is ready, now it is Tsunayoshi’s turn to choose his suit.

The choice of suit in the color is also a lot, for Agang’s suit color Lan is to feel that black is more appropriate, black suit white shirt plus black tie, it feels like the previous mafia named Pengele, as far as the girl’s feeling is concerned, Agang is definitely very suitable.

“Let’s try the black match first, and the white one can try it later.”

“Well, then I’ll try it on first.”

There is still a lot of time left in the afternoon, and now only his suit is not chosen, the next time is enough time to try it on, black suits and white suits are opportunities to try on, how to see how Lan’s vision is, just like he just helped Lan choose a dress, of course, Tsunayoshi feels that Lan’s vision is still very good, at least better than him.

The three girls who had always been hidden behind saw the male protagonist go to the dressing room to change clothes, so only Lan stood outside alone, and now it was their turn to appear, so only this kind of time could surprise Lan.

In this way, the three girls appeared behind Lan very ghostly, and while Lan was still paying attention to the dressing room, the three people suddenly hugged Lan from behind.


“What’s wrong, Lan!?”

Ran, who was suddenly held from behind, let out an exclamation, and this exclamation also startled Tsunayoshi, who had just put on his pants and was about to try on clothes in the dressing room, and quickly opened the curtain to see what was happening to Lan.

It’s just that after opening the curtain, I saw two strange girls and a familiar girl hugging Lan from behind, and Lan was also stunned there when she saw the three people who hugged her.

“Ah, Ah Gang, you hurry back and change clothes, this is my classmate joking with me.” Suddenly, being hugged from behind, it’s not that at home it is impossible to confirm that Ah Gang is holding him, plus there have been a lot of strange things recently, Lan’s heart capacity has dropped sharply, if not for seeing Yuanzi’s face… She almost kicked off a night’s sleep just now.

“Oh… Your classmates are really fun-loving. Two of the girls in the eyes were not recognized, but the tea-haired girl Tsunayoshi with the headband on her head did, it should be said that there is no one who does not know this girl, as Lan’s best friend he does not know is strange.

Since they are acquaintances, they don’t have to worry about Lan’s affairs, but these three girls are not particularly encountered in this mall, that is, in fact, the relationship between him and Lan is exposed.

“Huhu~Agangah~ Lan is really an interesting name.” You can hear the name above, the very close title is not like Ran’s previous treatment of boys, and in terms of this title, even that Kudo is not comparable, and the subtle smile on Kosonoko’s face can become even more subtle.

“Yuanzi, what are you talking about…” Suddenly, he was discovered by his friend, and Lan originally planned to slowly tell Yuanzi in the future, who knew that he would meet directly in such a place today.

“And say what do I say~ Say, honestly explain when did you change men?” This topic is very surprisingly interesting, not only the garden has such interest, but also the other two girls standing next to him.

You must know that this lace news heroine is related to Kudo in the class, and this alone definitely makes things much more interesting, especially after there are topics like cohabitation and kissing, which makes that thing even more exciting.

“What a change of man, I’m not you, and I don’t often go to a boyfriend… Besides, Shinichi isn’t my boyfriend. ”

“Hey~ It seems that you have long disliked that guy.”

Yuanzi and the other two girls could hear that Lan didn’t mean to be arrogant when she said this today, her meaning was very clear, she just had nothing to do with the drum washing machine, like a girlfriend didn’t have anything to do at all.

That is, because there is no such thing as that, there is no such thing as changing men, and Lan has only explained her affairs in detail in front of Ah Gang before, if she is misunderstood at this time, she does not know what to do.

“Don’t talk about that guy, talk about the man you have now… Especially on the topic of kissing and cohabitation, we are particularly interested. ”


Now this topic is the most important point, I have to say that Lan’s vision is still very sharp, simply saying that the boy’s things are not as good as Kudo, but it is definitely a kind of beauty, if it can be further improved in temperament, it should give people a better feeling.

“What to say! My relationship with Ah Gang is very simple. “It’s like having kissed twice, not only holding hands when you’re in the house, but also being held while cooking, Len would never say that kind of thing, her skin hasn’t been thick to that extent.”

“It’s also because my mother moved back yesterday, but the space in my house is just a little bit of space, and I have always lived in the house when it is not very good, so I want to move out first.”

“Ah Gang just bought a house near my house at that time, naturally moving to Ah Gang’s house is the best choice, Ah Gang is also a person he knows, it is also very close to my home, and he does not live alone, which is also in line with the requirements of his parents .”

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