“Lan, aren’t you happy yet?”

“I’m not upset.”

“Then your current unhappy look is saying that you are still happy now?”

“Hmm… I’m not upset now because of Ah Gang’s words. ”

Now that kind of unhappy mood still exists, but this time Lan is not in a bad mood because of Ah Gang’s words, but because considering Ah Gang’s previous words, and then thinking about his past things is not in a good mood.

“Or because of that childhood sweetheart?” This time it turned out that he was not angry because of his affairs, so the reason why Lan was angry this time was obvious, usually Lan’s temper would not be casual and angry with people, Tsunayoshi knew that it was probably because of what he said before, which made Lan have some ideas.

“Well, before Ah Gang said that you were looking for a girlfriend and not a female assistant, I used to often hear Shinichi often talk about Sherlock Holmes and Watson in my ear, so I was thinking, that reasoning fool should not treat me as Watson before, right?”

“Well, that estimate is also a little difficult, if you think of a boy as Watson, it is still okay, but if you want to treat a girl as Watson, at least that girl should also have a judgment similar to Sherlock Holmes.”

This is also the case, from beginning to end, the drum washing machine has never treated Ran as Watson, but the Miyano Shiho who jumped out from behind has a little meaning of acting as a Watson for the drum washing machine, but it is a little too negative in terms of personality, and every time Tsunayoshi sees it, it is a feeling of a tragic character.

But what should be said about this issue? That Miyano Shiho’s fate is a little bumpy, but the problem is that she is a little stupid in her actions, and even said that some places are even more stupid than Lan, Lanna is at most the Virgin Manifestation, and this Miyano Shiho is completely sending death performance.

But people who can’t experience that feeling can’t express too many thoughts and opinions, who knows what happened to the real Shiho Miyano, at least Tsunayoshi knows if he will know what happened to that person… It can be said that it is not good to participate in it in the future, especially when there is a Shinigami around.

“Hmph, still want to say I’m not smart?”

“This is not a matter of whether you are smart or not, Lan, your characteristics are not to do what Watson should do, your personality is gentle, generous, boyish and a little Virgin trait, and you will always become overwhelmed when you encounter some things, so you are not a good assistant at all, after all, what the assistant needs more is a calm personality trait, so your childhood sweetheart will never treat you as an assistant.”

“Calm down… Doesn’t Shinichi mean that I don’t even have the qualifications to be an assistant anymore? That reasoning idiot really dares to think about it! ”

“Hey, Lan, why did you think about yourself in the direction of the assistant? You are my guard, and even when it comes to assistants, they should be mine. ”

Such a jealous statement will be funny if any girl hears it, Lan also wants to laugh now, Ah Gang is still unexpectedly like a child in some places, and thought that Ah Gang would not be jealous because of Shinichi’s things, it seems that she thinks too much.

In the end, Agang who pursues himself is also an ordinary boy, if he often says that Shinichi’s things are not very good, it is better to mention Shinichi’s things less in front of Agang in the future, since the original decision has been made, Lan will not involve the previous Shinichi more, she will spend more time on Agang.


“Hmm~ of course I’m Azuna’s Qingmai.”

Now is not the time to say shy things, Lan also smiled and sent a kiss on Ah Gang’s face, she is a very loyal girl, even if she is still determined not to start a formal relationship with Ah Gang, but now it is only a matter of time, and she will not go back to the past now.

They all said that they wanted to go to Agang’s world, and now seeing Agang jealous for herself, even if she was happy, she wouldn’t let Agang eat too much, she also gave Agang an accurate answer, she won’t be someone else’s assistant, she is the only Qingshou, that position is where she sits.

It was only as the party whose face was sneaked up on him that Tsunayoshi knew that the feeling of being kissed and kissing others was different, and his face was somewhat crimson that he had never experienced, and what Ran said to himself also made his mind leap.

“Aha~ I still boldly kissed my Ah Gang before, but I didn’t expect to be shy.”

“Many, how many people will be a little embarrassed.”

“Poof~ This kind of Ah Gang is so cute, his face is still red.”

“Hey? Wait, Len don’t touch my face at a time like this. ”

“Don’t be~ This kind of Ah Gang is rare, so, Ah Gang, you have to make your face a little redder, you have to become more cute!”

When driving Bugatti to the downstairs of the Maori detective office, Tsunayoshi, who was driving, was now flushed, while Ran, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was now in a very good mood, and even his interest was much higher than going out.

As a girl, I still like cute things, such as Ah Gang’s blushing and cute look is very attractive to Lan Ke, so when I think about going to wake Ah Gang up that morning, Ah Gang’s little cat sleeping look is also super cute!

Thinking of this, Lan’s eyes instantly lit up, it is more convenient for her to ask Ah Gang to get up from tomorrow, so it should not be too much to take a little picture or two of Ah Gang’s sleeping photos at that time, right? As a mobile phone desktop, you still need a better photo.

Since you think like this, you usually need to pay more attention, A Gang sometimes looks very good, and shooting a little more can be regarded as the beginning of understanding A Gang better, thinking about Lan in this way is now in a very good mood, as for the problem of childhood sweethearts… Ahem, she was already planning to put that childhood sweetheart down, and naturally she didn’t want to mention it now.

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