“Twenty-four, so you used to be the same age as me.”

“…… I lean, do you already have a four- or five-year-old daughter on your side of twenty-four? ”

“Huh~ After all, our clan is not very similar to your situation, our clan is only me and Yuni are left now, passing on the bloodline and responsibility is the responsibility that our clan needs to face, and Yuni will do the same thing in the future like me.”

“Doesn’t that sound more sad?”

“Maybe, if what you just said was correct, and my generation could do it, Yuni could have avoided such a situation.”

If she can avoid such a sad fate, of course Arya is willing to do it, as a mother, how can she be willing to see her daughter face the curse of not living long, she also struggled for a long time when giving birth to Yuni, and finally chose to believe that her daughter can accept and fight.

If there was a simpler way to lift Arcobaleno’s curse, Arya would try to see it in her generation, at least she would not have to continue to put that responsibility on her daughter, which was much heavier than she thought.

“You are also trying very hard to understand the feeling of entering dead gas mode, how do you feel now?”

“How… It is completely impossible to understand what kind of power the Flame of Dead Qi is, and at most, it is only a slight way to start using the Flame of Dead Qi. ”

Entering the super dead qi mode five times will only learn how to use the flame of dead qi, at least it will not be like the first time you entered the super dead qi mode, even the flame of rigidity and the flame of softness are not used well, and use the flame of rigidity to make your whole body extremely sore.

The present and the past are not a level at all, in order to ensure that they are not causing too much damage to the body, the Flame of Rigidity is still only used in a straight line, and the rest continue to be replaced by Flame of Softness, after all, the explosive power of the Flame of Rigid is not a burden on their bodies.

“In fact, the flame of dead qi is like a person’s life, even my foreknowledge and other abilities have a very intuitive relationship with the inflammation of dead qi, and once these forces are used excessively, it will cause a short ~~ in life.” As the guardian of Arcobaleno’s Great Empty Pacifier, Arya also has a lot of research on the Flame of Dead Qi, and she herself can also ignite the Flame of Dead Qi of the Great Void attribute, but her power is not used for combat.

“Really? The flame of dead qi is from life. “It is no wonder that in the later stage of tutoring, many people can ignite the flame of dead qi, which can also show that any person has dead qi, then the strength of the flame of dead qi, and the characteristics of the flame of dead qi are a manifestation of life force.

For example, that chessboard face showed extraordinary power at the end, and the power of that flame was said to be only the degree of breathing, so where did that life force come from? How can a person have such exaggerated life force, there are definitely many problems here.

If you can know the reason, after having a point, it is still possible to reach that level, and it will not be as aimless as it is now.

“But how do I feel that the existence of Dead Qi Flame is more like a physical exertion?”

“It is normal to be able to feel this, if you take the flame as an illustration, the Mars that the flame needs in the process of ignition is life, and the fuel that completely burns the flame is physical strength, and the process of transforming Mars into flame is the question you are thinking about now.”

“The amount of Dead Qi Inflammation that each person can trigger is not unlimited, in the end, what kind of person can trigger a stronger Death Qi Flame, which is to use blood, physical strength, will and soul to decide, of course, it is more popular to say that the stronger the vitality, the stronger the Death Qi Flame.”

“As for the attribute of the Flame of Dead Qi, it is determined by the conditions that have been fixed by itself, while the Flame of Dead Qi of the Great Void Attribute is a rare species, and only people with a specific bloodline can be allowed to ignite the Flame of Dead Qi of the Great Void Attribute.”

“It’s so complicated, just listening to it, it feels a little incomprehensible.” In this case, the disadvantages of a bad mind are highlighted, because it is impossible to carry out a more detailed analysis, too delicate things can not be thought of, if you enter the super dead gas mode, it is possible to conduct more analysis, after all, the feelings and potential abilities inside that state are in a state of explosion.

It’s too much to think about some things in the super dead gas mode!

“It sounds complicated, but after experiencing it for yourself, you will understand that it is just a feeling.” The statement of the flame of dead qi is quite complicated, and it takes many years to understand something from the flame of dead qi, and Arya thinks that this Sawada Tsunayoshi may still come into contact with these things, and it may take a little time.

“How long have you been using it since you lit the Flame of Dead Qi?”

“Three days … Well, less than three days, about two and a half days. ”

Can you already reach this (Wang Li’s) level in two and a half days!? Even Sawada Iemitsu, who is known as [Pengele’s Young Lion], initially used the Flame of Dead Qi after three months of contact with the Flame of Dead Qi, and this child actually used it for three days to already use the Flame of Dead Qi like this?

This kind of time is very terrifying, if you give this boy three months, maybe this boy will really give everyone in Pengelle a huge surprise, but Arya also has some more questions in her heart, what are the gradually growing airflows that she saw from the boy’s body before?

She could feel that it was a more powerful force than the flame of dead qi, and with the change of time, those air currents were still increasing, if she was not mistaken, the reason why this boy had improved so quickly, these powers were also a great contribution. _

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