"No, that's not what it means."

The archangel who spoke hurriedly lowered his head. He knew that Mikal was very angry now, but he didn't expect that Mikal would be so angry today.

"The fire of red lotus karma is ignited in the church dedicated to our God, haven't you thought about the danger at this level? Does that mean that you will not react until all the churches have ignited the fire of red lotus karma!? "

Michael is now angry to the point of going berserk. The appearance of the red lotus karmic fire is already a kind of rebuke to their angels. If these angels don't manage them now, there will be them in the world that loses God. 's shelter?

"Michael, calm down yourself."

"Raphael is right, now you have lost your cool and can't deal with things."

Chapter [-] Angels and Fallen Angels Are Stressed


Michael can control his mood after getting angry, but the blood-red flame still makes his eyes sting. Even if he can control his current mood, the red lotus karmic fire appeared in the church. , and so many ghosts and ghosts were burned in the church, their angels have an inescapable responsibility.

"I know I should calm down, but how do you see this situation make me calm down? Once such a situation spreads among believers, do you know what will happen?"

Gabriel and Raphael sighed when they looked at the blood-red flames. They also did not expect such a thing to happen in the church where our God is worshipped. If the believers of God knew about such a bad situation, they would also Really unpredictable things will happen.

Now that their gods died in the original war, in the absence of gods, it is already quite difficult to develop believers. If such a thing breaks out, the number of believers will definitely decrease by a large amount.

Fortunately, the abandoned church was visited by the red lotus fire this time. If such a serious problem happened in places like the Vatican, Gabriel and Raphael just thought about it and knew how serious the consequences would be. .

"Don't talk about these things now, you should still think about how to deal with it. We don't know if there are cases of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire burning innocent people, but if you let the Red Lotus Karmic Fire continue there The church is rampant, and once we reach that city, our troubles will be even greater."

Gabriel's face was very serious. He had never heard of the inexplicable appearance of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire Society before, but it appeared inexplicably now, and from what they saw, the flames didn't seem to appear inexplicably. Yes, those ghosts and ghosts that were burned in the church are the best proof.

But now, no one can guarantee that the Red Lotus Karmic Torch will disappear after all those ghosts and monsters are burned. If the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is raging in the city, they will not be able to hide what happened this time, and they will definitely be unlucky at that time.

"Yes! That's right! Now we still have to consider the aftermath!"

Mikal was shocked and sweated. Gabriel was right. Now is not the time to be in pain. If their inaction now causes more problems, their crisis is about to come. Many believers in the past no longer continue to believe in God, and the problem is even more serious. Now it is very difficult to develop believers. If this difficult situation becomes more serious, these angels can also go to see their God as soon as possible.

"Raphael, Gabriel, you go and call Uriel, call all the angels, and set up the barrier together, you must not let the red lotus karma raging on ordinary people!"

Now Michael basically moved out the preparations of the highest standard directly, and all the angels were dispatched collectively. This is the whole camp of the angels fighting together, but even with this arrangement, he was still a little uneasy in his heart.


Raphael and Gabriel didn't think there was anything wrong with such a decision. Maybe it was sloppy to let all the angels come out this time, but now they are facing a flame that even God can burn out. Such a specification It is absolutely necessary, even the four archangels of them have to face the crisis of falling.

It's just that the fall of a few angels is no longer the point. The point now is that the red lotus karmic fire must not be allowed to rage outward. Once this problem occurs, it may completely collapse the religion and belief founded by God. This is the only thing for them angels. the biggest crisis.

A very similar situation also occurred in the camp of fallen angels.

"...What exactly did you do to provoke the Red Lotus Karmic Fire?"

The expression on Azazel's face is also quite stiff at the moment. Now this problem seems to have started to escalate without limit. When he just found out, he almost knelt down to this situation, even God can burn it. The flames appeared inexplicably, and even directly ordered a church. At first, he thought it was Michael who did something terrible to cause such a problem.

But after the investigation, his face turned blue and then white. God knows that the church has been abandoned for a long time, at least for more than a year, and he just got news from the investigation... I heard that in that church, look at it. To the trace of the fallen angel.

... At that moment, Azazel really had the urge to die.

The first thing he thought at the time was that there are still such cruel people among the fallen angels?How did he provoke the flames like Red Lotus Karma, and he wanted to find that bastard and torn it into pieces the next time.

Meow Mi!God knows to let Michael know that this was caused by his subordinates, and whether it will directly become a battle between angels and fallen angels, but he just sent a letter to Michael a while ago, indicating that there are no fallen angels anymore. If they want to start a war, their three forces should also sit down and talk about this issue again.

This is all right, something like this happened suddenly, if it was the fallen angel that caused such a result, it is estimated that what is waiting is not to sit down and talk, but to directly ask Michael to bring a few other archangels Chang used force to talk about future development.

"Azazel, Michael seems to be leading all the angels over here."

Ximu Hesa ​​also quickly reminded Azazel that now is not the time for mushrooms. At this moment, Michael directly brought the other three archangels and all the angels and rushed over. It seems that the situation The severity of it has far exceeded the previous imagination, if they are here.

"Michael really took all the angels with him!"

Azazel, who heard this sentence, was completely refreshed, but the problem has escalated directly. If they don't respond and wait for Michael to settle the account after the fact... Azazel feels that there is something behind him. Drenched in cold sweat.

"Shemuhesa, Balakil, we also bring people to hurry up!"

Chapter [-] Michael bows his head, Azazel is ashamed

"Michael and Azazel have both acted. It seems that this time the matter is really big."

In the underworld, Sazex looked at the current situation with great interest. This time, the incident was very noisy, but Michael and Azazel were basically here to deal with the aftermath. If something happened afterwards, now I can only bring everyone over to deal with the later things.

Michael is very angry now. This incident happened in the church. To put it uglier, it was caused by the lack of better management by their angels. Once this incident became too big, even the entire religion would collapse. signs.

Looking at Azazel's anxious look, it is estimated that there are some fallen angels in it. Thinking of what my sister reported before, it seems that one of the fallen angels participated in this incident. Zacelle was afraid that Michael would fire the cannon first and also follow along~ to deal with the matter.

The angels and the fallen angels will definitely be a little unhappy after this incident, and the demons only need to do a good job of watching the drama by the side.

"This time, the trouble is so big, but there is no superfluous thing about the devil. You should think about this issue carefully."

Sazex has no intention of helping. This matter has nothing to do with their demons. Can the people who joined the Red Dragon Emperor find it?As long as the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is used, if you want to investigate the Red Dragon Emperor himself, you need to know that the Red Dragon Emperor can use the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, but if those people can investigate him, don't be the devil.

Although the big thing has nothing to do with the devil, he didn't leave immediately, but to see where the plot will develop in the future.


Michael, who led all the angels to the red lotus karmic fire, didn't look very good. He led a group of angels to this place, but the governor of the fallen angels led a large number of fallen angels to this place. , Sometimes he can't figure out what this man wants to do.

In this situation, Michael didn't have much time to continue wasting other places, and he was not in the mood to worry about Azazel's affairs. If Azazel were to trouble him at this moment, things might become very troublesome. .

Michael had a stiff smile on his face, and he didn't want unpleasant things to happen to Azazel at this moment.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to come out too."

Michael Hasn't anyone told you that it's scary to force a smile?

Azazel was also made a little guilty by Michael's smile. They also have something to do with their fallen angels. Otherwise, he would not have rushed over with everyone in such a hurry, because he was afraid of Michael. After the incident, he went completely berserk, and directly led the team to the center of the fallen angel.

"Yeah, I came across a group of angels when I walked out."

Azazel, what you're saying is true enough.

Michael sneered in his heart, this man will definitely not be the kind of man who takes a group of fallen angels out for a walk, it must be because of some things that this man will deliberately appear in front of them with a group of fallen angels, whether it is It's definitely not a good thing.

"Time is running out."

Gabriel motioned Michael to look at the church location. Now the red lotus fire has completely burned the entire church, and the flames have not stopped. If the spread of the flames is not stopped now, it will not stop after a while. There will be that time again.

Michael's face changed several times, and he didn't want to continue to be polite to Azazel. Now they have other things to do, but if Azazel stabbed them at this time Not the way.

"Azazel, what do you mean by being here?"

"It's nothing, just as an old friend from the past, when I saw something happened to the church you sheltered, I brought someone to help you."



Raphael pulled Michael next to him. As soon as Michael opened his mouth, he knew what this guy would say, but now is the time to care about this kind of problem?Don't you see your eyebrows are burning now?

"Then, I will trouble you."

Michael just remembered that now is not the time to pay attention to details. It is quite difficult to control the red lotus karmic fire without contacting ordinary people. God knows how long the red lotus karmic fire will burn before it ends. During this time Whether the angels inside can hold it up is another matter.

Even if he lost face in front of Azazel this time, he would lower his head, but Michael didn't know it. In fact, Azazel's expression was not very good when he lowered his head. Although he really wanted to admire Michael's bowing his head, he was having a hard time opening his mouth, and it was not suitable for him to say some things, so let's talk about it after the fact.

As for the person who caused the red lotus fire to come to this world, Tsunayoshi and Gurefia returned home very calmly at the moment. As for the matter of Kuo Academy, I believe that there was a change like the one just now, Kuo Academy. There was no way to continue the afternoon class at this time, so they didn't go back to Kuo Academy and chose to go home.

In the student council of Kuo Academy, Rias and Sona were standing by the window looking at the blood-red flames that filled the sky.

"Guangji is still attacking the church."

"Well, quite a direct method, using the red lotus karma to burn the entire church, but it seems to have gotten some accurate answers."

"The possibility of the church and the fallen angels joining forces is not very high. If the church and the fallen angels really have the intention of joining forces, the appearance of the fallen angels and angels at this moment is not to deal with the red lotus karma, but to directly deal with The demons started fighting."

"That's right, it seems that some members of the fallen angels just wanted to do something, so they contacted the people of the church... Our initial thoughts were all wrong, but his thoughts were right. "

"I'll go back and have a good chat with him today."

Chapter [-]: The Desperate Nun

The nun was already in a state of complete confusion. She saw with her own eyes that the basement of the church would be such a dirty place. With just a glance, the picture of the basement was imprinted into her eyes. That terrifying scene really made her not want to recall, even now she didn't want to remember the scene that made her feel sick, her stomach was still churning.

"Drink a little hot water and you'll be better."

Gangji put a cup of hot water in front of the nun, no wonder the girl's face was so ugly, it would be strange if her face was not ugly when she saw such a picture, even if this girl was a nun, she could be a girl. The identity is before the nun.

"Thank you."

The nun also took a sip of hot water from the teacup after thanking her. After drinking the hot water, her body was also warm, suppressing some of the feeling that she wanted to vomit just now. It warmed the stomach and the body was much more relaxed. , The ugly face has also become better, not as pale as before.

"Thank you so much for your care."

Even if you are an ordinary person, you need to be thankful for the care of others. What’s more, as a nun, you naturally need to be more grateful to those who help you. This is a requirement that a clergyman must fulfill. , if even such a thing cannot be done, it is really unreasonable for a clergyman.

"No need to thank you, after all, I was the one who let you see those pictures."

Gangji also waved his hand. He did not want to get an apology from this girl, and the nun's face continued to develop in a bleak direction. She didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the church. Ghosts and ghosts exist.

"Why, why is there such a thing in the church?"

The nun couldn't understand why there was such a thing in the church. According to normal understanding, the church is a sacred place. The sacred place is the natural enemy of those evil spirits. Those things could not enter the surrounding of the church in the first place. But today there are so many, and they are all so filthy.

"Every church has God's protection, and that doesn't happen in a God-protected church."

Tsunade shrugged unequivocally at such a statement. There would be no such thing in a normal church. Unfortunately, the clergy in this church did some things that should not be done. It can even be said that What was done in this church, that's why it has brought about the present results.

"Your statement is absolutely correct. There is no such thing in normal churches. It's like those large churches have never happened."


The nun was also very happy to hear that the gentleman agreed with her statement, but she just couldn't understand why such a change occurred in this church?

"Note, I'm talking about churches that normally perform priestly work. Those places will be sheltered, but this church is completely different."


"You should have seen what the inside of the church is like. Those things didn't climb in by themselves, but the clergy got those things in, otherwise you think the church really has so many dirty things. ?"

Any church will be protected by God, and angels will especially guard each church. Ordinary ghosts and ghosts cannot approach the church. That is an act of suicide, but there is a special exception. In other words, the atmosphere inside the church is completely polluted.

"Even if the church is abandoned, there won't be so many dirty things hidden in it, unless someone completely pollutes the church. Who do you think can do this?"

"Yes, who is it?"

"Except for the clergy of this church, do you think those dirty things can enter the church casually?"

"how come……"

The nun leaned on the sofa as if she had lost her faith. She didn't expect that the real degenerate would be a clergyman of the church, and it was even a priest in that church...

But this explanation is the most reasonable. Even if believers in the church don’t go often, priests often join the church for the first time. That is to say, only priests are the easiest people to completely pollute the church. Why would a priest do such a thing?

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