Was it difficult to stabilize the strength before going back?Naturally it is very difficult.Even if the power of the world reference point can be given as a gift, don't think that this power can be mastered so easily.Under the circumstance of unknown time before going back, he directly agreed to it. This should be regarded as a very reckless approach, but who made 413 Ddraig get used to the reckless rhythm of the master of Gangji?This habit has also affected her greatly.

It's just that Ddraig is not the only one who needs to master this power this time, and Tsunayoshi also needs to master the power of the world benchmark before returning.If you continue to use the strength standing at the top of the superior demons to face those who are all demon kings (superior), or even say that the strength of the demon king or above (the highest level) is really not enough.It is very difficult to steadily improve the strength in a short period of time. When the source flame is saturated, the strength can only guarantee a steady improvement trend, and cannot achieve an explosive improvement.

Unless Gangji wants to sit still, or else he needs to master more abilities to make up for the gap in pure strength.

[You are really incredible, you have turned my power into your own so quickly. 】

It didn't take a long time for Ddraig to find that his partner was able to use his power proficiently.Not just relying on the God Slayer Tool, but even saying that the partner who completely separated from the God Slayer Tool can already start to use the power that she had divided up before. In this regard, she can only express that her partner really does not like to use the power of others.

"At this stage, no matter what kind of power it is, you need to be familiar with it. Only in your own hands will there be no problems."

[…Well, you are as persistent in this regard as you are towards race. 】

From Ddraig's point of view, if the partner directly chooses to reincarnate as a demon, his strength will increase faster, but he can't bear it.It's like a super handsome star who can eat with looks, but he wants to eat talent. It's the same reason.

"I said, you can go to bed if you have nothing to do. I can't tell how long it is before you go back. Are you still in the mood to chat with me here?"

[Indeed, I don't have so much time to stay in this spiritual world to chat with you. 】

After correcting his mentality, Ddraig also withdrew from the spiritual world.She now needs to seize every minute of the time to control the new power in the artifact. Every minute and second is very important now. For her, she can't be like taking a walk and relaxing like before.

After Ddraig withdrew from the spiritual world, Gangji also woke up from his sleep.It is not very late now, and the sky outside is still shrouded in darkness. If it was before, Gangji would definitely lie down on the bed and continue to sleep on his own back to sleep, but now he needs to think about it.

"There is a lot of free time, but the opportunity to become stronger in a short period of time is difficult."

The strength of a superior demon is quite strong for ordinary people, just like in this world, Tsunayoshi can simply use his own strength to simply swept the forces of any party.But this is the world of ordinary people. His own strength has surpassed that of ordinary people. It is impossible to compare people in this world with him.He should be judged in the world where the superior demons are walking all over the place, and in that world, a good judgment of his strength can be made.

As someone who also has the strength of a superior demon, Tsunade can fight against Raisa of the Phoenix family, and even say that he can defeat him with his own strength... This actually doesn't explain anything, because the superior demons in that world are really bad. Less, the most in the demon world is this kind of superior demon.

In the battles of the ancient times, the superior demons could only be regarded as the elites. Above the elites there were the demon kings, the demon kings and above, and there were even existences beyond this limit. It can be said that in that era, they could really be regarded as strong people everywhere. The superior demon is not as good as the dog.As long as this comparison is made, then his current strength as a superior demon can only be regarded as a beginning, and if he wants to truly stand up, he must at least break through the current limit.

"...But it's not easy to break through to the strength of a real superior."

It is true that the strength of the lower-level demons, the intermediate-level demons and the upper-level demons changes greatly in these three stages, but it is not very difficult to break through these three realms.At the beginning, Tsunaji himself came to the realm of the superior demon when it was a matter of course, but it is very difficult to take another step. 's [superior] field.Only those who really take that step can be regarded as the powerhouses who truly dominate one side, but how many demons with talent and bloodline are unable to take this step?


Thousands of demons stopped at the level of higher-level demons, but they couldn't take that step forward again.

Even if Tsunayoshi used his strength to increase seven times in a row before, so that his strength could reach the level of the superior in an explosive state, but in the end, it was only an increase, and it was completely different from the level of truly entering the superior. concept.

Chapter [*] Can you wake me up once?

"Speaking of that, Rias was already the strength of a superior demon at that time, and he was already on the verge of being a superior. At that age, he already had such strength... The power of blood is really not to be underestimated, and the level of birth and starting level is high. The low gap is really big enough.”

When I first saw Rias, the other party was at the level of a high-level demon. At that time, Rias was the average age of an ordinary high school student. At that age, he had reached the level that he did not achieve immediately after all his efforts. This kind of birth The gap from the beginning is really big enough.According to normal circumstances, if he didn't have those opportunities at that time, it would take at least ten years of accumulation to reach the realm of higher-level demons.

After sighing about the advantages brought by the bloodline, it is still necessary to return to reality.Gangji has decided that he doesn't want to turn himself into a demon. In the end, a demon has a lot of limitations. Even if the growth rate is quite fast at the beginning, it is because the growth rate is too fast, and the progress in the later stage. Almost dead.

Even if Rias has a very pure demon bloodline, it is possible for her to cross over to the Demon King, or even above the Demon King.It only takes a certain amount of time to accumulate, and it is natural that her strength will grow to the level of the devil, or even the devil, but after growing to the devil, the advantages brought by the bloodline in the early stage almost limit the progress of the devil. .Otherwise, after the death of gods and demon kings, the world would not have been without new gods and demon kings.

"Accumulation is not enough. Even if it is accumulated in a short period of time, there is no way to accumulate too much. We can only use multiple means to make up for the rigid-gap in strength."

Hard strength is a big problem. If the strength gap is too large, no matter how good the ability is, the effect will be halved.Unlike the God of Death, who boasted about his strength in the early and middle stages, he actually died under the level A of the watermelon knife. In the normal world, how can a top powerhouse be killed by the level A of the watermelon knife?

There will never be a situation where the top powerhouse will be killed by the watermelon knife, and there will be no villain who can be as upright as Youhabach, who obviously has the advantage, and finally gave himself to everyone. All killed.Generally, when the top powerhouses are online, their IQ will definitely not be in the offline mode. That kind of routine is basically unworkable, and only those who have a problem with a string in their mind will feel that it will appear in reality. That situation.

The rigid strength can’t reach the standard, so use some special small means to add buffs to your head, forcibly add a lot of buffs to your own strength, and at the same time put a lot of negative buffs on the opponent, this is considered as Bridging the gap in hard power.

"It seems that you still need to master all the abilities in your hands first."

When it comes to Buff, the seven flames of the sky and the seven flames of the earth basically have the effect of buffs.Reconciliation is the first ability he comes into contact with, and it can be regarded as an ability he often uses. Simply using it has reached the point of mastery, and reconciliation can be temporarily put down.Hardening is an ability that he only started to come into contact with later, but because of the thunderbolt, he is also able to use it proficiently, so these two abilities can be temporarily put down.

Harmony and hardening can be temporarily put down, and the ability to construct is not suitable for his character. That is to say, calming, proliferation, activation and decomposition are the abilities that Tsunayoshi needs to use skillfully now.

"Sure enough, it should be better to calm and activate."

Calmness and activation are two very strong Buff abilities. If these two abilities are used freely, it will also be of great help to him.In addition, this is a very ordinary world. It is obviously abnormal to exercise abilities such as decomposition and proliferation in this world. On the contrary, the ability to calm and activate is better concealed. As long as the control is good enough, It is also possible to make it impossible for people to see the flames of rain and the flames of sunshine.


"Gangji... Huh? You've already woken up today."

When Tsunayoshi was thinking about something, the door of the room was secretly opened.Lan also sneaked in quietly from outside the room. If it was before, Gang Ji would be sleeping at this time, but today she was surprised that Gang Ji was awake today.

"...Lan, do you need to sneak into my room like this?"

"Hey? Me, I didn't sneak in. I was just worried about whether you could get up today. I'm going to wake you up!"

"Oh hoo~ You woke me up? Did you go in so quietly when you woke me up? Those who didn't know it thought it was a thief."

In the past, Gangji felt that Lan was not suitable for lying. It should be said that she is not good at this field at all. At least you should disguise the expression on your face a little. What kind of mind.It's just that the eyes he looked at Lan were a little more malicious at this moment. Thinking about it, it seemed that he hadn't been in contact with Lando for a long time.

"A Gang, you look a little scary..."

The gaze that once thought to eat her appeared again. This was definitely not a problem with Lan's perception ability, because at this moment, Gangji had already stepped off the bed and stood directly in front of her.

Now Lan's mood is a little flustered, she just lied to A Gang, and now she is too embarrassed to face A Gang's eyes.In addition to lying, she could also feel a strong sense of oppression in A Gang's eyes today, making it impossible for her to face it directly.

"Lan~ Speaking of which, you haven't come to wake me up for a while, right?"

"How do you say this all of a sudden?"

"I mean to say that I just woke up and I'm still a little awake now. I feel that I need Lan to wake me up now, otherwise I'll fall asleep again later."


When Lan's face was gradually turning red, Gangji also took advantage of the situation and pushed Lan to the edge of the wall, directly compressing the space where Lan was, so that she could not move at all.

"Can you wake me up just once~"


Chapter [*] Why don't you come to coax me?

"Hmm~ Ah Gang, it's hard to prepare breakfast if you hold me like this~"

It is obviously a very refreshing morning, but this sweet and greasy sound can be heard in the kitchen.Although there are complaints in the voice, it is not difficult to hear that there is still joy in the complaints. Perhaps preparing breakfast is not the current topic. For Lan, sticking together sweetly with her boyfriend is the topic.

Lan is enjoying the feeling of being held by A Gang while she is still preparing breakfast, just like a newlywed couple, what she likes most is this greasy, sweet and greasy feeling.Even the girl has a certain degree of restraint in her heart, but after the incident with Chris, she feels more and more that this restraint is really worthless.

There are also times when boys need girls strongly, and at such times, girlfriends need to fulfill their obligations as girlfriends.Lan is very happy that Agang can endure for her all the time, but now she doesn't want Agang to endure all the time, these days she still hopes that Agang can treat her as if she is Keli. Silk thing.

Boys will have ideas like this, and girls will naturally have them. Same-sex repulsion and opposite-sex attraction is almost the same.It is normal for Lan to have such thoughts, which shows that she is ready to become a real woman in her heart, but now there is only one chance missing, as long as there is a chance, she wants to become a real woman.

"Occasionally it's not bad. In fact, I just need to eat Lan and I'm full."

"Really~ where will I let you eat~"

Some nasty conversations are also good. Such conversations are not just for ordinary relationships, that is, the relationship between male and female friends can be so frank at this time.It's a sincere picture of dog abuse, but unfortunately, such a picture is not something that everyone can see. Now the two people who enjoy this tranquility and harmony in peace will not be disturbed by others.

When Gangji approached Lan, Lan turned off the gas with a blushing face, and put the breakfast thing aside for the time being. At this time, it was more important to be a boyfriend.

The two people who were lovers were quickly immersed in a passionate kiss. Lan and Gangji were not just lovers, but the relationship between the two was still in a state of mellow oil.Every time they meet like a couple, it's still like the first time they meet, Lan is still so shy, and Gangji's words...it's a bit stronger than the first time.

"Huhu~ You two are so sweet in the kitchen early in the morning!"

Just when Ran and Tsunayoshi still had the momentum to continue, Sonoko's voice made them both pause for a moment.Lan's face turned red in an instant, and she quickly stopped. She is very shameful, and she has not been able to calmly communicate with A Gang, and she also let her friends watch by the side.

The unhappiness on Sonoko's face was already written on her face. Before, she happily went to Tsunaji's room to wake him up.When I woke up Gangji, I developed the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend by the way, but I didn't expect that there was no one in Gangji's room at all... God knows that Gangji and Lan are already playing in the kitchen at this time. interact.

With that unhappy look and obvious sour taste, even Lan's face, who is a close friend, is a little embarrassed.In this kind of place, two people who are close friends have the same boyfriend. After all, there is only one person in Gangji, and the problem of distribution will definitely cause a certain jealousy problem.

"A-gang, I'm going to prepare breakfast next."

After sorting out her embarrassing emotions a little, Lan still has the character of a goddess. Since she could accept such a thing before, she has already prepared for such an embarrassing situation.

"Well, then you prepare first."

Gangji has started to rejoice at this moment. Fortunately, Lan is his girlfriend. Fortunately, Yuanzi and Lan have a very good relationship. Otherwise, he would really have to experience a good boat now.In Lan's shy eyes, he lightly kissed her lips again. He really should think of a way to deal with the problem of having many girlfriends. As a man who opened a harem, he naturally couldn't bear the problem of a fire in the backyard...

The kissed Lan stood in the kitchen for [*] seconds before recovering, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

"A-gang~ What a badass~"

With a sweet smile, Lan just felt that her heart was filled again.Although it was just a very simple action, it could make her feel A Gang's feelings for her. The sweet taste just made her want to fall into it blindly.


Sonoko's face was puffed up, but at this moment she was soured by Gangji and Lan.Even though Lan and Gang Ji often interacted like this, the sour feeling was especially obvious today, and Gang Ji kissed Lan in front of her before pulling her out of the kitchen, the sour feeling. The smell is about to explode.

Tsunaji, who pulled Sonoko's hand out, could feel the strong sour taste, but he still had to solve the problems he caused himself.He hugged Yuanzi and sat on the sofa, but at the moment Yuanzi was angry, even if he didn't avoid him, he turned in another direction angrily, and expressed it directly with his actions. dissatisfaction in oneself.


"Humph! I won't be jealous no matter what Lan and Gangji do!"

"You're going to make yourself sour, and you said that 3.7 is not jealous?"


Well, Sonoko admitted that he died of acid, and even his teeth were going to be sour.But would she admit to such a thing?No, she would never admit that her teeth were going to be sour.Even if some things are understandable, there is no way to restrain the girl-exclusive behavior like jealousy.

The girl is duplicitous. In fact, Sonoko has been waiting, waiting for Gangji to coax her. As long as she coaxes her a little, she will feel better.But this dead wood just didn't move at this time, and she couldn't bear this kind of waiting.

"Why don't you come and coax me?"

Chapter [*] The routine is not in the new, but in the attitude

"Why don't you come and coax me?"

"Well... I'm thinking about how I should coax you, Miss."

"Humph! Let's say it first, I'm not that easy to coax, and methods like Lan's are of no use to me."

Gangji didn't know what it would be like if this sentence was heard by others, but his expression became a little subtle now.Is Miss Sonoko difficult to coax?In fact, she is even simpler than Lan's side, and the way to make Yuanzi feel better is also very easy. Under certain circumstances, Yuanzi's mind is actually simpler than Lan's.

How to solve the problem of fire in the backyard? Naturally, the water in all the bowls must be leveled. If there is a problem in one of them, there will be a chain reaction.At this time, we need to solve it according to the normal situation. The first thing we need to do is to remove the sour smell that is now full of gardens.

At this time, if you are a man, don't talk. It will be faster to go straight to 01 points. After that, you can see the difference between a harem man and a scumbag.

"You... uh~"

Sonoko turned his head curiously to see Tsunaji's performance, and wanted to see how Tsunaji coaxed him.But when he turned around, he found that Gangji was approaching her unrestrictedly, and she had already taken her lips without allowing her any resistance. This is undoubtedly a very cunning approach, using this method to calm the girl's anger. The boys are very excessive.

Unfortunately, the garden really eats this set.

Although this kind of behavior of forcibly trying to relieve girls from their angry state is shameful, boys who can generally do this kind of behavior will definitely be condemned. Of course, this is on the premise that the heroine has a general feeling for the hero. Down.

Does Sonoko have that general feeling for Tsunayoshi?I'm sorry, that was when we first met, and when we were not familiar with it, it could be said to be a normal relationship, but after meeting the parents, it is no longer a normal relationship. It can be said that it is already Determine the true boyfriend and girlfriend relationship in the future.

Besides, the biggest reason for Sonoko's anger was not that she couldn't accept what happened in front of her, but that she was jealous because of some sourness in her heart.That is, because of the subtle difference in treatment, Sonoko directly burst out her emotions when she was jealous. It didn't mean that she was really angry with Gangji's behavior, she was just jealous of Gangji's attitude towards Lan.

After a kiss, Sonoko, who was still angry, now only had the blush from being kissed, and the sour taste in his stomach was also reduced by [*]%.

"...It's so cunning to use this method on a girl."

Afterwards, Sonoko resented how her willpower was so poor, and she was dealt with by Tsunaji with a kiss.At the same time, she also complained a little about Gangji's use of this method to deal with her. Of course, she personally agrees with this greasy and crooked approach, because she also knows that boys sometimes need girls.

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