It's just that the CP combination of Kosaki and Sawada is not just a star and a half. At least there is no boy that Kosaki likes in the class.

It's a pity that the boys in the class are a bunch of idiots. Obviously, they don't know if Xiaosaki has that kind of mind, but here we can only put all the problems on Xiaosaki. Who made Xiaosaki suffer so much in the class? Welcome.

Just when the boys in the class were sharpening their knives, Gangji, the hero of this incident, returned to the class with three girls.

"Sawada!" *N

All the boys in the class had scarlet rays of light in their eyes, and they directly surrounded Gangji who walked in.

"I said...what are you doing?"

Tsunayoshi, who was surrounded in the middle, was also confused. He never did anything that would attract hatred.

"Tell me, what happened to you...with Onodera?"

A group of boys are already in a state of sharpening their knives here. It is certain that if Gangji dares to say "happening" here, then it will definitely become a state of attacking in groups. Is it just that Gangji will be so stupid?

...these guys are more boring than expected.

Tsunayoshi glanced in the direction of Onodera, and almost forgot that Onodera was quite popular among the boys in the class.It's just that these guys really turned the knife in the wrong direction this time. If they aimed the knife directly at a piece of music, maybe these guys would really be able to do it.

"I'm so sorry. It's really difficult for me to do something with Onodera. Didn't you see that Miyamoto went together?"


Miyamoto is the best friend in Onodera's class, and the two are usually inseparable.In fact, in addition to this, Miyamoto also has the title of [Onoji Barrier], because Miyamoto is there, it is a big problem for many boys to approach Onodera.

The powerful and terrifying Sanwu attributes almost made countless boys bow down, and no boys could laugh when facing Miyamoto's Sanwu face.And want to chat and laugh with Onodera in front of Miyamoto's Sanwuface?This difficulty is simply higher than the difficulty of facing Miyamoto directly.

"With Miyamoto around, are you sure I can have that special interaction with Onodera?"

In fact, Tsunayoshi can interact with Onodera on those occasions, but ordinary boys can't do this.

You must know that Miyamoto has always had an expression that has remained unchanged for thousands of years in school, and the attributes of Sanwu can also be seen with eyes.In the face of this kind of three-nothing characteristics, if there is no level of boys who want to face it calmly, it is a joke, not to mention that Miyamoto not only has three-noise characteristics, but Miyamoto's poisonous tongue is also very famous.

Sanwu plus poisonous tongue, this kind of combination is definitely not what the boys want to face, what the boys want to face is the healing of Onodera.

Chapter [*] People who really need to learn

After school, I'm going to go to Tsunayoshi's house today to discuss the next study tasks. Naturally, I won't delay the time in the school for too long. After finishing the bag, I took the time to leave.

In order to avoid a lot of rumors in the class, this time the four of them gathered outside the school and then went to Tsunayoshi's house. The time was a little bit late, but it was still within the acceptable range.

After gathering off-campus, the four of them arrived at the door of Sawada's house within fifteen minutes. It was also a villa, but it was not as exaggerated as Qianji's house.

"You all come in."

After Gangji opened the door, he also let the three girls in the back follow him in~.

She took out the lady's slippers from the shoe cabinet at the entrance and placed them in front of the three girls. The villa was not suitable, so slippers were still required.

"Excuse me."*3

The three girls, wearing slippers, followed in Gangji's footsteps and walked out of the room.

The standard configuration of an ordinary villa is not particularly special, just like it is often seen in the pictures introduced. After only two or three glances, the three girls already know the standard of this villa.

A glass of juice was given to each of the three girls, and Tsunade also sat on the sofa to signal that a formal topic could be discussed next.

"The next thing is about the arrangement for the next two and a half years. Normally, it would be better not to compress all the time on language learning. The situation of Qianji and Miyamoto is still good, and Onodera should not be able to adapt to it. The child becomes high-strength.”

"I agree with that, Kosaki is not good at learning, it's been a long time ago."

Liuli also agrees that there is no need to suddenly upgrade to a high-intensity learning state. She has a relatively strong ability to accept, and she personally likes language, but Xiaosaki may not be able to stand it.

Learning a language is not something that can be done in a short period of time. If it can be learned so easily, then Kosaki's level of English will not be what it is now.

"You don't have to squeeze all the time out after school, just put language learning on one or two days on weekends. There is plenty of time for study, and the pressure is not too great, just take it from Monday to Friday. It's time to relax."

Language learning must be very depressing. From Monday to Friday, I have already been depressingly studying in school every day. Not very long.

Considering the issues of efficiency and time, it is better to put the time for language learning on weekends. Even if language learning is very boring, it does not mean that it will be so boring that it has a superimposed effect of mental exhaustion. At most, it is just a normal class. almost.

The difference from the school is that there are only four of them in the members of this study. If there are only four people, the psychological pressure will be reduced, and the quality of learning will be improved without too much psychological burden.

"On the weekends now, we will help Onodera to improve his English first, and we will learn Italian when we go out for training camps during the summer vacation, and try to average the progress between us."

"Then, in this case, doesn't it mean that only me and Liuli are studying?"

"Accurately speaking, you should be the only one studying at Onodera, and the three of us are more likely to accompany you to study. The three of us will accompany you before the summer vacation and force you to improve your English level, at least in Allows you to have simple everyday conversations in English before summer vacation."


Xiaosaki looked at the very calm Ruri with a look of disbelief, and that look was like saying "Ruri, you traitor".

For this kind of eye attack, Liuli directly showed her own faceless face, completely ignoring any kind of eye attack, and even caused reflex damage.

"I already know Miyamoto's English level. Her level is completely capable of normal conversations, and she has a considerable vocabulary. That is to say, among the four of us, you are the only one who needs to do it. With special training in English, even Miyamoto just needs to increase his vocabulary and increase the number of ordinary conversations."

His English level is quite high, after all, this was also learned from Arya, a very standard London accent.Qianji grew up in the United States. Naturally, there will be no problems with English. The standard is not comparable to Japanese students.As for Miyamoto, her initial inspiration was to become a translator. As a translator, she must have a strong foundation in language, which is also the foundation of being a translator.

Among the four of them, Onodera was the only one with the worst English, and the others were all above the standard line of excellence.

"how come……"

"Onoji Temple."

"Yes Yes."

"Although there is an element of rote memorization in language, this element only accounts for less than [*]%, and the rest is more in conversation. Therefore, it is not often encountered in the whole learning process. When you have to memorize it by rote, you only need to memorize fifty words for two days on weekends.”

"Is that all right?"

It's not a lot to memorize [*] words in two days on weekends, which is acceptable for Kosaki.

"However, the three of us will speak to you in English throughout the learning process, and you need to answer us in English yourself."

"Isn't this more difficult?"

"No, in fact, the difficulty is lowered. Language, language is what is spoken, and only when you use it frequently will you become more proficient in using it. It's like when people can't help themselves, they will start to actively get used to the surrounding environment. surroundings."

"But, I'm not very good at... talking."

"You don't have to worry about this, the three of us will give you some help when you say it."

Chapter [*] Experience is a big pit

Among the four people present, Gangji, Qianji, and Liuli all had no major problems with English. Maybe Liuli had some problems with long sentences, but she definitely didn't have much problems with daily conversations. That is to say, the conversation in the spoken language is that the three of them tutor Kosaki alone.

Kosaki, who has figured out the situation and development of the situation, has a bitter expression at the moment. It took her a long time to figure out that the study before the summer vacation was not aimed at Qianji and Liuli, it was entirely because of her own level. No, I did this targeted study.

Thinking about the weekends in the future, there is no time for other activities. From Monday to Friday, it has become a time for mental relaxation... Xiaosaki's expression at this moment has already explained everything.

"Onoji, I don't mean that you should focus all your weekends and weekends on language. If you go out, you can go out together, but even if you are outside, you must speak English."


The best way to learn English is to use it regularly.

This is the only way to learn language, and the method of rote memorization is not reliable at all.

That method is to memorize more words, but the efficiency of the method to learn to use English better can be said to be quite low, or even negligible.

"Onodera, you should know, English is just for you to get used to that state, and Italian learning will be done in this way. Chikage and Miyamoto will stand with you at that time. On one line, they'll be in the same situation you are now with Italian."

"Now, is there any problem?"

"there is none left……"

The bleak life in the future is already doomed, so Xiaosaki can only agree to such a learning policy with hahaha.

English is one of the subjects she is least good at... There seems to be no other subjects that she is good at, even sports.English is one of the subjects that gave her a headache. Now she is finally going to face the subject of English directly, and it is still a long time before the summer vacation.

Kosaki knew that it wasn't just a period of time before summer vacation.After the summer vacation starts, she will study Italian. If her English has not improved much, she will have to face the pressure of another foreign language... That is to say, now she can only work hard , at least English is a little more basic than Italian.

"Then start to make up your mind today. From the perspective of a bystander, your appearance is still very interesting."


"I'm not joking, Onodera, do you want to experience it in advance today?"


"Sakura, what you can try is just [experience]."

"...Liu Li, why are you not even on my side!"

"It's for your own good, it's up to you to go to Italy."


In the end, under the strong complement of her friend, Kosaki decided to go one step ahead and experience the feeling of speaking all English.

"Onoji, are you ready?"

Gangji said these words directly in English.

"All right."

Xiaosaki took a deep breath, and she was ready to accept the judgment of fate in her heart. She also pricked up her ears now, and she didn't want to be particularly embarrassed in the future.

"Onodera, you are actually a very stupid person, right?"

Looking at Onodera with a bright smile, the words spit out from Tsunayoshi's mouth are not harmonious at all like the smile on his face, and the content can be said to be quite discordant.

It's just that the fluent London accent made Xiao Saki stunned for a moment. She just didn't hear a lot of words clearly, and this sentence passed directly.The standard English conversation is not like the conversation in the classroom. The real English conversation is much faster than the conversation in the classroom.

"Yes, it is."

Because it passed in a hurry, and without a single stunned Xiao Saki, she glanced in the direction of Sawada subconsciously. When she saw Sawada's smiling face, she relaxed her vigilance and answered her familiar lines...


Qianji immediately burst out laughing.As someone who has used English for more than ten years, she can understand what Tsunaji said, and how Xiaosaki answered... To be honest, she couldn't hold back at this moment, so she just burst out laughing. Out.


For Kosaki's answer, Ruri couldn't see the bright future.

Although Sawada's words just passed quickly, she can still understand what it means. It should be said that anyone with a few years of English can understand it, and Sawada does not use very unfamiliar vocabulary. .

But even so, Xiao Saki answered "Yes" directly without understanding it?Is this an attempt to admit that she herself is an idiot?

"Sawada-san, what did you just say?"

Even if he didn't know what Sawada-san said, Chikke couldn't help laughing, and Liuli's speechless appearance made Xiaosaki react. The words Sawada-san just said were probably not good words.

"Cough cough! What I just said was [Onodera, you are actually a very stupid person, right] 3.1, and then you gave me the answer of [Yes] directly. I have to say, Onodera, you are my friend. The first girl ever to admit that she is an idiot."

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