Maria's heart suddenly felt a dull pain. Originally, her idea was to hide it from Nagi for as long as she could, but who knew that in such a short time, Nagi had already figured out the general meaning.

"Now I'm more at ease if he has the ability to bring my mother back to life, thanks, Maria."

Sanshenin Nagi has long been used to Maria's nonsense, and it is estimated that the old man asked Maria to say this, but Maria's statement gave her a lot of information and reminders, and let her know it. A lot of things that she didn't know in the past gave her a very clear answer.

"...That's why I said that Nagi can't be fooled now."

All the things that should not have been said have been said now. Maria is also quite a headache now, but she is speaking the opposite. way.

Now I can only pray in my heart that something bad will not happen.

"Little chick, little chick!"

The carefree elder sister heard that her younger sister was having an affair with other boys at school, as well as some other news, she immediately rushed to her younger sister's room.

Maybe because I was a little too anxious, I forgot the details that I should pay attention to, so I opened the door and rushed in, and then I accidentally saw the picture that all the boys in the White Emperor wanted to see.

By the way, her younger sister is Gui Daiju, a very famous student council president in the White Emperor.

In the case of both beauty and wisdom, the force is also very amazing, especially when the bamboo sword is in hand, the combat power is simply not like a normal person.

Especially at times like this.

"Boom!" *N

There is no need to have any psychological burden to teach the sturdy elder sister a lesson. With a dark face, Daisy Gui holds the bamboo sword and looks at the elder sister who has been severely taught by her.

"Sister! Knocking on the door is the greatest invention of mankind. Don't you even know that you need to knock on the door before entering the door, and you need to prepare for the people in the room!?"

How many times has this happened?

Gui Daiju herself can't remember how many times this is the first time her sister has broken into her room, and every time she just lectures her on her behavior.

But the nature of this time is completely different. Even sisters who are related by blood can't be said to break in when the sister is changing clothes, right?At this time, it would be unhappy for anyone to be replaced.

" was wrong this time."

Gui Xuelu knew that it was indeed her fault this time, because she was in a hurry and accidentally broke in directly.

Obviously it's a sister relationship, can't you see it when you take a shower?Seeing one or two is not really a big relationship, but my sister is very concerned about this kind of issue.

"Then, why did you come here this time, sister?"

Gui Xuelu looked at her sister's black face, as if she vaguely realized that her sister seemed to be in trouble with her recently because of her financial problems. Now the relationship has become a little colder, which makes her quite not used to it.

She is also a little embarrassed about this. In fact, since her sister refrigerated her, her living conditions have changed a lot. At least for the past week, she has endured not to drink.

"Cough! I'm not here this time because of borrowing money to drink."

"So you still know about borrowing money to drink."

"Cough cough!"

Once again, he accidentally poked his own sore spot, and Gui Xuelu hurriedly changed the topic. If this topic continued, his sister would start to air-conditioning in a while.

"I heard that your relationship with a boy who just came to the White Emperor... is very unusual."

"...Heard these words from those boys again?"

"Those guys are going crazy in the White Emperor. Now who is the White Emperor who doesn't know that you have a boyfriend, Xiaochu."

"...I have a boyfriend!? Why don't I even know about this kind of thing!?"

I had long known that Bai Huang would spread some rumors, but Gui Daiju herself did not expect that it would turn into a problem of having a boyfriend in such a short time.

The key is that she doesn't even know when she has a boyfriend. Those rumors are a bit too much!

I just said a few words to Gangji. She has a very good relationship with Axiang Rika. In addition, Axiang and Rika are new members of her student council. What if she said a few words to Gangji?Didn't she talk to other boys, why didn't she let out the rumors of other boys so crazy?

The other classmates, Gui Daiju, can't handle 1.6 now, but her somewhat terrifying eyes are now locked on her sister.

"Sister, you didn't come to me because of those rumors, did you?"

"Absolutely not!"

Gui Xuelu firmly denied such a statement. In fact, her heart is quite empty now, but if this kind of guilty feeling is expressed, she may not be able to escape a lesson today.

"I heard from Chaofeng, it seems that someone pulled a piece of land for Xiao Nagi's name."

Kwai Daisy frowned. She had heard Xiao Nagi talking about this matter before. Today, when she was at school, she heard Xiao Nagi saying these things to Sawada. She had no doubt that it must be Sawada's help.

Chapter [*] The cold treatment of laurel daisy is successful

"I also heard Xiao Nagi talk about this, and Xiao Nagi is talking about it today."

"What I said later should be something you haven't heard. Those are what I heard from Chaofeng and the others. It seems to be about that land."

"Is there something wrong with that land...?"

I heard Xiao Nagi say that it seems to be a large villa area, and Katsura Daisy has never seen what kind of place it is, but this only shows that Sawada doesn't care about money at all, just like It's just what he said before.

"Well, there seems to be a big problem with that villa area. What Hua Ling said is that the villa area is actually a very important place. Now many wealthy families and families with backgrounds are fighting for one of the villas."

"Huh? Is that what Miki said?"

"Of course, I can't even hear these few words clearly."

This is true.

Although my sister is usually quite sloppy, she can still hear some things clearly. What's more, the three people were there when Xiao Nagi was talking at the time. Afterwards, I remembered that the words that the parents in the family said were not consistent. Not very strange.

"Miki's family also thinks like this?"

"It's not just Hualing, Chaofeng and Segawa also said the same. It seems that their family has also received news of this aspect, but their parents don't seem to think that they will end up with Xiao Nagi."

"This... doesn't seem to be surprising."

Gui Daiju was shocked, and instantly understood what her sister meant by this sentence, but she still thought there was nothing to be surprised about.Sawada said similar things last time, power and wealth have been reflected at this moment, which also proves that Sawada didn't joke with her last time.

"Nothing surprising?"

"I have heard him say before whether he has this ability. Now even if he has such ability, I am not an exception. I can only say that he has clearly demonstrated his ability. "

"Hey? You really knew that boy before!?"

Seeing her sister's surprised appearance, Gui Daidai was rather speechless.

Is there anything wrong with her knowing Sawada?She met Sawada on Christmas Eve before, and at the end of the year she was invited to the house for New Year's Eve together. She not only knew Sawada, but also Rika Aka.

"I don't know who was drinking with someone else on Christmas Eve."


This sentence made Gui Xuelu's heart skip a beat. She remembered that she was drinking with others on Christmas Eve.

"I don't know who went out drinking with the teacher on New Year's Eve."


Well, this sentence is about her again, and Gui Xuelu remembers that it seems that he and Bai Huang's teacher made an appointment to go out for a drink and New Year's Eve together.

"Cough cough! Little chick, after all, that is the normal interaction between teachers and teachers, and normal entertainment is also needed."

"But why did I hear Kaoru-sensei say that this wine party was completely provoked by you?"

At the same time when the truth was revealed, Gui Xuelu's face was also quite ugly. She had been hiding from her sister about going out for a drink on New Year's Eve, especially after her sister treated her coldly, she was even more reluctant. Dare to tell the story of going out to drink directly in front of Xiaochu.

Who knew that the day and night defense was actually sold by that guy Kaoru. I must squeeze some oil and water out of that guy tomorrow, at least to make up for the cost of her dinner.

... Kaoru that damn traitor!

"Then, sister, you came here to say this?"

Gui Xuelu immediately noticed that his sister's eyes began to look a little bad. It seemed that she was in a worse mood after she learned about the New Year's Eve drinking.

In order not to let his sister continue to treat him coldly, now Gui Xuelu can only take out his wallet with tears in his eyes. He can't put on an unhappy expression on his face, and even takes it for granted.


Gui Daiju almost laughed when she saw the twisted expression on her sister's face, but in the end, she still held on to the cold emotion on her face, and always kept the principle of not giving her sister a good look.

"Dang, of course, I'm not just talking about this. Today, I mainly want to return the money I borrowed from Xiaochu in the past."

God knows how painful Gui Xuelu's heart was when she said this. She borrowed a total of [*] yuan from Xiaochu, and if she paid it back today, she would definitely have to eat instant noodles for a month starting today.

But she already knew her goal, and she went directly to Kaoru to settle the account for a while. She must eat and drink from him, and she must be raised for at least a month.

"Well, since sister, if you think so, I'll take it back."

Gui Daisy is holding back her laughter in her heart now, but while holding back her laughter, she also received 690 of the money back.After that, she really should thank Sawada for the idea she gave her. It only took a long time for the effect to come out. It is absolutely impossible to be hard on her sister in the future. In the future, she should use this method to deal with her sister. .

My sister is such a person. Being polite to her can easily make her sister get carried away like this. It is better to use a more rigid method, but it will have better results.


After watching her sister put away the money, her face became much better, which also made Gui Xuelu, as her sister, feel a lot more relaxed.

Although she is an older sister in identity, her younger sister is much stronger than her older sister. If her younger sister stares at her, she is likely to be confused. She even says that her younger sister often controls her economic lifeline. This is also the reason why her status as a sister is quite low.

"Little chick, have you noticed that Xiao Nagi is a little unusual today?"

"Little Nagi? Well, she is indeed a little abnormal today."

Gui Daisy is very clear about this, and also feels that Xiao Nagi has a little problem today.

Chapter [*]: Gui Daisy jumped up in a hurry

"Little chick, you don't know why Nagi has become so normal?"

Yesterday, after being reminded by her sister, Gui Daiju found out that Xiao Nagi was abnormal. The next day, when she came to Bai Huang, she mentioned a little in front of Ya Xiang.

Of course, Ya Xiang knew why Xiao Nagi had such a big change. The maid of Xiao Nagi's family had already made it clear when she appeared in the house at that time. She and Rika already knew the reason and why. Xiao Nagi will be so serious to change herself.

It's just that she felt that the relationship between Xiao Nagi and Xiao Hina should be relatively close, how could she still not know what happened to Xiao Nagi, nor the agreement between Xiao Nagi and her brother?

"You know Yaxiang?"

"Not only do I know, even Rika knows."

"What the hell is going on then?"

Gui Daiju is also quite curious about Xiao Nagi's abnormality yesterday. Normally, Xiao Nagi would not be so obedient to come to the school, but yesterday, when Bai Huang started school, Xiao Nagi really came over. This is indeed a Incredible thing.

Yaxiang thought about it for a while, that thing was incredible, but her brother didn't say to keep the secret absolutely, it should be okay to tell Xiaochu, and she also believed that Xiaochu would definitely not tell other people casually.

"Actually so."

In the next few minutes, Ya Xiang told Xiao Hina about the incredible agreement between herself and Xiao Nagi.

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