"Well, Miss Ogasawara, today I hope you move to another place to live. The accommodation conditions will not be too bad, even if you live in a villa with five or six people, it won't be too stressful."


"That's right, the two authors who co-wrote this novel live in the place I prepared, I hope you can get in touch with them and start designing characters. The other two are the original authors of the novel, and I also I hope to hear their opinions on character design."

"I see, I'll move in as soon as possible."

Knowing the reason, Ogasawara Ronko doesn't mind changing the place of accommodation. After all, it has a certain relationship with her work. As a character design and drawing supervisor, it is also necessary for her to contact the original author of the novel in the next work.

Of course, this is also because of the requirements of the boss. As a subordinate, she has no good solution, not to mention the requirements that are conducive to work.

Others are somewhat envious, you must know that it is a villa.

Because of work reasons, it is still a villa that my boss asked to move into. Others also want to have this kind of treatment. Unfortunately, they are not painting, and there is no way to contact the original author.

Chapter [*] The limit time is less than three months

"Is this the address given by the eldest lady?"

Looking down at the address written on the paper, Rinko Ogasawara reconfirmed and confirmed that this is indeed the address given by the eldest lady.

It's just that now she said that she can only stand at the door and look, because the area inside is a bit large, and there are villas with uniform divisions, she feels that her eyes are a bit dazzling, as if a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. , and her eyes were already blinded.

A job like hers naturally hopes to be done in a quieter place, but this place is too quiet!

Quietly, she was a little scared.

Walking into the villa, the feeling of complete tranquility came over me, and the whole villa felt as if there was no other sound.


Startled, Ogasawara Ronko was also startled by the voice behind her. She looked back and saw the girl who was a head taller than her. From her temperament, she felt that this girl should not be very old.

"You were also recommended by Miss Sanqianyuan?"

"Hello, I'm Ronko Ogasawara, and now I'm the painting supervisor of the Musashino Action 11 Painting Company."

so fast!

Shinjima Saori was a little surprised. She originally thought that it would take a while for Miss Sanqianyuan to acquire an animation company.

"Then you are... the original author?"

"No, my main job now is to assist the two original authors. Now the two of them are still considering the progress of the second novel. I'm afraid they won't have any time to go out now."

"And the second one?"

"Of course, they are all in a hurry now. Before the first animation is made, they hope to complete the novel as soon as possible, so that they can also participate in the production of the animation."

"So it is."

It is also very common for novel writers to participate in the production of animation, and Ogasawara Ronko can also understand the idea of ​​new writers wanting to participate.

She also has a printed version of the novel in her hand, but she has not read it carefully since she just got it, and she doesn't know what the plot will be like.

"Actually, I came here because of the two original authors, mainly to prepare for the animation."

"Is that so? Then Miss Ogasawara, please come with me, and I will show you the two original authors of this novel."

Inside the villa, Wugeng Ruri and Kosaka Kirino are both struggling with the computer. Now they can say that they spend their time on writing, and they really don't have time to participate in other things. .

"It's really... a picture that can only be seen by a writer."

When you open the door of the studio, you can hear a series of keyboard tapping sounds, and then you can see two cute girls with high appearances constantly tapping on the keyboard.

This kind of picture is really what many authors would do, but now the author has become two lovely girls.

"Liu Lijiang, Tong Nai, stop for a while."


"It's the painting supervisor arranged by Miss Sanqianyuan."

"Hmm... eh!?"*2

The two stopped their work at the same time, and when the two heard the words "painting supervisor", they became a little more energetic.

"You two..."

Shinjima Saori has not been able to do anything very well recently. Since she came back before, the two have been writing very hard. She sometimes can't wake them up. Basically, except for eating and sleeping, the two of them basically immersed in the world of writing.

"Drawing supervisor... Miss Sanqianyuan is acting too fast, right? Did the animation company get it done so quickly?"

"The second part has just begun."

Do both of you feel that your movements are too slow?

They have just started working on the content of the second book, the first volume of the novel, and they have already negotiated with the face animation company.Now to introduce the painting supervisor, maybe it is for the warm-up of animation.

"Not so fast."

Now how can it be done so quickly to animate novels? It will take a long time to prepare, not to mention that there are many things to do here, so it will not be so easy to start.

Ronko Ogasawara came here this time just to sit up on things related to character design first. The official animation may not start so soon. Now Musashino still has to restart the animation that was previously suspended.

"I came here just to get in touch with the original author of the novel and start designing the characters first. Musashino has other animations in preparation now, and it may take some time for the production of the next animation."

"But the total time should be less than three months."

There are a total of twelve episodes of animation. Three episodes have been produced before. Originally, there were some problems in the fourth episode, which caused the 647 problem of the suspension.Now restart the production, and it will take about two months to complete it all.

She doesn't have anything else to do now, so she can start the character design here. Two months should be enough to get to know all the characters and design each character well.

"It's less than three months... black, I'm afraid we're going to be in a bit of trouble."

"It's a little troublesome."

It is indeed a big challenge for them to complete the content of four novels in less than three months, and still need to ensure sufficient quality.

The time must be quite tight, even if they have written the four volumes of the first part together before, but the writing difficulty of the second part is much higher than the first part, and the content of some things is also quite complete. requires a brain.

Is three months enough?

The two of them really can't confirm whether they can complete all four volumes in three months, but if they can't complete it within three months, I'm afraid they won't have the energy and qualifications to participate in the animation work. Yes, this is undoubtedly the biggest regret for them.

Chapter [*] Miss Miki, I'll ask you about someone

"It's really strange, Xiao Nagi asked for leave today."

If it was a common thing to ask for leave like last year, Sanqianyuan Nagi was a student who hardly came to school for the whole year last year. Many students and teachers were accustomed to her not coming to school. Instead, she would take the initiative to come. Something must have been out of the ordinary that day at school.

"Well, since school started, this is the first time Nagi has asked for leave."

"I heard that even Isumi didn't come to school."

"Isumi didn't come either?"

"Tell me from my intuition, they definitely missed class together!"

After saying this, Risa Chaofeng put a hand on Tsunayoshi's shoulder.

"Sawada, what do you think?"

It was also an intuition telling her that they didn't know any reason for this matter, but Sawada should know the reason why Nagi and Isumu took leave today.

"Don't ask me directly about this kind of girl, go ask Miss Gui, she is also involved."

"Daisy actually participated in it?"

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt something was wrong. Daisy had already come to school today. If she had participated, she would have been absent from school with Nagi and Isumu today.

"No! Sawada, since you said that Daisy also knew about it and participated in it, then you must know the reason!"

The eyes of the three girls were locked on Gangji alone.

Originally thought it was just a matter between Nagi and Isumu, but now even Daisy is involved, I am afraid this matter is not a trivial matter.

For this kind of thing that is not trivial, and also very interesting, it is the gossip that the three of them like the most.

"Chaofeng, Hualing, Segawa, even if you know about it now, you will just go to play. I think even Miss Gui will not tell you now."

Tsunayoshi had already seen the destructive power and the willful and playful abilities of the three girls in front of him, and now Nagi probably won't tell these three girls about those things. All that's left is to play.

"Sawada, don't say we are useless."

"It's not that you are useless, you really like to play. You can't help Xiao Nagi too much in the past, but will let Miss Gui spend a lot of time on you. This is why Xiao Nagi doesn't want to tell you for the time being. ."


The three girls who like to play turned their heads away.

Although they prefer gossip and play, it doesn't mean that they are not serious.If Nagi and Daisy are in real trouble, the three of them will really help.

"Oh~ Nagi is really. If you really encounter a problem and say it directly, we can also help, the serious kind."

Segawa Izumi has a cute face. She prefers to play, but she also likes Nagi very much. If Nagi is in trouble, she will definitely stand up to help Nagi.

"Unfortunately, what Nagi needs now is not financial support. If you can maintain your serious state for a longer time, Segawa, Nagi will definitely ask you for help."

The girl in front of her has a good idea, and Gangji also knows that this girl is absolutely sincere when she says this.It's a pity that the current situation is not the same, so there are not many opportunities for this girl to help Xiao Nagi now. It would be better for Xiao Nagi to work hard.

"Even if I say that, I can't accept it."

"That's right. As a friend, we should speak clearly. We won't be stingy if we make it clear that we can help."

Segawa Izumi and Risa Asakae were still a little unhappy in their words.

"Sawada, apart from Hina, is there anyone else helping Nagi?"

"Of course there are two of Nagi's friends, and her maid."

"Xiao Nagi's friend...and one is her."

In addition to Icheng, the other friend of Xiao Nagi is naturally Aizawa Sakuya, and Hualing Miki used to see Aizawa Sakuya and Xiao Nagi often walking together.

"It's not about the money?"


"I understand."

Hualing Miki nodded, Xiao Hina's help must be a matter of ability, Maria's participation must also be asked by Xiao Nagi, Aizawa Sakuya and Icheng may need their help, or that Two people Nagi believed.

These eldest young ladies have some private money on hand. Xiao Nagi is the eldest young lady of the Sanqianyuan family. Even if the money she saves is not a lot, it is also not small, tens of millions or even [*] million. Yen is still available.

So what is it that Hina can help, Maria can help, Aizawa Sakuya and Isumu can help, but they can't?

Maybe it's a real thing.

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