"Ha~ You are so courageous, you dare to draw a fan book?"

In fact, drawing a book also requires a lot of courage. If you don’t have a strong heart, you can’t bear some pressure. In fact, it is not just a book painter, even a serious painter also needs a strong heart. Otherwise, how can you bear the reminders again and again?

Annoyed to be bored to death.

"Who's timid!?"

Ying Lili was so angry that her two ponytails went straight to the sky, how could she be timid?Her courage is not ordinary, if it weren't for this black-bellied woman's grasp of her own handle, she would even dare to draw a bunch of naked portraits of this black-bellied woman and spread it all over the White Emperor.

It's a pity that this woman caught her own handle, so she couldn't do such a thing that made her nervous and excited.

"If you hadn't recommended me to come, I could have imagined such a thing!?"

Eri Ry felt particularly uncomfortable every time she thought of her handle being in that woman's hand. It was an indescribable feeling of discomfort, and she felt that there was always a knife hanging over her head as if it would fall at any time.

Now it is also thanks to this black-bellied woman that she has two knives on her head, making her feel even more insecure.

"Okay, anyway, people didn't want you to do something bad, they just asked you to draw illustrations, it's still your old job."

Of course, Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu knew that this golden retriever was a fanartist, and he still couldn't reach the level of a fanartist in the level of serious illustrations, otherwise, why did he cooperate with other painters at that time?

"You bastard! The old lady is a fanartist, and now she is a serious illustrator, where is the old lady's specialty!"

When Ying Lili was mentioned, the words "old work" were completely blown up. Her accomplishments in serious painters are not as good as those of her own fanartists. It's a shame, but she'll admit it.But what the hell is a serious illustration?

'Now I'm also on a pirate ship, and it's not easy to get off. '

If it were ordinary people, she might be able to fool her, but since she went to the address that the boy gave her, her father went straight to her when she came back the same day, and that was what she was talking about, and then she knew if she wanted to fool things or not. possible.

"It's all because of you! Originally, I didn't need to transform, but now it's all because of you that I have to force the transformation!"

Ying Li Li almost cried about this, she was obviously pretty good as a fanartist, why did she have to transform herself?Really thankless.

Chapter [*] The Angry Pear

'The forced transition, um, does look like a big ship, the kind that goes up and down. '

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu can already think of what the situation is like. The Golden Retriever has tried transformation in the past, but that transformation made her completely choose to give up and decide to continue to be her own in the fandom. Doujin artist.

"You seem to have failed the transformation last time, right? Are you sure it's okay now?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still remembers what the Golden Retriever lost at that time, but he said that he will never talk about anything about transformation in the future. Now he has begun to transform again, but will it be successful this time?She personally has no expectations.

'There is no problem there, it should be very problematic! '

Ying Lili knows her own affairs. It is not easy to achieve transformation. What's more, she has tried to break away from her fandom once before, but she is more famous in the fandom world. Now this transformation is simply killing her.

The whole process can really be said to be extremely uncomfortable, but she was prepared for this uncomfortable situation before, and now she wants to think about how to hone her skills after the transformation, at least in painting. If you are promoted up, if you don't go up, it will be impossible to transform.

"I'm so sorry, okay!"

Yingli Li took a long time today and finally finished the illustration of the clothes. On the surface, it looks okay, but after looking at it a little more carefully, she felt that there are many flaws in this illustration. It was very uncomfortable for her to look at it.

"Normal painting and fan painting are completely different concepts. One is to sell it hard, and the other is to dig deeper things... I told you that you will not understand. Just say it, call What are you looking for me for?"

Going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, this sentence is said to be the black-bellied woman of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, this woman will definitely not come to her if she has nothing to do, after all, the two of them do not deal with each other when they look at each other.

"Are you helping the people from the Sanqianyuan eldest lady draw illustrations?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is naturally the person who will not call if there is nothing to do. She is very interested in what happened before, so she naturally calls and asks the person concerned when she is curious.

She was very concerned about the special treatment of the eldest lady by the Undying Chuan Bookstore, and because someone related to the eldest lady submitted the manuscript, the entire Undying Chuan Bookstore would revolve around the eldest lady. It's hard to let her, a writer who has written books for a long time and just became popular some time ago.

It took several years of hard work by myself to make my efforts pay off, but a person who doesn't know where he came from, just submits a manuscript, just because he is a related household, he is directly taken care of by the entire Undying Chuan Library... Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu knew that anyone would feel uncomfortable facing this kind of experience.

"You don't know? Forget it, you're unlikely to know either."

Ying Lili has met Takasaka Tono and Wugeng Liuli. Those two are not students of the White Emperor, and their family background is not as good as those of the young masters and young ladies in the White Emperor. They are just ordinary families. girl.

It is because the two girls are not students of Baihuang Middle School, and the background behind them is quite ordinary. It is natural that these two girls work together to write novels. Others don't know.

"You can't possibly know the author, but the novels they write are much better than the romances you wrote."

As an illustrator who went there to draw illustrations, Ying Lili still needs to know what kind of character she is drawing. She has read all the four novels in the first novel, which is because she is completely immersed in it. In the world of the sea of ​​​​books, she wanted to be the painter of this novel.

It's a bit ridiculous to say, but Yingli Li actually started a series of transformations because she wanted to be the painter of that novel, and let herself start this uncomfortable process...

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face was a little stiff. She was very concerned about this kind of thing before, and now her face is even more ugly when Ying Lili mentions it.

"Everybody has everybody's taste."

The stiff face can only use this kind of words to cover up the embarrassment a little. The audience for the novels I write is always young people, but not all young people. Some young people who don't like romance still won't like to write them themselves. It can only be said that it is a matter of different tastes.

Just a little bit of a stretch.

"Really? But I heard that the Undead Chuan Shuku seems to have given high praise to their novels after reading them, and said that they are highly recommended."

Ying Lili looked at Shi Yu's stiff and ugly face in Xiazhiqiu, and the whole person felt a lot more joyful. She completely lost the image that she was mentally tortured due to the discomfort of transformation. After all, looking at her old enemy is like eating. With the expression of a fly, any girl will experience the pleasure of standing on top of others' pain.

"They are related households!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is a little bit angry at this moment. Her novel has a sales volume of 2.9. She has achieved this result entirely by virtue of her [*] years of hard work and accumulation.

What about authors who contributed to the Undead Chuan Library?That's just relying on relationships. God knows what the final sales will be. Maybe the truth is that some editors of the Undying Chuan Shuku are blind?

"Tsk tsk~ Jealousy~ It's so ugly to see Kasumigaoka Shiyu. Jealousy is the original sin. Jealousy is not a good way to do it. What is the relationship? If you have the ability, you can also come to the relationship."

Yingli Li is a typical attitude of angering people and not paying for their lives.

What happened to the relationship?Relationship households are also a kind of strength. If you have the ability, you can also turn yourself into a relationship household.Besides, people are not just related households, their strength is also leveraged.

Chapter [*] There is a big difference between publishing and animation


Kasumigaoka Shiyu can confirm one thing. In the past, he has never been angry with Ying Lili once, but Yingli Li often gets angry with himself, but today such a practice is about to be broken.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu admitted that he was about to be mad at this golden retriever, and this defeated dog really said a lot, and now she is going to be completely mad at her.

What is [you can also play related accounts], if she really has that kind of related accounts, does it take so many years to accumulate a lot of money?It is because she is not a related household that she needs to use several years to prove her ability. If she was a related household, she would have already become a phoenix.

"I'm jealous!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said these words word by word.

Is she jealous! ?

Well, Kasumigaoka Shiyu admitted that he was indeed a little too jealous.If there was a backstage behind her when she debuted 20, her road ahead would definitely be much easier, and she would even get to where she is now years in advance.

After all, this is a society, and society does not mean that you can go up simply by being able. In addition to the ability to travel, you also need a good opportunity. Only when you seize that opportunity can you truly stand up, otherwise Never try to stand up.

"If I had a chance like them, I wouldn't..."

As a girl who stepped into society ahead of schedule, Xia Zhigao Shiyu truly realized the true meaning of the phrase "how cruel society is" in her identity as an author, and how difficult it is to stand up with her own talents.

But some people just don't need to go through such a step, because they have an innate advantage and can skip that step in advance and directly show their amazing talents.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was relying on her own talent and hard work year after year to seize the opportunity that belonged to her, and this has brought her to this point. She has worked hard in the past two years, and she still has it. Remember clearly.

And then someone just jumped out, didn't go through any ordeals, and then... it worked.

I believe that many people who have experienced it will say [FUCK] at this moment, because this kind of feeling that it should be the same person but has a different fate is too strong.

"Then there's no way anyone can make people's lives better than yours."

Ying Lili let out a sigh of relief. The way Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was angry and wanting her teeth really made her feel a little scared, but it's not just about good luck, the novels they write also have the same fate. Quality, this is not the problem of others, because others have this qualification.

"Besides, I still like Kirino and Liuli's works more than your love book. The overall feeling of that novel is very good, whether it is the structure or the plot, it is the same excellent."

Xia Zhigao Shiyu's novel Ying Li Li has already read it once, and it is about love, but she always feels that many of the content of this love is unrealistic, which makes her always feel a little unreal.

Ying Li Li also knew Kasumigaoka Shiyu in an ordinary state, knowing that this black-bellied woman has never had any experience in love, that is to say, knowing this, she felt that this black-bellied woman's novels were about love. Why did the content make her feel a little weird.

"But there's something wrong with that book."

Ying Lili's statement is also very objective. She can point out some problems with Kasumigaoka Shiyu's novels, and naturally she can point out some problems with Kirino and Liuli's novels.

Perhaps it was the influence of some description problems, which caused her to switch scenes a little too quickly when she was reading the novel, and even some places made her look a little confused, and it took a while to understand that she gradually understood. The situation in that scene should be the biggest problem with that novel.

Apart from this problem, Ying Lili doesn't think there is any big problem with the novel written by Kirino and Liuli. If it can be animated, it may be even more amazing in terms of expressiveness.

"...By the way, I remembered something."

Ying Lili suddenly remembered that when she was going there, she seemed to hear a girl wearing a gothic loli cosplay who seemed to say that she was the drawing supervisor of an animation company, a character in Kirino and Liuli's novel It seems that that person is doing the design, and I start to draw more detailed drawings based on those characters.

'In other words, Kirino and Liuli's novels were animated in the beginning? '

Ying Lili wanted to understand this, turned her head and began to sympathize with the black-bellied woman Kasumigaoka Shiyu, such a comparison can reveal that the gap is not so big.

"Golden Retriever defeated 120 dogs, what's the matter with your words?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt uncomfortable by Ying Lili's attitude, and her eyes seemed to contain sympathy, but does she need to be sympathized by a golden retriever?Just kidding!

"It's nothing."

Ying Lili just smiled sympathetically. She felt that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was not so abhorrent now. This guy has worked hard for so many years and is not as valuable as Tong Nao and Liu Li who have worked hard for half a year. The difference is emerged from the ground up.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, in fact, I shouldn't have laughed at you."

After beginning to feel the tragic history of Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, Yingri knew that this was not the problem of this black-bellied woman, but the difference in background, and there was also a big difference in the purpose at the beginning.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's novels should only be published for publication, but Kirino and Liuli's novels are prepared for animation. Perhaps it is because of different perspectives and different goals, which has caused the situation on both sides to be very different. Different.

"You're only here for publishing, they're not there for publishing, and you've lost a lot on that."

Chapter [*]: The feeling of painting again caught

Because of the great stimulation in her mind, Shiyu's house in Xiazhiqiu has already started to tumble from side to side. Today should be her biggest blow. Even the blow she received in the Undying River Library in the past is not as bad as it is today. More than a day.

"It's not just for publishing, is it for animation? But this is too much!"

As a relatively outstanding person in this industry, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu knows very well how bad the current situation in this industry is. The author can write well-known novels even if it is very good, and she still wants to run animation. In the past, this idea is a bit too far.

In the past, there are not many authors who seem to be rushing towards animation. It should be said that there are really many people who do this, but the final result of this is not success, but a very tragic failure, almost nothing. People are successful in that situation.

A simple novel is one thing, animating your own novel is another entirely, and the two situations are not the same at all.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has never hoped that her novels can be animated, and she is quite successful as an author to be able to publish her current achievements. As for going further, it needs to accumulate and exercise step by step in order to improve. Going up, at least it's too early to think about animation, and it doesn't match her ability at all.

"It's just two new writers who started thinking about animation, isn't it too small to read novels?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's own famous novel has only sold [*] copies. Although such a result is not bad for herself, it is ridiculous to want to animate it to such an extent.

The future of the industry is not very good now. The appearance of often shoddy animations can be regarded as lowering the industry standard, but the requirements for authors are getting higher and higher, because no author wants to be complicit with those shoddy things. , so the level of animated novels must be high, otherwise it will be a prehistoric pit once animated.

"I really don't know what the new author thinks. I know that ordinary novels are definitely not suitable for animation, but they are still moving in the direction of animation. I really don't understand."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu himself wouldn't do such a brainless thing. To write a novel without any foundation and still rush towards animation, this is a bit too much. If there is no excellent grades, how can it be possible? Can it be animated?

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