"Even in the category of ordinary people, my current situation should be considered strong, right?"

The non-human Bai Lan who faced him before, and now suddenly facing a Hibari Kyoumi whose strength is above a normal person, can be regarded as allowing Gangji to confirm this matter. Quite unhappy, although the strength is very strong, but the kind of temperament that pretends to be to the extreme is really not likeable. To say that she is arrogant and arrogant like a beauty is still something to watch, a man really can't appreciate it. .

"If it's Miss Cannon, you can still..."

"Sister Cannon... Who is it?"*2

I don't know when, Sonoko and Lan grabbed Tsunaji's shoulders with smiles on their faces, especially when the name "Sister Cannon" appeared, their other thoughts were covered up by the name.

Like the scythe of the god of death!

Glancing back from the corner of his eyes, Gangji immediately corrected his attitude. You must know that the most terrifying thing is definitely not the Shura field. In the end, the Shura field is still an internal problem, but it is the best for him if the harem unites together. What is frightening is that this is a contradiction among the people.

Chapter [*] Negotiation requires equal strength

"I am back."

"Agang is back!"

Sawada Nana, who had been waiting at home, could be considered to have heard her son's voice. She hadn't seen her son for more than half a year, but she rushed in the direction of the entrance. As a mother, she also hoped to see that nothing happened to her son. too big of a deal.

It was just that when he walked to the entrance, he saw his son standing there with a pair of panda eyes. Even to her mother, the scene seemed to be laughing directly, just like when the son was scarred every day. home ~ same.

But today, this is obviously not the damage caused by being bullied. The two girls standing beside the son with some resentment on their faces should be the main reason for the son's panda eyes. The mother just smiled. I don't really care about this issue. Young people have the way young people deal with things.

"Mom, give me two eggs first, my eyes are starting to shine."

Facts have proved that never mention the names of other girls in front of his girlfriend. This is definitely a devastating blow to a man. Next time, he should pay more attention to avoid such problems.

"Okay, let's come in together."

The two girls next to my son still need to be observed at the end point. Anyway, this is the girl that my son brought back after more than half a year. As a mother, it is natural to observe carefully.

"Auntie, I'm sorry."*2

As the first time they came to the home where Gangji grew up, Sonoko and Lan were still a little cautious. Before, Gangji went to their house as a guest, and naturally they also came to Gangji's house, and this time there was also Gangji. The mother is here. As girls, they naturally have to pay more attention to some problems. It is very important to leave a good impression on the parents.

The two of them also put their eyes on the aunt, but when they saw the aunt staring at them with a smile on her face, they both lowered their heads a little embarrassedly, that kind of gaze. They had seen it before, but the last time it was not against them, but against Gangji.

"Come in first, come in first, Dad has recently come back to work, just in time to meet."

It's all right now, the mother said it so clearly, which made Lan and Yuanzi a bit Alexander, and this time it really became a situation of meeting their parents.

"Mom, what about the others? It's the wife and sister from Italy and the blond star face from the United States."

"It's not good for Ah Gang to call adults so casually... But the two people you mentioned are already in the living room."

"That's fine."

Arya should have seen other Arcobalenos, just in time to ask questions about those things, about the checkers face, and about the Avengers, these conditions are still conditions that need to be fulfilled.

As long as the checkers face is provided with information from the future Yiping, it is still very easy to find it, mainly because of the Avengers. Those guys are always elusive, and Bermuda's Night Flame is also quite ferocious, with similar The ability of space, in a sense, that ability is quite incomprehensible, and it can be said to have an advantage in the face of any Arcobaleno.

Without seeing it personally, even Tsunaji wouldn't dare to say that he can directly face that unsolved spatial ability.

Yeka's ability is obtained from Bermuda. Maybe Yeka's ability is not a bug, but Bermuda's own ability is very ferocious. There is no ability to temporarily lift the curse, otherwise the problem becomes a lot bigger.

Negotiation is a kind of relative strength that can only be carried out. If Tsunayoshi Sawada did not directly kill Bermuda in the original work, it is estimated that Bermuda would not compromise and use that method to retaliate against the checkers face.

"Huh? There are others too."

I thought that only Arya and Sister Bei were there, but Gangji didn't expect that the other Arcobalenos were also in this house, so he immediately set his sights on Mamon. The other Arcobalenos would never be so anxious. It must have been this person who called the others together.

"Exactly, don't you also have other things to say about the spell removal?"

"You really know how to smooth things out... I just wanted to talk about Bermuda. Who knew there would be so many people."

Discovering that Gangji had set her eyes on Mamon, Arya knew that Gangji probably knew that the reason why the other people in Arcobaleno gathered here this time were Mamon, and she also stood up to help Mamon to smooth things out. Besides, she also knows that Gangji is also going to talk about the spell-breaking thing at this moment, so it is okay to let others listen.

"Okay, okay, let me talk about Bermuda, that guy's thing is really troublesome. Fortunately, now is not the time to hold the Arcobaleno succession final in the face of checkers, even you can't easily solve it. Curse, his situation is the same, and the other Avengers are relatively easy to deal with."

"Bermuda is a relatively old and abandoned Arcobaleno. The specific age should be earlier than that of Penggli I. The reason why he was able to survive after being abandoned is because that guy awakened the eighth kind of death in his resentment. The flame, they call it the flame of the night, the power of the flame of death should actually be affected by the pacifier, so that flame of death has the power of space."

"The flame of the night, the power of space... This is really troublesome."

The power related to space and time is quite troublesome. Bai Lan's ability is in space, and his ability is in time. It's just that when it comes to time, Gangji has some ideas, especially when he was with Skylark just now. What Gongmi felt during the fight, the white phantom he saw might be a manifestation of time ability.

Chapter [*] Are you trying to say that you have awakened the power of time?

"He himself is very troublesome, but he still has some weaknesses because he can't solve the curse. He can't have much effect on himself. He can only give the flame of the night to other avengers to use, and other revenge can't be used. Make continuous space jumps."

"And other avengers can't produce the flame of the night. If you want to use the flame of the night, you can only use Bermuda to help supplement it. The restrictions are quite large. As long as you seize an opportunity, you want to limit Bermuda or Easy."

And some things need to be verified.

The pictures I saw before are a special kind of projection that is super intuitive, but it's just that it's a manifestation of time. Tsunayoshi is not very sure. This is the first time that this phenomenon has occurred, so this strange situation has appeared. What the hell is going on?

This point is indeed worth exploring. It would be a bit false to say that it is pure Peng Lie's super-intuitive feeling. Even if the super-intuitive feeling plays a large part in it, it is definitely not the whole of it. Otherwise, it used to be super-intuitive. How can this not happen?This manifestation must have been affected by some forces, just like Bai Lan's ability to travel through parallel worlds.

"Could it be..."

Speaking of this kind of ability to see time, Tsunayoshi unconsciously thought of Sawada Tsunayoshi, who had completely stepped into the apex of death in the original work, and could handle Bermuda in a complete state, even at the speed of light. The Bermudas in China can be directly punched and fly out. If such a thing beyond the theory is placed on the time, it is justified.

If you have the ability of time, it is no wonder that you can continue to do well when facing space, and it is no wonder that Sawada Tsunayoshi can punch down the theoretical speed of light so unreasonably. This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. , it is only by unknowingly mastering the power of time that this unrealistic thing can be done.

"I can't see it, I can't see it, that guy can still be perverted to that level. Sure enough, the protagonist of each world can't think with common sense."

Space is born out of despair, and time is born out of hope.

That is to say, in the final stage of the original work, Sawada Tsuna's guitar also mastered the power of time when it reached the climax of death. It is very clear that the description of time is not second only to space, but more mysterious than space.

It's really impossible to judge a protagonist's life by appearance. It's like a primary school student of the god of death. He is just an ordinary child's level, but no matter how he tries to die, he will not die. It is estimated that even the grass on the tombstone is on other people. Grow old.

Thinking of this, Ze Tiangang in the original book is definitely a legendary character. A middle school student in an ordinary middle school has mastered the power of time so smoothly. No one will believe it at all.

So, in this state, is he already in a pre-death state?How can it be so fast?

He only had one year to do all the exercises, but in one year, he directly entered the initial stage of transformation at the peak of death energy. This speed is a bit too fast.

Gangji also has his own pursuit of strength, but such a speed makes him feel a little scary. According to the situation of normal people, he is not a protagonist, and his mind is not very smart. The only thing that can be said is Super intuition, but super intuition will not make your exercise speed faster, at most, it will only make yourself take a few detours.

So what's the reason for your self-improvement so fast?

"...I can't figure it out, I don't want to."

The answer is definitely beyond his normal imagination. If his mind is not very good, he should stop thinking about it. Anyway, he can see strange pictures if he just lets the flow naturally. Whether that is the power of time remains to be discussed.

"Stupid, what are you talking about?"

Reborn's ears are very powerful, and the words he just said have a great effect on his side...

"It's just that I have some emotions about the cube of seven. Bailan's Mare ring can make him go back and forth in parallel worlds. Arcobaleno's pacifier wakes up Bermuda's flames of night, which is also similar to the ability of space, Penger. What Lie awakens is time, and it really is the power that fixes a world."

If possible, he certainly hopes that the power of his awakening is time. Space may be more convenient than time, but when confronting space, time also has advantages that space does not have. To the extent that he likes it, Gangji Still prefer time.

Thinking about the power of time possessed by Izayoi Sakuya, it's really ferocious. If it weren't for the time limit, Izayoi Sakuya would be able to achieve the first under Reimu just by relying on the power of time. one person's position.

There was a saying in the past that no matter how strong the force is, it is useless if it can't hit people.

No matter how amazing the power is, in the face of people with time ability, it is a rhythm that can't be beat. Maybe people with time ability don't have enough strength to do things like defeat. Avoiding the top is definitely a leader.

Of course, Gangji feels that if he really awakens the power of time, it should be regarded as a power comparable to that of Besmarck in the 0.5 Rebellious Luluxiu. Maybe his ability is much stronger than that person's. After all, he is self-awakened. A kind of power, and that Besmarck was just a manifestation of the power of Geass.

His ability still has the potential to be tapped, and Besmarck's strength is only at that level. Once he is surpassed by others and sees himself in the future, he will lose any effect. dead.

"Are you trying to say that you have awakened the ability of time?"

"I think it's just speculation now. Whether it's true is another matter, but I should have the same power."

Chapter [*] The sudden appearance of Bermuda

"As far as my guess is concerned, it should be I, as the first owner of the Penglae ​​Ring, that awakened the power of time because of the ring. This power of time should not mean the ability to see through everything, but it should be Inexplicably, some inexplicable pictures will be seen in advance, and these pictures will appear just a few seconds later."

"... Is Peng Lie's super intuitive?"

In the past, my understanding of super-intuition was not very deep, but now the feeling is a lot deeper. I didn't expect that Pengele's super-intuition still had the color of time in it, which even Jiaguang didn't expect. It is so.

"That's right, this kind of bloodline that has been passed down from generations to generations contains the power of time mastered by the first generation. The super-intuition of Vengali was originally quite a bug. The previous statement about this was the power to see through everything, but now it is Not the power to see through everything, but the power to see the future.”

To put it bluntly, Peng Lie's super-intuition should be said to be the most original force in this tutor world, the foundation of the world's formation, and the power of Bai Lan's space to jointly support the world. 25 It is quite brutal, that is, With such power, no matter how hard the descendants try, they can't surpass one lifetime. This is the essential difference.

"Originally, this power should have been passed down from generation to generation in Pengele's blood, but now it seems to have appeared on me."

It should be the first time that this phenomenon has occurred. There has not been such a change in myself before. It should be that the Vengelie Ring is still in the process of choosing, whether to choose XanXus as the guardian of this generation of rings, or Tsunaji to become the new one. protector.

Because the new Vengali Boss does not possess the blood of Vengali, nor does it have the power and ability to sustain the world, the Vengali Ring has made a new choice. Its choice is not XanXus, but It's Gangji.

This is actually very similar to Bai Lan. Bai Lan also has the ability to travel through parallel spaces after being selected by the Mare ring. Now that Gangji is selected by the Vengelie ring, naturally he has endured the power he once accepted, but this Once was not the kind of power that was passed down directly from the blood, but the ring gave the selected Tsunaji the real power of time.

It can be said that from today, Gangji is the real orthodox of Peng Lie, even if he lost the inheritance of his life, but he accepted the re-election of Peng Li's ring, and now Gangji is like the past. I, he can also start to have the kind of power that can be explained beyond common sense.

"Well~ Then what do you mean, the Penglae ​​Ring has made a new selection, and you have the power of time when you are selected by the ring?"

"If it is true that I have awakened the power of time, then it can only be said that the recognition of XanXus by Vengali I alone is not enough, and the recognition of Vengali's replacement is needed."

"Doesn't that mean that XanXus didn't have a happy ending in the end?"

"Sister Bei can't say that. Anyway, even if he knew Kong Huanxi, he would still fight for that position. Even if it was empty, it was his own choice."

Maybe XanXus is just rejoicing in vain, wanting to get the position of Venglie Boss, but he gave up something more important than that position. Of course, even if he knows such a thing, relying on XanXus is an conceit. The same people don't care.

As a conceited person, he disdains to ask for that kind of indifferent power, because he thinks that he is the strongest and his power is the best. What he wants is to be recognized as the Boss of all generations. The strongest among them, but this pride is the biggest reason for him to go this way.

"...Hey, if you really want to do something to Lan, then there will be no peace talks."

He has completely entered the super death energy mode, and there has been a slight strangeness from the beginning. Now he wants to face Bermuda who can use the flame of the night alone. It is not enough, but he can only rely on the power of the flame of the night. There is still no big problem with the card. After all, the flame of the night is only owned by Bermuda. Borrowing it and the original owner are two different things.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"It's almost the same as the original Peng Lie I, no, you are more sensitive than your ancestors."

The empty space seemed to be torn apart, and a baby wearing a transparent pacifier walked out with a group of Avengers, Bermuda von Vickensultan, the appearance of this baby also made the other Arcobalenos present immediately. Be vigilant, Ye Zhiyan with space ability, the description was not very clear before, but now he began to understand the dangerous level of Ye Zhiyan.

"I'm very interested in your plan."

As long as it can get revenge on the checkers face, Bermuda can be said to be interested. In the past, he personally couldn't find the checkers face, but now 547 can find the best position.

It's just that this time he also has some interest in this Sawada Tsunayoshi. Even Arcobaleno didn't feel his existence, but he was sensed by this Sawada Tsunayoshi. This situation is indeed very similar to that year and the first The next time we met, the man was also exceptionally keen in feeling.

Originally, he thought that Peng Lie would not have a person like I in the future, but he didn't expect such a person to appear in this generation, which was a bit unexpected.

"Interested? I think you've got something wrong. It's not you who is in charge, or do you think those trash fishes under your command can play a role?"

"Trash fish? Before it was abandoned in all dynasties, it was called the strongest existence."

"If you die, you will die. If you die, it's just trash. Even if you are now, it's just a big battery that provides the flames of the night. If you can't touch the curse, the movement in space is not unlimited. use."

"I'm not threatened."

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