At noon, the Jiang family and his party came back from their hometown, Ou Qin didn't care about cooking, and rushed directly into Jiang Yiyi's room.

"What happened yesterday?" asked Ou Qin as soon as he entered the door.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Ou Qin with a complaining face, if it wasn't for yesterday's sleeping pills, why would she have lost herself, and she lost it three times in a row. I don't know what happened to me yesterday, but I was quite active in the first two times. I knew the situation at that time, although I said no, my body was very excited, otherwise I wouldn't have let Wang Anshi do anything when my mother called me.

"Mom! it's all your fault!" Jiang Yiyi cried with a hint of crying, and only felt aggrieved in her heart.

"Yo, good daughter, what's the matter, Wang Anshi bullied you yesterday?" Ou Qin saw Jiang Yiyi looking like she was about to cry, and sighed in her heart, could it be that her daughter was bullied.

"What kind of medicine did you give yesterday, I just took off his pants and he woke up. The situation scared me to death, and he asked me what I was going to do, and wanted to accuse me of molesting him, so I explained for a long time.

"He didn't do anything to you!"


"It's okay to have nothing! You didn't suffer, why are you crying. "

Haven't suffered a loss? I've been eaten and wiped clean, and I've lost all the pants to be taken away, which is called not a loss?

The little pants with the bear pattern are her favorite one. Jiang Yiyi suddenly didn't want to talk to Ou Qin.

"By the way, didn't you hit your foot yesterday? How is it, is it better?" Jiang

Yiyi's face flushed, and she felt a stream of heat pass through her body. Jiang's mother's words reminded her of yesterday's picture again and again, and she couldn't help but be annoyed: "It's okay!"

Seeing this, Ou Qin thought that Jiang Yiyi was angry about sleeping pills, and he didn't blame her. Yesterday's situation, even if she encountered it, she probably had to be frightened, so she opened her mouth to comfort: "Yesterday was my mother's bad, maybe my mother took the wrong medicine, and it won't be like this next time." "

And next time?" Jiang Yiyi was so angry that she really wanted to tell everything about yesterday, but when she thought of the video in Wang Anshi's hand, she could only dispel her thoughts.

"Yesterday's thing didn't work out, let's discuss it again and strive to get it done next time.

"I'm not going to do it, whoever likes to do it.

"Why don't you do it?" This time it was just a mistake, and it will definitely work next time. Think about it, once it is done, our family will be a white suite. Mom promises that after the matter is completed, the house will definitely be written in your name. "

I don't want a house, love to whoever is given to whom." Mom get out, I'm going to sleep. Jiang Yiyi said in a slightly angry tone.

Seeing that Jiang Yiyi was still angry, Ou Qin couldn't say anything more, so he had to get up and leave.

"Okay, you rest for a while, and when the meal is ready, I'll call you."

"No, I'm not hungry. "

Jiang Yiyi is really not very hungry. I don't know why, after drinking that bowl of porridge in the morning, I always felt full, and many places didn't hurt anymore, and all the bruises on my body disappeared. Although her body was a lot more comfortable, she still felt a little tired after a few tosses yesterday. There was no live broadcast last night, and it has to be broadcast today, so let's get some sleep first.

The family sat at the dining table, and Ou Qin looked at Jiang Yiyi's door from time to time. Why did this guy suddenly quit and didn't get up for lunch. What can I do with this suite, is it just not wanted? No, I have to let Yiyi agree, if she doesn't agree......

Ou Qin's eyes slowly looked at Jiang Baihan and Jiang Baitian.

"What bullshit future life simulator, not to mention the 10,000 points of revenge at a time, there is still a seven-day cooldown. Just a few words, I spent 10,000 points of revenge in vain, that's 10,000 points, and I earned 10,000 points for three hours of 'hard work' last night. System, come out and give an explanation, you are too dark. "

The primary simulator can only be used for simple simulations, and the host can use the super simulator if they want detailed information, and the effect of the super simulator is experienced by the host, and it is definitely worth the money." "

The effect of the super simulator is really strong, a simulation is equal to allowing people to live for several more lives, and the most precious thing in life is experience. But he can't afford to use the super simulator, and he can't use it, and he hasn't unlocked it yet.

"How far can different levels of simulators go?"

"The beginner level can only display text, and the intermediate level can display screens, and these two levels can only simulate a small part of the future, and cannot get a glimpse of the whole future. Of course, the future shown by the intermediate simulator will be more and more detailed than that shown by the beginner simulator. Advanced simulators show the full picture of a person's future life, but they are not too detailed. You've already experienced the super simulator, so I won't introduce much about this system.

Wang Anshi nodded, although he scolded the simulator for being unreliable, he also knew that it was not a trouble to foresee the future. Even a small piece of text can sometimes change a person's life. As if thinking of something, Wang Anshi suddenly asked.

"Are all the futures shown by

the simulator related to me?" "You are the host of this system, and the simulator will only simulate people or things that are related to you. "

What if I casually simulate a stranger's future?"

"The simulator won't work. "

No wonder the simulation of Jiang Yiyi is related to him throughout.

After a casual bite of lunch at noon, Wang Anshi started to study again. This time I had money in my hand, and I bought a lot of primary memory pills and primary awakening pills. At the end of the checkout, the final remaining revenge value on the system account is 50,000 points, which is the harvest of "one blood".

In the evening, Wang Anshi considered whether to call Jiang Jingqing, after all, tomorrow was the divorce deadline he gave. But thinking of what happened with Jiang Yiyi yesterday, I felt a little embarrassed. Do you want to give Jiang Jingqing a few more days? No matter what, let's call and ask first.

"I'm going to get a divorce tomorrow, how are you preparing?"

"Same as before, the house can be given to you, but I can't get 200,000." If you want, we can sign the divorce agreement first, and I will pay you back slowly after 200,000 yuan.

"Also, with the situation of your big family, what will you pay back in the future? Didn't you ask you to find that Li Ming political dignitary, didn't

he give it to you?" Seeing the silence on the other end of the phone, Wang Anshi sneered: "What? Didn't he give it? In this case, I will give you an idea." There are a lot of lending platforms now, so it shouldn't be difficult for you to borrow a little bit on the lending platform.

"I'll think about it. "

How long are you going to think about it?"

"A week, a week to get back to you." Hanging

up the phone, Wang Anshi sighed. Alas, forget it, for Jiang Yiyi's sake, for the sake of Jiang Yiyi's hard work yesterday, give her another seven days.

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