Early the next morning, Wang Anshi found that the fish fry in the tank had grown a lot.

The two fry fed the most grew from two or three centimeters to more than ten centimeters, and the least grew three or four centimeters. After seeing the effect, Wang Anshi did not procrastinate, and went directly to the grain wholesale mall to order a large amount of corn feed.

Because there were too many orders, the wholesale market was not available for a while, so Wang Anshi could only let them load two carts and go back to the farm with him.

After the grain truck came to the fish pond, Wang Anshi was slightly stunned. Although I had been mentally prepared for a long time, I was still a little shocked when I saw that small lotus buds had emerged on part of the water.

"It's too fast!" Wang Anshi sighed in his heart.

After directing the two truckloads of corn to be unloaded, Wang Anshi put ten fish fry into the fish pond. No, it can't be said that it is a fry anymore, and after going out for a few hours, the fish in the tank have grown a lot.

After releasing the fish, Wang Anshi sat directly on the shore and poured bags of corn into the fish pond one by one. There is no need to spread the feeding, the smart fish will find food on their own.

When it was close to noon, Lin Hongmei came to the farm, and after lunch, the two discussed how to deal with the vegetable patch.

Since Wang Anshi had to wait to receive corn in the afternoon, Lin Hongmei went to a nearby village alone to recruit workers. Before leaving, Wang Anshi instructed that it was best to let the workers come back in three days.

In three days, the lotus flowers in the pond should grow violently, and it doesn't matter if my mother knows about it. But if the workers outside see it, if something comes out, it will be troublesome. Although the peasants are mostly simple in temperament and generally do not talk nonsense, be careful to make a 10,000-year-old ship.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, a truckload of corn was delivered. Wang An ordered half of the vehicles to transport the things to the warehouse, and the other half to unload directly by the fish pond.

After all the corn was placed, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. After settling the wages of the unloading workers and drivers, Wang Anshi began a new round of bait feeding.

"What are you doing here?" asked Lin Hongmei.

Far away from the fish pond, she saw Wang Anshi pouring bags of things into the pond, and when she got closer, she found that it was corn.

"Hey the fish.

"Did you feed the fish like this?" Lin Hongmei looked at the snakeskin bags that were opened all over the ground, and directly grabbed Wang Anshi's ears. "Aren't you wasting food?

"Mom, it hurts! Let it go! You don't understand, that's how the fish in my pond are fed." Wang Anshi shouted in pain.

"Fart! It's not like I've never seen someone else raise fish. How can a serious fish farmer feed like you, and the corn at the bottom of the pond is almost out of the water.

Wang Anshi looked down, and he really didn't pay attention to pouring it into the water before. At this time, the corn in the pond was still about ten centimeters above the water surface, and the ten silver carp that had been put in the pond had now become dozens, and they were eating frantically around the corn pile.

"Mom, I'm a new fingerling, that's how I fed it. Wang Anshi explained.

"What a new species, isn't it the silver carp, Mom hasn't seen it before. "

Mom, you listen to me first...... "

After a lot of effort, Wang Anshi finally persuaded Lin Hongmei not to settle accounts with him for the time being. But Lin Hongmei said that if she got up tomorrow morning and the corn in the pond had not been eaten by the fish, she would have to peel off a layer of skin.

He knew that as an old farmer, the most important thing to look down on was wasting food. The corn he poured today is enough to raise several pigs at home, can his mother not feel distressed.

Since his mother stopped him, Wang Anshi did not fall again.

Looking at the large pile of corn left on the pond bank, Lin Hongmei planned to transport it back to the warehouse, so as not to be stolen. Seeing this, Wang Anshi hurriedly stopped him.

"Mom, let it go, I'm going to feed the fish tomorrow." If the pile of corn in the pond is not eaten tomorrow, it will not be too late for you to bring it back. Besides, no one steals here, and if you do, you have to steal the fruit forest.

Speaking of this, Wang Anshi was worried. Now the fruit of the orchard is not ripe, and it is true that no one steals it, but when the fruit is ripe, it is not necessarily. Although there was a barbed wire fence around the farm, if someone really wanted to steal something, it couldn't be stopped.

I made a phone call to Chen Hongsheng and consulted about the situation. This orchard was really stolen, and in previous years, when the fruit was ripe, he would ask someone to take care of it.

Subsequently, Wang Anshi asked how the subcontracting procedures were going. After learning that it would all be done tomorrow, the two made an appointment to meet tomorrow to go to the village committee to officially complete the handover.

After dinner, Wang Anshi thought about the anti-theft work of the orchard. If you hire someone to take care of you as before, the cost will definitely not be low, and the effect may not be good. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Anshi decided to raise a few dogs to protect the home.

I opened the system and looked at the situation of the dog cubs, and found that most of the dogs were relatively expensive, and the cheapest meat dogs cost 1000 points of revenge. After thinking about it, Wang Anshi decided to wait.

Previously, it cost 10,000 Vengeance to change the achievement reward, and it probably cost 10,000 Vengeance to rectify the fishpond. At present, there are more than 30,000 revenge points left in hand, and there may be other more important uses in the future, so I will not use it for the time being.

After her mother Lin Hongmei went to bed at night, Wang Anshi secretly called Jiang Jingqing. At present, he does not want to tell his mother about the divorce, so as not to worry her. After everything settles, find a chance to slowly let her accept.

After the phone was connected, Jiang Jingqing's tired voice came.

"What's the matter

?" "Are you done moving?"

"It's done." "

Okay, then I'll go back tomorrow.

Jiang Jingqing was silent for a moment.

"You may have to buy some appliances and furniture at home.

Wang Anshi couldn't help sneering when he heard this, almost all the household appliances and furniture at home were bought by him. Listening to Jiang Jingqing's meaning, I am afraid that they have almost moved to the Jiang family.

"Okay! I see. When are we going to get married? You should have all the money, right?"

"I'm in my hometown now, and I have to clean up at home, and I don't have time for the last few days, so let's talk about it when I go back to the county seat." Now that we're moving out of the house, you don't have to worry about it for a few days!"

Give me a call when you get back to the county.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Anshi frowned. The Jiang family and his party actually moved back to their hometown, and he thought they would rent a house in the city to live.

Although their home is in the next village, it is not too far from their own home. If my mother goes back, maybe she will run into their family, and I am afraid that the divorce will be exposed.

Forget it, expose it, anyway, my mother will know about it sooner or later. I'm afraid that she will want to find me a new daughter-in-law when the time comes, and now he really doesn't want to get married again. In the future simulator, he got married twice, and each time the result was miserable, and he was a little afraid of getting married.

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