At night, Jiang Jingqing and Jiang Baitian lay on the same bed.

Because she was tossed by Wang Anshi during the day, Jiang Jingqing slept very hard.

Jiang Baitian on the side swiped his mobile phone and looked at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Since she had a relationship with Wang Anshi, she would have insomnia every night, and she couldn't sleep at all until three or four o'clock in the morning. It made her want to take sleeping pills.

Turning off his mobile phone, Jiang Baitian forced himself to sleep. But the more so, the more spiritual.

Re-lit the mobile phone screen, Jiang Baitian picked up the empty water cup at the bedside and prepared to pour a glass of water to drink.

The water dispenser was in the living room, so she had to get out of bed quietly and walk towards the bedroom door step by step. for fear of waking Jiang Jingqing up.

As the weather was not very hot today, the room did not have air conditioning on. There is a small electric fan next to it, blowing a small breeze, which is also cool.

Jiang Jingqing slept on her side, her chest facing the fan. A few buttons spread out above the breasted pajamas, squeezing out some soft flesh. The breeze blew, rolling up her clothes from time to time, and a touch of snow white flashed repeatedly.

Suddenly, Jiang Baitian frowned. She saw that there seemed to be a small black mark on the eldest sister's chest.

With surprise and curiosity, Jiang Baitian slowly walked to the side of the bed and put down the cup in his hand. With the faint light of the mobile phone screen, he gently pinched Jiang Jingqing's collar and slowly pulled it open.

Because she slept with her sister, Jiang Jingqing did not wear a corset. The result made Jiang Baitian look "complete", and couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's so big!"

Although I know that the eldest sister is very big, I can't usually see it because of the loose clothes. Now that I face her heart, I know how magnificent it is.

Jiang Baitian shook his head and stopped thinking nonsense. Slowly approaching the mobile phone screen to the eldest sister's chest, I saw four or five purple bruises on it.

"This is a kiss mark!" Jiang Baitian exclaimed in his heart.

She is too familiar with this trace, and Wang Anshi got a lot of it on her a few days ago.

"Who did this? Wang Anshi or Li Minzheng?" Jiang

Baitian's mind turned quickly, and he came to a conclusion after a while.

"It must be Wang Anshi!" The

eldest sister just went to look for him yesterday, not only did she have the smell of his shower gel, but she also looked weird when she walked. Coupled with these kiss marks, he must have been bullied by Wang Anshi.

This bastard not only harmed herself, but also dared to tarnish the innocence of the eldest sister.

Jiang Baitian was full of anger, and he couldn't wait to rush to Wang Anshi and stab him a few times right now.

Slowly calming down, Jiang Baitian helped Jiang Jingqing re-cover her clothes, and then walked out of the bedroom. Grabbed the key and went straight out to the stairwell.

quickly called up Wang Anshi's phone, and Jiang Baitian called directly no matter what time it was.

The bell rang for a long time, and just as Jiang Baitian was about to hang up, Wang Anshi's sleepy voice came from the earpiece.


"Wang Anshi, you bastard!What did you do to my sister!" Jiang Baitian roared in a low voice.

Wang Anshi was shocked, and his sleepiness disappeared immediately. glanced at the caller ID, and in an instant, thousands of thoughts flew through my heart.

"Jiang Jingqing told her

?" "Does Ou Qin know?" "Won't you come over to make trouble after you know?" "


Wang Anshi glanced at the time, half past two in the morning, a little relieved.

Jiang Baitian only called now, indicating that she had just learned about it. Jiang Jingqing wouldn't tell her about this in the middle of the night, could it be that she saw something?"

Wang Anshi was a little unsure, so he asked tentatively.

"What do you mean?"

"Wang Anshi, you don't pretend to me, didn't you make those traces on my eldest sister's body!"

Hearing this, Wang Anshi had a general guess.

Because he spent too much revenge value before, Wang Anshi was a little distressed. Therefore, after this incident, Jiang Jingqing was not given a primary healing pill, resulting in a large number of traces of kisses remaining on his body. Especially the two melons, he was drooling at the time, but he didn't say hello to them.

This was seen by Jiang Baitian and became suspicious?

It seems that it can't be saved, the flower has to be spent, otherwise it will be easy to cause trouble.

Although he is not afraid, he is inevitably sad.

After reasoning about the cause and effect, Wang Anshi pretended to be puzzled and said, "What traces?" "

You are still pretending! Why is there a kiss mark on my sister after she came back from you!" Jiang Baitian on the other end of the phone said angrily.

"What! Your sister has kiss marks on her body...... Okay, she wasn't divorced yet, she was getting together with another man.

Wang Anshi feigned anger.

Jiang Baitian was stunned.

What does Wang Anshi mean by this, didn't he make the kiss marks?

No, the eldest sister still smells of his shower gel.

"Wang Anshi, you don't pretend to me! My sister still smells of your shower gel, do you dare to say that you didn't do it?"

Wang Anshi was stunned for a while, and didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he had to continue to be angry.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, let your sister answer the phone! I got involved with another man before I got divorced, and if I don't pay 200,000 yuan for mental damages, I'm not done with her. plus the bride price of 200,000 yuan, I want 400,000 yuan for divorce.

Listening to Wang Anshi's tone, Jiang Baitian was in a trance.

"You really didn't get

it?" "You finished it with me last time, are there still traces on your body after you go home?"

Jiang Baitian's eyes widened suddenly, and he thought quickly in his heart, and finally came to a conclusion that he thought was correct.

If Wang Anshi really did something to the eldest sister, he should not leave a trace, and the eldest sister will not be silent when she comes back.

When she was forced by him before, the eldest sister tried her best to call for help, and when she was rescued, she cried and cried. There's no reason why you shouldn't be noisy this time, and you won't even tell yourself and your mother.

Could it really be that Li Minzheng did it?

Although Jiang Baitian was smart, he went around himself this time.

Wang Anshi does not deal with the kiss marks, because he is reluctant to take revenge.

Jiang Jingqing resisted last time because she had just finished arguing with Wang Anshi, and Wang Anshi still wanted to use force on her. This time, Wang Anshi said that he felt guilty and wanted to make up for what he owed, so he didn't resist.

Seeing that there was no sound on the other end of the phone for a long time, Wang Anshi began to fight back: "Let your sister answer the phone...... Forget it, I'll call her myself!" Hearing

that Wang Anshi was about to call his eldest sister, Jiang Baitian hurriedly stopped: "Don't! I was joking with you just now." "

Hehe, do you think I believe it! Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and let your sister answer the phone." If it doesn't work, I'll call her myself.

My sister is still sleeping. "

It's none of my business that she sleeps!" If you can disturb me to sleep, I can't disturb her to sleep

?" "What do you want?" Jiang Baitian said urgently.

After Wang Anshi heard this, he couldn't help but want to laugh, but he still held back and pretended to be indifferent.

"I also want to ask, what do you want! Call me in the middle of the night and tell me that your sister is stealing people outside. Are you humiliating me, or are you giving me a message!"

"I ......"

Jiang Baitian was interrupted by Wang Anshi before he could speak.

"Okay, I'm going to call your sister, hang up first.

"Don't hang up! I beg you, don't call my sister, okay?"

Jiang Baitian was about to cry.

"If I don't call her, what will I do with my 200,000 mental damages?"

"I'll give it to you!".

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