Wang Anshi looked at the video in his hand and felt very satisfied. So it was passed on to the comics, and by the way, I bought a tease of 2,000 yuan to increase exposure.

The video was just taken, and it contains lotus flowers in the pond and a big silver carp caught by Dong Qiang. This silver carp is one hundred and four pounds long and one meter three. When he caught it, Dong Qiang's mouth was about to laugh.

Now Wang Anshi is left alone by the pond, occupying the den that Dong Qiang had fought before, and fishing patiently.

As for Dong Qiang, he had already gone home happily with the fish. Originally, he wanted to fish for a while, but his wife had already called, and finally had to go home.

Before leaving, he told Wang Anshi that he would come fishing in a few days, and bring a group of fishing friends with him when the time came.

Wang Anshi listened, and promised to let him fish for free next time. After all, helping him is helping the farm to pull business, and of course I won't treat him badly.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the fish drift finally moved. Wang An was overjoyed, and slowly retracted the fishing line according to the skills taught by Dong Qiang before leaving. When you feel the fish on the hook, quickly tighten the line to prevent the fish from coming off.

A huge force came, and Wang Anshi almost fell into the water. I had no choice but to put the line down, planning to walk for a while, and then pull it up when the fish was out of strength.

However, this walk lasted more than ten minutes. If it weren't for Wang Anshi's self-healing physique, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to bear it first.

Slowly pulled the fish to the shore and picked up the net, only to find it difficult to catch it alone. After hesitating for a moment, Wang Anshi jumped directly into the water. It took a lot of effort to finally get the fish ashore.

Although this fish is not as big as the one that Dong Qiang fished, it is also seventy or eighty catties.

Wang Anshi looked at the big goods in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a strong sense of accomplishment rose in his heart. At this moment, he finally experienced the fun of fishing.

After putting away the fishing gear, Wang Anshi carried the fish back to the small courtyard. Lin Hongmei was taken aback when she saw it and spoke.

"Is this the fish in the pond?"

Wang Anshi nodded, did not speak, and put the fish on the ground.

"Why is it so big?" Lin Hongmei continued.

Wang Anshi smiled and said, "This breed is like this, it grows fast and is big. "

Is this fish okay after eating it? I've seen it on my phone, and I can't eat that genetically food." This fish is so big, it can't be genetic food, right?"

Lin Hongmei was still a little worried. Although she also hopes that the fish will be bigger, if there is a problem with the fish, she will not sell it to others with a clear conscience.

"Mom, you're talking about genetically modified food. My fish is not genetically modified, it is very safe and healthy. What

Lin Hongmei was worried about, Wang Anshi had already considered. Before exchanging the fish fry, he consulted the system to see if there was any problem with the fish after eating. The system replied at the time that it was safe to eat, and there were no side effects after eating, so he redeemed it.

"Mom, I'll make you a whole fish feast today. "

Tomorrow the peasant workers will come to work, and leave this fish for them to cook." Lin Hongmei shook her head and said.

Wang Anshi frowned, and said, "Do we still have to take care of the food?" "

The price of the food is cheaper, so that they don't run back and forth and have no time to rest at noon."

Wang Anshi heard this and nodded. He knew that his mother wanted to save some money and make it easier for the peasant workers, so he spoke.

"It's okay! This fish is so big, we can't eat it until tomorrow, so we can eat some today."

Lin Hongmei thought about it, so she nodded and agreed.

Late at night, the Jiang family's hometown.

Jiang Yiyi just got off the air, lying on the bed and brushing up on the teasing.

Like Jiang Baitian, she has also had insomnia for a long time. But that's not a bad thing for her. Since you can't sleep, you can just sow a little more every night to make more money.

A video slid past her eyes, and the number of people watching and liking it was very high, Jiang Yiyi stopped her finger and watched it for a while.

The content of the video is simple, first a beautiful lotus pond, and then the camera turns to a middle-aged man.

The man shouted loudly: "Brothers, this fish pond is very beautiful, but the fish are a little small, don't come and fish!"

There was a large fish on the ground, and next to the fish was a flip-flop, and the fish was about the length of five flip-flops.

"Why does this flip-flop look so much like Wang Anshi's. Jiang Yiyi muttered in her heart.

After seeing the slippers, Wang Anshi's figure appeared in her mind again.

However, she didn't know that this flip-flop belonged to Wang Anshi.

This afternoon, Wang Anshi bought a new mobile phone and set up a new number. I registered a comma account with a new account, and used it to publish some farm information, and the video was also transmitted with a new account.

This was done to prevent Ou Qin from running over to trouble him after seeing the video. After all, the Jiang family has his old number, and the teasing background will give them a hint.

Although he has divorced Jiang Jingqing now, people don't care so much, and they will inevitably think that this farm also has her daughter's share.

When the time comes, there will really be trouble, although the farm will not be taken away by her, it will inevitably make her mother Lin Hongmei uncomfortable.

However, even if Wang An took precautions, the Jiang family still came two days later. It's just that the people who came were not Ou Qin, but Jiang Yiyi and Jiang Baihan.

Jiang Yiyi shook her head, stopped thinking about Wang Anshi, and clicked into the comment area to read for a while.

[Where is this, why is the lotus so beautiful?I really want to go over and see it!

] [Brother, tell me the address, my fishing rod is already hungry and thirsty.] [

I'm going!] Such a big silver carp, hurry up and inform Emperor He Qiang.

[Wife, I went fishing, and I won't be home tonight.]

[Big brother go well, I will take care of your wife. 】


Jiang Yiyi clicked on the author's homepage, and there was only one video in it. Take a closer look at the author's nickname, which reads "Wuyue Farm, Tongyue County".

"Tongyue County, isn't this our county! The lotus flowers are quite beautiful, and if you have time, you can go over to pick up the scenery and shoot a few short videos.

Jiang Yiyi thought about it in her heart, and by the way, she took a look at "Wuyue Farm". I took a look, the introduction is not bad, the consumption is not high, but you can go to see it in two days.

Now that Ou Qin has also returned to her hometown, Jiang Yiyi doesn't want to stay with her now because of the previous drugging. Although she also knew that Ou Qin was not to blame for this, she just couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart.

Recently, her live broadcast has improved, and she plans to move to the county again to earn some more money. Stay away from Ouqin, so as not to have conflicts when you get there.

In fact, she would prefer to move to Wushi, but with her current income, I am afraid it will be difficult to live there. After all, consumption there is much higher than in small counties.

"I can only take one step at a time!" Jiang

Yiyi sighed in her mouth, and the matter of going to Wushi to develop can only be considered when you have money.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yiyi fell asleep.

In the dream, she saw Wang Anshi again, and then some embarrassing things happened to the two. This time, she still didn't hold on, and under Wang Anshi's constant teasing, she gradually sank into ......

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