Life As a Servant

23 Chapter 23 : Death

The source of the loud shouts belonged to middle-aged woman, she was the only one causing a scene. The other part was one of the workers of the kindergarten, trying to appease the former.

"What's the meaning of this? I'm not bringing my child here so he can be dirtied by unhealthy commoners."

Just as Bin entered the building, he saw the woman. She a luxurious fur coat and was yelling at the top of her lungs with a red face. Something clicked inside him as he saw her aggressively grab his sister by her hand and shaking her intensely.

Though the worker tried to intervene, the bodyguard was blocking her way, denying her any thoughts helping the silent Mina.

Anyone would expect the little girl to cry but she merely received the harsh words without shedding a single tear. It wasn't a matter of a strong will but it's just that it wasn't her fault.

To put it bluntly, these were false claims, the rich kids didn't like her presence here so they wanted to bring trouble to her.

The small distance that separated Bin and the woman was swiftly crossed, without any hesitation or holding back, he pushed the woman with all his strength and grabbed Mina.

The bodyguard couldn't block him since his back was facing Bin and the former was busy dealing with the worker. Shocked from what just happened, the middle-aged woman quickly got up and looked at Bin with a very ugly face.

The makeup she had made her look even more hideous.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

Bin shrugged his shoulders and retorted

"I should be the one saying that. For an adult to treat a child like this... have you no shame? Or you think laws don't apply to you?"

The bodyguard helped her get up only to worsen the situation as she walked to Bin and intended to slap him only to hesitate at the last thing. The glare he was giving her was more than enough to warn her that he'll not just push her this time. In fact, if they weren't in public, Bin wouldn't mind beating the living shit out of her.

The woman grabbed her child, whose clothes were covered with dirt and sand then said

"Do you see how dirty he is? For my child to stink like a commoner, this is atrocious!"

Not seeing where the problem laid, Bin questioned

"Is that it? You're angry because your son had a little fun? You're a mother but should I also tell you that kids these days like to play with whatever they get their hands on."

This only incensed her even more, she gritted her teeth and fiercely grabbed her child before loudly saying

"Come on! Tell them who did this to you!"

The boy, who never thought it'll turn up like this, stood there, fidgeting, not knowing what to do.


In the end, he couldn't say anything hence leading his mother to babber more outrageous lies

"Look! She even made him this scared!"

Bin had enough of this horseshit so he very calmly held Mina's hand and left the building. The woman kept yelling at his back but he totally ignored her and brought his little sister out of that place.

Though the woman was rich and could cause trouble, she can't forcefully expel Mina since his doctor had a considerable influence and they wouldn't risk angering just to kick Mina out due to such a simple matter.

So, Bin wasn't worried, he was just annoyed and fed up with such problems. No matter where he goes, there are always people like this and in most cases, they're ones who got money and everything but still go out of their way to cause troubles for the helpless.

Mina didn't show any particular reaction to what happened. This wasn't the first time and it won't be the last time. Although what happened was unfair, she didn't mind for she knew the situation she was in and was aware of the difference in status between her and those kids in the kindergarten.

She may be young but the rough life she was living allowed her to learn new things and accept reality no matter how cruel it is.

Mina held her brother's warm hand and followed him and from time to time, she would glance at the plastic bags with a tinge of curiosity.

Very soon, the aroma of the delicious dishes stored in there reached her, causing her to momentarily stop walking. Seeing such a reaction, Bin grinned and shook the plastic bags in his other hand while saying

"Hehehe, I guess our little miss is hungry?"

The little girl couldn't help but ask

"En! Big brother... what will we have for dinner?"

Bin pretended to be thinking and replied only when she started shaking his hand

"Hahaha alright alright! I'll show you."

He lowered the plastic bags so she can see them then opened a few of them, showing the stored Shushi, white cake, etc...

This only caused Mina's stomach to growl in hunger. Her mouth was half-open and her eyes were glued to the dishes.

Though she wanted to eat right now, she still held herself back and didn't ask him for food but it's not like he would have refused.

"We'll have to go to the hospital before returning home, ok?"

Mina happily nodded her head and started walking faster, clearly wanting to arrive home quickly.

Fortunately, their destination wasn't far from the kindergarten. It only took them 25 minutes by foot and since they're used to long walks, neither of them was tired.

This hospital was a respectable one despite not being the best, it was where he goes every now and then, when he has a meeting with the doctor.

His doctor was a kind man who helped him countless times. He was the only one aware of his illness and had tried to cure it since their first meeting.

Since their meeting time was in a few minutes, Bin walked up to the receptionist, who instantly recognized him. It wasn't his first visit thus a lot of the workers here knew about him. He was actually the only patient of Doctor Galen.

Unlike last time, the receptionist faced Bin with a guilty and sad expression. Most nurses and doctors didn't know of Bin's illness but they knew he was sick and he had been taking treatment for years.

The receptionist, who was a man in his thirties, hesitated as he looked at Bin then let out a helpless sigh before speaking

"Good evening, Bin."

"You too, I'm here to meet with Doctor Galen. Where is he?"

Unfortunately, Bin didn't receive an answer. He found it strange when he saw the man's unusual expression but didn't think much of it, however, when the answer was nothing but silence, his mind started thinking of worst-case scenarios.

What's worse is that the truth hit him like a bucket of cold water, it was so unexpected that it rendered him motionless for more than a minute. Mina was sitting a distance away from them so she couldn't hear it and that's only thing Bin was thankful for.

The cruel truth, the one which shook Bin's mind was the death of Doctor Galen.

This made Bin extremely shocked, he found no words to express thoughts. The receptionist didn't even think to console him, he pretended he had something to do and swiftly left.

'How is this possible? Doctor is the healthiest man I have ever seen. How could he die?'

With a slightly shaking hand, Bin grabbed the letter that laid on the counter and left the hospital. He felt suffocated in there and didn't want to remain there for a second longer.

Though he tried to act as if nothing happened, Mina still noticed his sudden change but he only brushed her off with a soft smile and a pat on her head.

"Doctor Galen was found dead in his office. Apparently, he had a heart attack but many claimed it was suicide since he left three letters, one of them directed to you."

With a sweating hand and a pale face, Bin looked at the closed letter yet didn't open it. His mind couldn't process all that happened right now.

The doctor was his only chance to prolonge his life or even cure his sickness and that's while excluding the favors he had done to his family.

'In the end, am I really doomed to die?'

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