Life As a Servant

36 Chapter 36 : Ann

Aldren drove Bin to a remote place devoid of people, there was only one sole building which was small and ancient. There was a sign hanging above the main door, it stated 'Rose Valley Clinic'.

The dandy youth parked his car next to the door then dragged Bin inside. There was no reception whatsoever, in fact, the place was dusty and there was a severe lack of furniture.

It seemed too unhealthy to be a clinic yet no one can deny the presence of scattered medical materials or the familiar scent of medicine which can be smelt inside any hospital.

Although Bin ended up vomiting all over Aldren's sports car, the latter didn't mind. He was far too interested in Bin's 'secret' to care about his bloodied car. Very soon, the blond youth entered a relatively large room with many documents and medicine scattered either on the floor or the long tables.

A lonesome figure was sitting near an empty desk, busy looking at something through a microscope. She didn't even notice Aldren's arrival albeit the sound caused by the creaking door.

Only when he put Bin on a bed and then tapped her shoulder did she flinch and turn her head towards him. She wore her round glasses and pulled them up and only then did she recognize this grinning youth.

Disinterested, she shifted her attention back to the microscope while saying

"Aldren, don't tell me you've come up with another crazy 'conspiracy' and came here to waste my time?"

It wasn't the first time he came here so she got used to his frequent visits. Each time he came, he would ramble about non-existent conspiracies related to Magic, governments and so on…

This time, however, Aldren didn't start talking endlessly but grabbed her head and turned it towards Bin, who's unconscious. The girl's pupils constricted as she stared at him, unable to believe that there's actually a person laying there.

"You actually brought a sick person here?!"

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She flared up at him while walking toward Bin, whose state kept worsening due to the huge quantity of Mana his body absorbed.

"You know damn well I'm busy with my experiments. Why didn't you bring him to a proper hospital?!"

Seeing her aggressive tone and cold glare, Aldren hesitated for a split second before saying

"I-it's not like that! He's different from 'us'! I'm sure of it this time, check him and you'll see."

Seeing his fiery gaze, the four-eyed girl could only let out a helpless sigh while examining the unconscious Bin. Although she was young, this girl was better than most doctors and just like them, she had the 'Medical Eye' ability.

Upon activating her ability and inspecting the condition of Bin's body, the girl became flabbergasted, unable to speak or move for a whole minute from the shock.

To put it into words, it was like looking at a mess of flesh, blood, and bones. The youth's body didn't resemble a human, whether the quantity of Mana inside of it, the inflated blood vessels or the soft bones.

"W-what's this?"

Aldren wasn't able to see what she's seeing so he was oblivious, nonetheless, he stood next to her and explained

"I saw him vomit blood! I'm sure he's some sort of a Vampire or a Ghoul!"


She smacked him on the back of his head, causing him to back away while fearfully glancing at her.

"Hey hey no need to get physica-"

Alas, she wasn't going to let him off the hook as she kicked him against only for him to evade by side-stepping. The girl snorted and proceeded to ignore him.

After examining Bin for two more minutes, she glanced at the silent Aldren and said

"Help me move his body, I need to do some tests."

The dandy youth complied and carried Bin to another room which was much cleaner. This room was equipped with the latest medical equipment, some even costing millions of dollars.

No more a carefree girl, the female doctor kicked her friend from the room and locked the door. Her curiosity was picked so she wanted to know how is a human with such a body still able to breathe, how can his heart still beat.

Only after three hours did the girl leave the room with a strange expression. Aldren, who patiently waited for her to finish, was eager to her exciting answers. He stared at his friend, Ann, and said

"So… what is he?"

Unfortunately, he received no answer as the doctor silently sat her chair and dazedly stared around. After half a minute, she massaged her temples while shaking her head.

She was surprised and confused about her findings. Only when Aldren started shaking her frail body did he grunt and reply

"He's human."

The dandy youth gave her a look of disbelief, unwilling to accept what he heard. Ann chuckled and added:

"I assure you he is 100% human but there's definitely something wrong with him."

Although he was disappointed, Aldren still didn't give up on Bin. He sat opposite of Ann and crossed his arms, waiting for her to explain.

"To put it simply, he's dying."

The blond youngster tilted his head in confusion and asked

"So he's sick? What's his illness?"

In response, Ann shook her head while saying

"I was unable to discover the anomaly inside of his body but it's apparent that it's deteriorating. From what I was able to deduct, Mana seemed to be a catalyst, the more he's exposed to it, the faster his body falls."

"Is there no cure?"

"You don't understand. It's not a sickness so I don't think there's a curse. I doubt even special Healers can fix his body… it's too late for that. Some parts of his body are already inactive, dead…"

Aldren let out a long sigh and got up, he was planning to bring back Bin to Jasmine. His hopes were crushed but he could only blame himself for rushing to conclusions. He finally understood why Bin was hell-bent on keeping this a secret.

"Anyway, who's he?"

For such a special case to appear in her clinic, Ann was a bit curious about his identity.

"He's Jasmine's new servant."

The glass-wearing doctor furrowed her brow and asked again

"Is there a point in working if he's going to die soon?"

The youth shrugged his shoulders while saying

"Hell if I know."

Just as he was about to enter the other room, the door opened by itself and a dark-haired young man appeared. He walked in an unsteady manner but his state was much better than earlier, at the very least.

Ann hastily got up, trying to force Bin to sleep only for the latter to slap her hands.

"Hey hey you need to rest!"

Bin glared at her and said

"Who're you to tell me what to do?"

"She's a friend of mine, a doctor."

Aldren butted in while explaining what happened ever since he picked him up. Bin carefully listened but still didn't fully trust the girl. He hated it when other people examined his body as he was repeatedly warned by Dr. Galen to not let anyone run tests on him.

Unhappy with how she was treated, Ann harrumphed and refused to meet Bin's gaze. Seeing her childish behavior, Bin mockingly said

"What? Angry, are you? You've done nothing but pointless tests so why should I feel grateful or treat you with respect? I never asked for your help in the first place."

His words only acted as fuel which incensed the female doctor even more, she ran toward him and held his collar while glaring back at him. Even Aldren was helpless as he never saw his friend this angry. She's usually calm and composed, then again, it's the first time she's been talked to like that.

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