Life As a Servant

70 Chapter 70 : Magic

As he had to leave the forest lest the doctor kept pestering him, Bin was forced to roam the campus, bored and a bit sleepy. His nap was interrupted and his mood worsened after interacting with Scarlett, whom he hoped would leave alone in the future.

Class would last for two hours, at least, and he, a servant, has absolutely nothing to do. The magic academy had around a hundred students, not too much for such a prestigious place that is big enough to fit ten times that amount, if not more.

In addition to studying theoretical stuff, the students also experiment with the magic outside, in a public training facility. To be more precise, it's an open field protected by what mages call an invisible barrier. It makes sure that whatever happens inside the field won't affect the vicinities, guaranteeing the safety of the onlookers.

There three such fields, two used for classes and the third for special events. Bin, who was roaming the campus, stopped near one of the fields, currently filled with dozens of students, their expression eager and the word 'impatience' written all over their young faces.

It was evident that they were freshmen, enjoying their first day of school. As one would expect, all of them can use magic but some are more talented and experienced than others.

Those rich and aristocratic families would hire a mage to teach their young children then, when they reach a certain age, they send them here, to socialize with their peers and perhaps even bond with someone of an equal statue.

Bin found an empty so he unceremoniously sat, folded his arms and leaned his back, his eyes watching the protected field. Obviously, he can't see the invisible barrier, however, he could feel slight tingling all over his body, definitely due to the high concentration of Mana. Nevertheless, he didn't feel uncomfortable, in pain or dizzy. He remained clear-minded which lifted his sour mood.

Inside the field, all the students were staring at the teacher, a woman with hair as black as ink. She was Julia, a well-known person in her professional field and a dangerous mage. She was very strict and didn't like the students who fool around or don't pay attention.

Although she wasn't satisfied with this new bunch, who were, looked, and behaved like any teenager. Julia appreciated hard-working students and favored those who have talent and still train meticulously.

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Once she was sure everyone was focused, she raised her hand, with only her index pointing upwards while the rest were clenched. A small floating flame appeared above her hand, causing some of the students to become startled as it's the first time they've seen real magic.

Bin wasn't close enough to see everything but he noticed a fiery spark burning above Julia's index.

"As you can clearly see, I conjured a flame by guiding Mana to my finger and imagining a small spark."

The teacher retracted her hand, extinguishing the flame while continuing: "Not everyone has an affinity for fire, which is why I'll give you a simple task that any beginner in magic can do."

She pointed at the several tables behind her and explained: "Without touching it, I want you to make the stone fall on the ground."

Actions speak louder than words so Julia made use of the lonely stone sitting on top of her personal desk to demonstrate the whole process, which was brief and looked easy, almost ordinary. The stone was just pushed to the edge then fell on the ground, nothing too flashy.

"This tests your ability to manipulate Mana. You have ten minutes, anyone who fails will be immediately expelled."

As they heard her last sentence, their faces became pale and their expressions twisted. Many wanted to protest, object to her decision but were forced to abandon such thoughts when they saw her icy and dangerous glare. She wasn't playing around, everyone thought.

Though this academy is only accessible to the rich and powerful families, that doesn't stop the teachers from expelling the useless ones. Those who came here to have fun and hinder their class. It is always better to uproot the dead weed before everything grows.

After giving clear instructions, Julia started inspecting every student's progress, examining their Mana Pool and judging their beginner and shallow way of handling Mana.

Through pure coincidence, she happened to glance around only to spot a distance figure. A young man wearing a black suit, his back facing her. He seemed to be walking away from the field, uninterested.

Unlike Scarlet, who doubted Bin's identity and needed to look at him for several seconds to ascertain that he's her target, Julia needed but one look. Unlike the red-haired doctor, the teacher had no relation to Bin and was only interested in his unusual Mana Pool.

Her eyes focusing on his disappearing figure, noticing minuscule objects pumping Mana out of his body, totally surprising her. Her usually expressionless face drastically changed as her mouth opened and closed a few times, mumbling inaudible words.

After an inordinate amount of time, she snapped out of it and shifted her attention back to the students.

Ten minutes crept by and, in the end, twelve students were expelled and nineteen successfully moved the stone. Pleased with this result, which is better than last year's, and the year before that.

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