Gu Hua Jing was on full alert, and she felt her nerves tighten. She waited for a long time, but Feng Rong's reaction didn't occur.

She couldn't help but secretly look at Feng Rong, only to discover that Feng Rong's eyes were staring at her, revealing a dangerous glint.

When Feng Rong saw Gu Hua Jing raise her head to look at her, she shifted her gaze away. Her slender body was stiff like a bow, as if she would break apart at any moment.

He couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He knew how to be afraid now?

Feng Rong narrowed her long and narrow eyes as her cold smile spread out. "You seem to be quite good with children, don't you?"

"No no, Your Highness is too kind."

"You think I'm praising you?"


Gu Hua Jing fell silent. What was coming would eventually come, after all. Her brain had gone insane at that time.

"Do you think I'm a very generous person?"

"Hur Hur Hur, how could I?"


Gu Hua Jing wanted nothing more than to slap herself, so she quickly raised her head, "What I mean is, of course, Your Highness is magnanimous … and not … Eh?"

Gu Hua Jing was at a loss. What should she say? What did Feng Rong want to hear?

A confused expression hung on Gu Hua Jing's pretty face. Feng Rong actually felt that it was a bit funny. This wasn't often seen like this. It was always more vivid than being indifferent to everything.

Gu Hua Jing's sharp eyes sensed the loosening of Feng Rong's face, and she felt that her fate was really good. This matter might just end like this.

She frowned and changed the subject.

"Your Highness, Ah Ze's body doesn't look too good. Did he not take any of the medicine that Master prescribed?"

Feng Rong's expression gradually darkened, "It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he will vomit once he eats it. No matter what we do, it won't do."

Ah, so it's like that … Gu Hua Jing was a bit guilty. She thought he was simply afraid of using his temper to his heart's content and that she had wrongly blamed him.

But Master didn't tell her about this. Or did she say that even Master didn't know about Ah Ze's reaction?

Gu Hua Jing was puzzled, but she continued, "Ah Ze's body is too weak, it's not easy to make up for. Master said that there's a cold poison in his body, so even if he uses it, it's not guaranteed to be completely removed. He can't even drink medicine."

"Your Highness, I naturally understand your expectations for me. It's just that the treatment of medicinal food is a gradual and gradual process. It rarely shows any immediate results …"

"You mean there's nothing you can do?"

Gu Hua Jing saw the cold light that flashed through Feng Rong's eyes, and sighed helplessly, "What I mean is, can Your Highness think of a way to let Ah Ze stay by my side?" I can adjust the prescription according to his condition at any time. "

Feng Rong was startled. Put it beside Gu Hua Jing? How dare she?

If something happened to Aziz, what would she be responsible for?

Gu Hua Jing understood that Feng Rong didn't trust her. If it were her, she would think the same way.

However, it was necessary. Otherwise, he might not even be able to see it once every ten days or half a month. If he couldn't grasp the situation in time, the effect would be greatly reduced.

"This is just a suggestion from me, I hope that Your Highness will consider it carefully, if it really doesn't work, then just pretend I didn't say anything."

Gu Hua Jing also saved the trouble and didn't force the issue. It didn't matter if she could or couldn't. Since she tried her best, she would naturally decide what to do about the disguise.

Feng Rong actually felt a bit angry. She didn't seem to have anything to do with herself?

"You want Ah Ze to come to your side, but have you thought about the consequences?"

"No, isn't this the presence of His Highness? Why would this little girl think so much?"

Gu Hua Jing spoke with a confident tone, as if she was flattering him, but at the same time, she seemed to be evading the topic. When she spoke, her beautiful smile stiffened.

After returning to the manor, Gu Hua Jing bowed and returned to the courtyard as usual. However, she started to ponder about Ah Ze's condition.

The prescription her master gave her made it clear that it was right, but it didn't work. Maybe he really didn't know that Ah Ze couldn't even take a sip of the medicine?

But if it was a medicinal cuisine, it definitely wouldn't have that much effect. What could he do to make Ah Ze drink the medicine?

Gu Hua Jing remembered that she had studied medicine before. There were differences in a person's physique, strength, and reaction to medicine, so the stomach of the person taking the medicine was especially obvious in showing adverse reactions to certain drugs. That's why symptoms of vomiting appeared, isn't it better if you take a different prescription?

In addition, licorice decoction can also alleviate vomiting symptoms, swallowing white Zhi powder also has an effect...

Why didn't Feng Rong tell her master that Ah Ze would vomit? If it was said, perhaps it had already improved.

Gu Hua Jing was rolling her eyes in her yard. In her heart, she had added a few comments about Feng Rong, she was too arrogant! Arrogant!

"Miss, Miss Manny said that she wanted to see you for something. She has been waiting in the side hall for the whole morning."

Gu Hua Jing still had some impression of the name Manwu. Chants and dances, wasn't that the one that brought him refreshments on his wedding day with Qingge?

Gu Hua Jing's mind was in a mess. She knew that she couldn't think of anything, so she decided to go to the side hall to have a look and change her mind.

In the side hall, Man Wu was fiddling with the hem of her dress with both hands. Several cups of tea had already been brewed in the teacup beside her.

They didn't know that Gu Hua Jing and Feng Rong had gone out today. The servants' replies were all because it was inconvenient for Madam to see them.

Mang Wu felt unresigned in her heart. Amongst the women in the backyard, she wasn't particularly outstanding. It was just that she was gradually becoming different with Qing Ge.

However, Manwu understood that His Highness valued Qingge even more than she did.

Therefore, Manwu especially wanted an opportunity. She wanted an opportunity to make herself more important, an opportunity to make His Highness look up to her.

She had been looking forward to the arrival of the Missus, and Mandy thought that it wouldn't be difficult to please a Missus with her long sleeve dancing among the women in the harem.

Qingge was always calm and aloof, and would never lower herself to her position. So as long as she could hold on to Madame Wei, how could she be afraid of falling under Qingge?

When Mandy thought back to the night of her wedding, she felt anxious. She shouldn't have been so eager to see him, but she hadn't expected such a reaction from her mistress.

Isn't it normal to look for allies to stand up in a house that has become a climate? Why didn't the madame care?

Shaking her head, Man Wu braced herself. The past wasn't important, the most important thing was that she had to let the Madame know of her loyalty!

Qingge had already been summoned by His Highness several times already, she couldn't become someone who didn't need to be called, definitely not!

"Madam Fang has arrived."

Man Wu's mind went blank and she quickly stood up. She lowered her head and saluted the figure that walked in.

This was the third time Man Wu had seen Gu Hua Jing, and also the third time she had felt that frightening aura coming from her body.

She was obviously just walking over to take a seat, and there was even a smile on her face as she invited him to take a seat. Why did Man Wu feel that coming here was the wrong thing to do?

However, he was already here …

"I heard you have something to say to me?"

Gu Hua Jing seemed to be in a rather carefree mood, as the matter of Ah Ze still lingering in her mind.

Man Wu's eyes swept over the servants beside Gu Hua Jing. Gu Hua Jing smiled and said, "Miss Man Wu, please feel free to speak. I don't have those kinds of rules that I want to avoid."

"Please forgive me Madam, but Manwu didn't mean anything. She just came this time because she was worried that if word of this spread, she would lose her foothold."

"Oh? "So what are you trying to say?"

Seeing that Gu Hua Jing was still calm and unperturbed, Man Wu was very anxious, but her face didn't show it at all.

"Madam, Manwu has always been looking forward to Madam's arrival. She has deep feelings for His Highness, and I don't know how happy she is."

Manwu held her chest, her eyes still flashing with tears.

Naturally, Gu Hua Jing didn't believe him, but she couldn't say that she didn't believe him and that he was being too obvious. That wouldn't give her any face, so at least she acted with such dedication.

"Manwu hopes that the Madam and Your Highness can continue to play like this, but no matter how I persuade Qingge, she'll …"

As if not knowing what to say, Man Wu knitted her brows, almost crying for the rare occasion.

"Clear Song?"

"Yes, Madam. She's the one His Highness summoned frequently these past few days. Madame should have met her before. That day … I brought her snacks together with me …"

"I remember, it was a girl who was born in a very symbolic manner."

Mang Wu was overjoyed. It was good that Madam remembered him.

"Little sister Qingge can play the zither very well. Your Highness likes it very much, so I often ask her to go over and play with the zither to cheer up. But Your Highness and Madam have just gotten married … I've tried to persuade her for a long time, but little sister has never listened …"

"Madam, you don't need to blame Qingge. She always said that His Highness owed her favors, so she's around the age of one, so she doesn't understand these things. I hope Madam can forgive her for the sake of His Highness liking her."


Gu Hua Jing was silent. So the reason Man Wu came was to plead for Qingge?

It was said that she was begging for mercy, saying how much His Highness liked Qingge, and how ignorant Qingge was of the general situation. This kind of begging method opened Gu Huajian's eyes to a new world.

There was still a lot of things he needed to learn.

"You said that His Highness owed Qingge a favor?"

Man Wu was also somewhat surprised. Why did this Madam not listen to the main point when others were speaking? The main point is these adult past?!

"About that … I'm not too clear either. I just heard Qingge say that His Highness saved her and helped her take her revenge. The details are …"

Man Wu was very vague. How could she care about this?

"Madam, Little Sister Qingge is also a pitiful person. Although she doesn't know how to step back due to this favor, she was still infatuated with Your Highness in the end. Madam …"

"I know."

Gu Hua Jing didn't want to continue listening. In any case, it was more or less the same.

Man Wu raised her head. She still wanted to hear Gu Hua Jing's next reaction, but she didn't expect Gu Hua Jing to rub her temples and say, "Okay, I understand. You can go back now."


Mang Wu was stupefied. She came here so righteously to surrender, yet Gu Hua Jing just let her leave like that?

"Madam, but sister Qingge …"

"Didn't you tell me to forgive her? Qingge was so infatuated with her highness, I'm not even happy yet as the secondary wife, so why would I bother with her?"

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