Seeing that he was following behind Feng Rong, Lei heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

His Highness' posture indicated that he was in a good mood.

That's good. The matter with Miss Manny just now had him on full alert. He was afraid that his Imperial Highness would vent his anger on someone else.

It was a good thing that there was still a Madam as well. Long live the Madam!

Feng Rong walked confidently with a smile on her face, looking no different from an ordinary person.

It was just that his fingers were slightly bent, as if he was still in the same position as before.

He … He really didn't like being close to people, especially women.

Of the women in the backyard, Feng Rong had never allowed them to get close to her. Even when they were dancing in the bird song, Ying Ying and Xiu Hong still kept their distance.

Only the people by Feng Rong's side knew this. Although he was famous, he would never allow a girl to cross that boundary.

However, after the past few days, this boundary seemed to have become blurry.

When Gu Hua Jing's shrewd and calm face became misty, he couldn't help but want to touch it. The feeling of being touched by such a soft and tender touch would make one's mood improve.

She unconsciously hugged her legs as she slept. To think that she would be able to tolerate it and not toss her away …

"Your Highness, Young Master Han is already waiting in the secret chamber. The scout reported that the fourth prince has begun his movements."

Feng Rong's eyes flickered slightly. It had finally begun. He had been waiting for so long …

After Qingge left, quite a few people came over to ask her how she was doing. The Madam didn't make things difficult for her.

"The Madame treated me very well. She only asked me a few questions."

Qing Ge indifferently replied, but his mind was searching for the figure of Man Wu.

When he was called over by the secondary wife, he was at the same time with Man Wu, and she was the one who suggested that he seek His Highness for help.

His Highness had heard that the secondary wife was dissatisfied with him, so it was very likely that Man Wu had someone pass a message to her. But what about Man Wu?

"Elder Sister Zi Di, have you seen Man Wu before?"

"Eh? Isn't she always with you? You actually asked me to come here? "

"I haven't seen her since I returned from the side lady's place. Although this backyard is huge, there's still a lot of people there."

Qingge felt a little uneasy. His Highness had never cared about the complicated matters in the back courtyard, but if he did manage to overdo it, she always felt that his Highness wouldn't be happy.

"… …." said Man Wu. Will she be okay?

Qingge's worry wasn't taken seriously by the others. This was the third prince's backyard, so what could happen here?

"Little sister Manwu might be taking a nap somewhere, so you don't have to worry about Qingge."

Qingge nodded indifferently, but the worry in her eyes didn't diminish.

Early the next morning, Qingge sent someone to find someone in the pavilion. When she found out that Man Wu was still not there, her heart skipped a beat.

"I think we should hurry up and find the Madam. Man Wu, seriously, I won't even tell you where she went."

The other sisters were a little dissatisfied, "Don't do that on purpose, it's better to let others pay attention to her."

Qingge didn't say a word and followed along to Gu Hua Jing's place. Gu Hua Jing still had them to drink tea, but she still hadn't seen them.

"Miss Greenbranch, may I trouble you to pass on the message that Mandy disappeared from the beginning of the day? We were worried that something might have happened to her."

Greenwood's lively face broke into a cute smile. "I know about that. It was His Highness' intention. Miss Manny slandered Madam for being narrow-minded and had already chased her out. Everyone, don't worry."

"..." "What?"

"My god!"

As soon as the green branch finished speaking, gasps could be heard from below.

Chase him out?

They had lived here for so long that there had never been a precedent for them to be chased out.

At most, some sisters who were too weak would be sent to the Hot Springs Manor to recuperate, or relatives would come to pick them up.

Yet, Manwu was chased out by His Highness?

Everyone looked at each other. No one looked good.

"Your Highness has instructed me not to let Madame know about this. If rumors spread to the Lady's ears, I would also be chased out."


Everyone's face turned green. His Highness had actually defended this side of his wife like this, were their eyes blind before?!

No one dared to say anything else. After a quick farewell, they left without looking back.

Seeing this, Greenwood, with his hands on his waist, laughed out loud. These women should be cured. All day long, they had been plotting against Madam Ye, hmph!

Qing Ge followed behind everyone. The people in front all had a lingering fear in their hearts. Their faces were all the color of vegetables.

This was probably the first time they realized that His Highness hadn't always indulged them, right?

However, Clear Song already knew.

When someone intentionally brought him close to His Highness, and not long after that someone told him that someone was sick, His Highness was merciful and sent someone to send him to the Hot Springs Manor.

Or when someone from outside the mansion came to pick someone up and marry them, Clear Song knew that this was His Highness' excuse to make them disappear.

His Highness had purposely let her know.

Qingge also didn't understand why Her Highness wanted her to know. It was just that from the beginning, Qingge clearly understood that His Highness wasn't as gentle and emotional as they had imagined.

So when Qingge saw the situation between Feng Rong and Gu Hua Jing, she understood that Madam Wei was different.

Now that His Highness had undisguised chased Man Wu out, was he no longer trying to adorn anything, or was he just trying to show off to his wife?

And Man Wu … she was real, she was just kicked out …?

In any case, Man Wu had disappeared completely from the backyard without a trace.

In the pavilion she lived in, the people waiting on her, her voice, her movements, it was as though she had never appeared before.

This caused the people in the backyard to panic. One by one, they controlled the mouths of the people in the courtyard, afraid that they would end up in the same situation as Man Wu if the slightest bit of information was leaked.

In their hearts, Gu Hua Jing held a very different value to them.

In the morning, when they went to pay their respects, even though Gu Hua Jing still didn't see them, they still insisted on sitting in the side hall for two hours before daring to leave.

"It seems like I have quite the prestige."

Gu Hua Jing didn't know why, but it didn't stop her from feeling somewhat proud.

Initially, she had thought that house fighting was not part of her ability, but now, looking at it, it seemed that it was actually just this.

"Madam, when I go to Jade and Flower Temple tomorrow, I need to dress cleanly and look sincere. How about this?"

The bamboo wine was carrying a set of rain-colored dresses over. Gu Hua Jing only glanced at it before nodding her head, not paying much attention.

Gu Hua Jing didn't even want to think about Jade and White Deer Temple's offering.

Who knew what Feng Rong was thinking? He actually even wanted to accompany her and act as if there was a conspiracy.

"Momo, what kind of place is Jade Glow Temple?"

"The Jade Glow Temple is very famous in the capital. In the southern part of the capital, at the side of the mountain, the incense is at its peak. The nobles of the palace often go there to pray for blessings."

So famous?

Gu Hua Jing held her head. Feng Rong said there was a ceremony, so the scene must be grand. He wasn't afraid that anyone would be able to see the weird atmosphere between them in such a lively situation?

After all, it was rumoured that Feng Rong was very fond of him.

Could it be that he wanted her to act with him?

Gu Hua Jing suddenly realized that this guy wanted the rumors to become true? So when he deliberately picked a person with a lot of people, would he pull her along to act out a romantic performance?

Gu Hua Jing's face twitched. Could she not go?

"Miss, the Jade Glow Temple's sacrificial ceremony is something that can only be found by chance. During the sacrificial ceremony, even if you want to go, you cannot do so without some status or status. At that time, there will be an exalted monk lecturing and if you can receive some pointers, it will be a great honor …"

Senior Servant Tian's face was full of hope. "I never thought that Young Master would treat Miss so well. This old servant was worried before, but now I can relax."


Gu Hua Jing had a strange expression on her face. No third person knew about the deal between her and Feng Rong. Previously, she didn't want to get married, but in Senior Servant Tian's eyes, she was just making a ruckus.

Currently, among the people around Gu Hua Jing, aside from him who didn't spend the night in his own courtyard, the rest were all satisfied with Feng Rong's attitude.

What's there to be satisfied about?

Gu Hua Jing wanted to curse at him. Feng Rong had an ulterior motive, what was he trying to do? He wanted to create the image of a good husband so that everyone around him would speak to him?

Inwardly, she showed the whites of her eyes. Gu Hua Jing was sprawled on the table without caring about her image. She didn't want to change her appearance so much.

Tomorrow's trip to the Jade Glow Temple, if she couldn't avoid it, she wouldn't be in the mood to act with him!

Early the next morning, Gu Hua Jing was dragged out of bed by someone.

"Good Cyan Plum. Look at the outside, it's not even dawn yet!"

Qing Mei quickly helped her change clothes, and at the same time did her best to prevent Gu Hua Jing from dumping her clothes on the bed again.

"Miss, His Highness has already sent someone to urge you, do you want His Highness to personally come and tell you to get up?"


She didn't want to, but she was really sleepy …

Forcefully holding on to her spirit, Gu Hua Jing put on her clothes in a daze. When she went to the hall, Feng Rong was already there.

"Come here to eat something. The temple's fast food tastes pretty good. It's just that the time is rather late."

Feng Rong casually waved her hand and saw Gu Hua Jing floating over like a ghost.

Today, she was dressed very elegantly with a light drizzle of rain, giving her an ethereal appearance. The accessories on her head were all jadeite, as gentle as a breeze.

However, her eyes were drooping, and her pretty lips weren't smiling. She sat at the table and grabbed the chopsticks, but just stood there, not wanting to move.

"Madam, please try out this egg white cake. It's perfect for a warm meal."

The little girl next to Gu Hua Jing acted as if she was used to it. She naturally helped Gu Hua Jing prepare the dishes, picking up the one she liked and placing it in her bowl.

Gu Hua Jing didn't even try to pick him out. She ate whatever was given to her, and the sleepiness in her eyes hadn't disappeared yet. Her actions of eating seemed somewhat wooden.

Seeing how interesting the situation was, Feng Rong's gaze landed on a white jade roll on the table. She placed a piece of ginger on the plate and then picked it up with her chopsticks and placed it into Gu Hua Jing's bowl.


Qingmei opened her mouth, wanting to take out the ginger ale, but Gu Hua Jing had already put it into her mouth.

"Little... "Madam!"

Qingmei quickly reached for a glass of water and lightly exclaimed in surprise before she recovered her wits. She looked at Qingmei with a face full of doubt. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing …"

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