But his words frightened Gu Hua Jing. He wanted Lei Wang to come in and help? Don't joke with me.

Gu Hua Jing violently shook her head as she anxiously said, "I still … still need to wait for a while, it should be fine after a while. How about we let Lei see for a while?"

He couldn't possibly remain silent and not answer, right? Lei Wang would definitely charge in.

Gu Hua Jing was flustered inside, her face had a tinge of worry on it. She bit her lips, not knowing what to do. How about she open her mouth and say that Feng Rong was asleep and had them wait for a while?

That's a good idea.

Gu Hua Jing's eyes lit up. She loosened her teeth and wanted to say something, but before she could utter a word, her lips had already entered Feng Rong's mouth.

Her soft lips were covered, and she was sucking and licking it lightly. Gu Hua Jing was breathing heavily, and her body was being held down by someone, giving her a feeling as if she was being toyed with.

All of her breathing and senses had been plundered, so Gu Hua Jing could only passively sense the domineering aura coming from Feng Rong's body. Even her involuntary moans were swallowed up by Feng Rong.

Outside was a servant who could barge in at any time. Gu Hua Jing was so nervous that her mind went blank. By the time she thought of struggling, Feng Rong had already loosened up.

"Madam really does know how to relieve the numbness in my leg. It's done now."

Feng Rong pressed her lips against Gu Huajue's petite nose, her voice sounded hoarse and sexy. She gave a shallow smile and the tip of her tongue lightly licked her moist lips. She then turned around and got up from Gu Hua Jing's body.

The curtain was gently lifted, and Feng Rong's figure disappeared behind the curtain, isolating his voice.

After a while, the green plum blossom hurriedly came in and saw Gu Hua Jing lying on the ground, rubbing her wrinkled dress as she inhaled deeply.

"Fortunately, I brought some spare clothes with me. Miss, please get up quickly."

Only now did Gu Hua Jing regain all of her consciousness, and she slowly sat down.

"The car has already stopped for a long time, and there's another car waiting at the back. His Highness has sent someone to pass the message that you should rest in the car and let them wait."

"Although your highness may be a little out of tune at times, you are still very considerate towards little miss. No wonder you didn't let me serve you in the car. Perhaps it's because you were worried that you wouldn't sleep well."

Gu Hua Jing let Qingmei tidy up her clothes, but she actually didn't understand Feng Rong's intentions. Was he really letting her into the car to let her sleep?

However, if that wasn't the case, he didn't really do anything. However, this clearly wasn't the way of a disguise. Since when was he so considerate?

After tidying up properly, Gu Hua Jing got out of the car.

Indeed, there was a long queue at the back.

The road was not wide and there was room to go back, so their car was stuck there and no one else could get there.

However, no one dared to approach her. Upon seeing her banner, they all waited obediently.

Gu Hua Jing sighed. It seemed like after today, the rumors of Feng Rong's indulgence would once again spread like wildfire throughout the city.

"You're done? "Then let's go."

When Feng Rong saw Gu Hua Jing, she walked up to Mount Yuhua with her.

In order to show their sincerity, everyone who went to Mount Yuhua had to get off the car at the foot of the mountain and walk. Even the nobles in the palace were no exception.

However, although the Jade Glow Temple was located halfway up the mountain, Mount Yuhua was not low at all. To the female members of the family, who did not step out of the door, this was enough to choke them.

Usually, when they reached the Jade Flower Temple, they would be too embarrassed to even take a single step.

But before she was married, Gu Hua Jing often went out to walk around, and because no one cared about her in the garden, she kept a low profile as she ran out to play. It was only halfway up the mountain, so it wasn't much for her.

When they arrived at Jade Flower Temple, it was still early in the morning. There weren't many people in the temple and the ceremony hadn't started yet.

"You can go inside and light a lamp to pray for your blessings, or ask for Buddha's autograph. Oh right, the Bodhisattvas here are very intelligent."

Gu Hua Jing always felt that there was a strange feeling coming from Feng Rong's smile, but she couldn't tell what it was.

It wasn't like she was really here to sign a buddhist contract. If it wasn't for the appearance of her, she wouldn't have come to climb the mountain so early today!

However, it was impossible to say that there really wasn't even the slightest intention of making a wish when he arrived at a temple that was said to be very effective.

Gu Hua Jing struggled in her heart for a moment. With a reserved expression, she brought the little girl to the main hall.

Yuhua Temple in the mountainside, but the dense mountain mist, the name peerless, but the temple built solemn and solemn.

Outside the hall were towering ancient trees, dense pine and cypress, dense bamboo, and green grass.

The temple was ablaze with incense and the sutras were recited. From time to time, the melodious sound of the bell chimes could be heard, causing one's mind to wander a long time.

At this moment, there weren't many people around, so Gu Hua Jing followed the customs and donated some money, kneeling in front of the Bodhisattva.

To Gu Hua Jing, the events of her past life had seemed like a bizarre dream.

She sometimes wondered if she was the one who insisted on marrying Bai Lingtian, Gu Hua Jing. However, when she was in the Bai Family's presence, she went to another world and had a drastic change in mood?

Gu Hua Jing rarely dreamed of that gorgeous and colorful world anymore. When she first created the restaurant, she was constantly reminding herself that she was different from this world. But recently, she slowly began to feel that there were many things she could tolerate.

Look, even being someone's concubine, didn't she compromise?

Gu Hua Jing clasped her hands together. She actually wanted to laugh and mock at herself for pretending to be such a maverick individual. In reality, there wasn't even a single difference.

Why wasn't she so firm in her stance? How could she be so easily shaken?

With a sour feeling in her nose, Gu Hua Jing tried her best to hold back the tears in her eyes. Suddenly, she heard the melodious sound of a bell ringing in her ear, as if it had struck her heart, causing her tears to fall down heavily.

Alright, she was very useless. She couldn't be cold-hearted, so she allowed herself to fall into the current dangerous situation.

She was already someone else's mistress! Gu Hua Jing really wanted to slap herself in the face.

However, for the Lord Buddha, this little girl no longer had any regrets in this life. She could be someone's concubine for someone she cared about, but she didn't want to lose her heart.

She couldn't help but look down on the past Gu Hua Jing for her actions, so she didn't want to make the same mistake.

Buddha, please protect the safety of the Gu family. Please protect this little girl. From now on, I will never meet anyone I like.

Otherwise, she would really be too pitiful …

Gu Hua Jing opened her eyes, a mocking smile on her lips, but she looked incomparably weak.

After respectfully kowtowing, Gu Hua Jing stood up and went to the side to shake the lot.

A piece of paper fell out. After looking at it for a long time, Gu Hua Jing realized that her knowledge in this area was too lacking.

What was it all about?

"Miss, there's a lot to unravel."

Gu Hua Jing looked towards the direction Qing Mei was pointing at and sure enough, there were a few monks sitting there. Their faces were unfathomable as they gave their lot to the woman in front of them.

Although she was too far away to hear them, Gu Hua Jing could actually guess what they were going to say.

It was nothing more than vague words. As long as his heart was sincere, as long as his heart was clear, as long as he waited, things would turn for the better …

Isn't this all nonsense?

Gu Hua Jing immediately gave up on the idea of opening the lot. She turned around and tried to put the lot back in her hand.

"Amitabha, Almsgiver, you can't do this."

Gu Hua Jing looked in the direction of the voice and saw a monk walking out of the back hall. He was dressed in grey cloth and actually had dark patches on his clothes.

Didn't they say that the Jade Glow Temple was burning with incense? There was such a poor monk?

Gu Hua Jing immediately recalled the scene of a group of monks forming a group in the temple. Seeing that this monk was actually very handsome, it was normal for him to arouse the jealousy of others.

"Master, could it be that this little girl did something wrong?"

"Almsgiver's signature has not been drawn, why did you put it back into the signing cup?"

"Is there a need to solve it? I just don't want to. "

"Almsgiver, you paid respects to Buddha before right? You don't want to know Lord Buddha's intentions? "

Gu Hua Jing suddenly laughed, "You can know Buddha's intentions with a single signature? Would Lord Buddha be too understanding? Besides, what if he misunderstood? Wouldn't it mean that I'm going to misunderstand Buddha? "

Gu Hua Jing's gaze swept over the monk's patched up body. She suddenly had the urge to do something good.

She told Qing Mei to take a piece of silver and send it along with the signature. "Master is not having an easy time either. Just consider it as you explaining the signature to me."

Finished speaking, Gu Hua Jing politely saluted and left the main hall.

The monk was holding the silver and signature in his hand. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He smiled as he shook his head. When he glanced at the signature before him, he was suddenly stunned.

Then, his eyes widened slightly as he looked in disbelief in the direction Gu Hua Jing had left.

The number of people from the Jade Flower Temple gradually increased, so Gu Hua Jing went to the back of the hall.

In the back, there were many rooms for people to rest in. Naturally, it was Gu Hua Jing's place.

Following little Sha Mi to the side room, Gu Hua Jing couldn't help but sigh. In the country, having power and influence was the best.

The private room even had a small yard. The yard was paved with pebbles, with green bamboo and was quite elegant.

Gu Hua Jing sat on a prayer mat in the meditation room next to the courtyard. After Little Shame sent him some good tea, he quietly left.

The noise in the temple seemed to have distanced itself, and the silence was so quiet that it hurt one's ears.

Gu Hua Jing's heart was incomparably calm. She suddenly understood why so many people liked to come and stay in the temple.

"Miss, His Highness said that during the ceremony he would send someone to call for you. You should rest for a while. Also, the snacks here are also not bad. Someone will bring them over later."

After Qing Mei said this, she slowly left, leaving Gu Hua Jing alone for a while.

Outside of Jade and Flower Temple, there was an endless stream of people entering the temple.

Many nobles and officials heard that the third prince had also come and were looking for opportunities to get close to him.

Although Feng Rong didn't have the prestige of the second and fourth princes, he could still speak his mind in front of the emperor.

A few officials who were unwilling to stand in line had a flash of inspiration. That's right, they could follow the Third Prince until the situation stabilized before showing their loyalty to the new Emperor, right?

However, it was not because they despised her. In the eyes of outsiders, the image of her being casted off was truly irrevocable.

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