This feeling made Feng Rong feel uncomfortable, an indescribable discomfort in her heart.

"Are you angry?"

Gu Hua Jing raised her head and lightly smiled, "Your Highness, why do you say that?"

A faint smile spread across Gu Hua Jing's face. Her pair of clear eyes were curved like crescent moons.

However, there was no smile in her eyes.

"Why? Because I didn't tell you about Ah Ze's matter in advance?"

"Why do you need to tell me what His Highness is doing?"

"Or … because of Bai Lingtian?"

The smile on Gu Hua Jing's face widened, "Your Highness is accusing me of being unfaithful?" I am with General Bai, but I haven't said a single word. "

Feng Rong stared at Gu Hua Jing, but she didn't evade his gaze in the slightest.

After a long while, Gu Hua Jing suddenly moved away, feeling like a fool.

What was there to be angry about? In Feng Rong's eyes, she was merely a tool. Or could it be that after being seduced by her beauty, she thought she was special?

Don't be silly.

Then what Master Hui Jin was enough, what did he say he was a lucky person? It was also a blessing in disguise. Where was the blessing?

Gu Hua Jing self-deprecatingly shook her head. She leaned against the wall of the carriage and closed her eyes.

It was better for people to know themselves. They had to recognize their own identities and do their own things. As for the rest, what did they have to worry about?

With regards to Ah Ze, let's just consider it a clear path.

On the second day after Jade and Flower Temple, Gu Hua Jing's name appeared in the capital once again.

Having been favored by Master Hui Jin as a fated person, being pampered by the Third Prince, and even being pampered and taken in as an adopted brother.

"Will no one recognize Anzer?"

"No, he looks just like his mother. Imperial Father … won't even remember what his mother looks like."


Gu Hua Jing nodded and instructed the servants to clean up the house.

"You have nothing else to ask?"

"Is there anything else I need to know?"

Feng Rong looked at her for a few seconds, then turned and left the room.

Gu Hua Jing was confused, so she continued to instruct, "Choose the south side of the house. Keep it warm inside the house. Bamboo wine, bring the little girl to measure his clothes and ask his preferences."

The things regarding Ah Ze had to be kept secret, so he couldn't use all the things in the courtyard he used to live in. He had to raise them as if they were real children.

"Miss, what's wrong with you and your highness?"


Senior Servant Tian looked troubled. "This old servant can't say for sure, but I keep having the feeling that things aren't as …"

Gu Hua Jing let Qingmei and Bamboo Liquor leave first before patting Senior Servant Tian's hand.

"Momo, don't worry. I know what I'm doing. There's nothing wrong."

"That's good, this old servant only hopes that Miss can be with the beauty. This old servant can be at ease even if I go."

"Senior …"

Gu Hua Jing didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she comforted her, but she could only sigh in her heart.

There was no need to think about He Miaomei. She would be satisfied if she could be safe.

"Aiya, how beautiful, quickly come to elder sister's place."

Gu Hua Jing looked at the newly washed Ah Ze, and quickly beckoned him to follow her.

Last time, when her appearance was sealed, Gu Hua Jing didn't even dare to look at it properly. Now that she saw it, her whole body's bearing was so sickly that one could tell it was the royal family.

"It looks like you've suffered a lot, but your body doesn't look good. Don't be afraid, big sister has a master, his medical skills are great, I'll show him to you later."

"Thank you elder sister."

Ah Ze's face was a little unnatural red, his eyes still clouded with excitement.

He walked out of the house for the first time and acted out in front of everyone's eyes.

For him, it was a thrilling experience that almost made his body unable to endure.

However, that was great. This way, he would be able to see his brother and his sister-in-law. Although he would now call her elder sister, it would be the same.

Facing Ah Ze, Gu Hua Jing really couldn't be hateful. A child is so slender, but her eyes are so clear and bright, so clean and lovely.

She obediently called herself Big Sister, just like a cute little shota. It was impossible for her not to like him even if she wanted to.

At night, Li Song came.

After Gu Hua Jing sent away the servants in the yard, Li Song sat down on a chair, his eyes wide open.

"He … He came back just like that?"

"Elder Li."

Ah Ze meekly called out to her, and Li Song quickly waved his hands, looking at Gu Hua Jing, "He's not afraid …"

"Your Highness naturally has his own way of doing things, let's not worry about him. Master, please quickly show it to Ah Ze."

Hearing this, Li Song took out his pulse as if he was familiar with the matter. From time to time, he would glance at Gu Hua Jing.

Why does it feel like something is amiss? Last time when they went to Hua Cuixiu Restaurant, did Gu Shenwei's attitude clearly change?

After opening the prescription, Gu Hua Jing told him about Ah Ze's inability to drink medicine. Li Song sighed.

"About that, I know about it. I've swapped out a lot of recipes, but none of them worked."

As he said this, he reached out and stroked Ah Ze's head, "Ah Ze's got to be strong, always forcing himself to drink, but always vomiting. If that's not the case, why would His Highness value you so much?"

Gu Hua Jing understood, which was why her medicinal cuisine was so important to Feng Rong.

Should she be happy as a useful tool?

Should he use it as soon as possible?

That night, Gu Hua Jing personally went to the kitchen and cooked a medicinal meal for Ah Ze.

When he was done and delivered, Feng Rong was also with Ah Ze.

Gu Hua Jing took a seat and placed the small cup in front of him, "It should be edible now. Try it, might you be able to eat it?"

That is a cup of lobster powder porridge, can benefit the kidney and invigorate Qi, to the child sweat deficiency asthma is very effective.

"There's sugar in it. It's very tasty."

Ozawa picked up the spoon, blew on it, and took a bite.

Gu Hua Jing stared at his reaction, but seeing him smile, her heart relaxed.

He was not a picky eater, but he ate very little and had no appetite.

Gu Hua Jing had an idea in her heart. Seeing that Ah Ze ate half of the cup and couldn't eat anymore, she smiled and let the servant take it away.

"Then I'll take my leave first."

Gu Hua Jing bowed and left, closing the door behind her.

"Big brother, is sister-in-law angry with you?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because sister-in-law doesn't even look at you when she speaks."

In Ah Ze's heart, his brother was the best brother in the world. He didn't understand why Gu Hua Jing would still be angry.

"I like sister-in-law very much. She treats me very well. Big brother, don't make her angry."

Feng Rong smiled, touched Ah Ze's head and said, "Rest well. Elder Li said that you need to rest more before you can recover. As for the rest, don't worry about it."

Ah Ze nodded, his clear eyes like a puppy's.

He was very happy right now. Being with his brothers and sisters was the happiest thing in the world, so he wished for the others to be happy with him.

Feng Rong walked out of Ah Ze's room and walked a few steps towards the study. After thinking for a bit, she changed the direction and headed towards Gu Hua Jing's courtyard.

"Miss! The palace is coming down! "

Gu Hua Jing raised her head to look at Senior Servant Tian before lowering her eyes. "I understand."


Senior Servant Tian was panicking. It was already this time, why wasn't the Miss changing? This body is filled with the smell of medicine, it would be better if it didn't reek of His Highness.

However, Gu Hua Jing didn't move at all. She continued to work on the Poria Cocos, lotus seeds and yam in her hands …

When Feng Rong entered the room, Gu Hua Jing was still keeping her head down. After Green Branch reminded her, she stood up, saluted, and sat back down.

The servants in the room all left with a meaningful glance, and Feng Rong slowly walked over.

"What is he doing?"

"Tomorrow, I will make eight treasures cake for Ah Ze. I'm afraid the servant might not put his heart into it, so I'll personally make it. Be at ease."

"Sorry for troubling you, Madam."

"Of course, if not, why did His Highness marry me?"

She placed the lotus seed into a small plate, her tone calm.

The two of them were silent for a while, even the atmosphere was tense.

Feng Rong suddenly seemed to understand where Gu Hua Jing's anger came from. She felt unresigned.

He was just a tool for himself. He felt resentment in his heart.

Hehehe, Feng Rong suddenly laughed.

He had thought of giving Gu Hua Jing the favor she wanted, on the premise that she would obediently do her duty.

He was just putting on a show in front of others, and he couldn't stand it any longer?

A light flashed through Feng Rong's eyes. He liked smart people, but he didn't like women who were too smart. Especially women who couldn't clearly see where he stood.

As she thought about it, Feng Rong stood up, "Then I won't disturb you any longer."

"Take care, Your Highness."

Gu Hua Jing was very polite, and even the curve of her lips was standard.

Feng Rong squinted her eyes, swung her sleeves, and walked away with the curtain raised.

Who gave her the guts to behave with him? Do you really think you're special? If you have this kind of temper, you should suppress it better!

Out of the corner of her eye, Gu Hua Jing glanced at the swaying curtain, before returning to her plate.

That's good. This way, everyone will feel at ease.

"Miss, why did His Highness leave again?"

"Your Highness can come and go whenever he wants. Does mama not want me to keep him?"

"Of course I have to stay. Right now, His Highness is your husband, so you have to …"

"Senior …"

Gu Hua Jing's tone turned a little heavier as she raised her head, "Does mama still remember about my time at the Bai Family?" As long as I do my job well, I will be fine. As for the rest, I no longer have any thoughts of fighting against each other. "

Senior Servant Tian's face was pale. But … but didn't Miss really care?

Gu Hua Jing really didn't care.

In the days that followed, Feng Rong never set foot in his courtyard again. Every day, different beauties would be summoned to the study room.

The backyard suddenly felt as if it was a festival, and those thoughts that had stopped stirring once again began to stir.

However, Gu Hua Jing didn't seem to care at all. Every day, Ah Ze would come over, and she would change to a different kind of food for him to eat.

Cinnamon Hawthorn Drink, Sweet Almond Cake, Ginger and Orange Pepper Soup...

Taking care of a half-grown child was a novel experience for Gu Hua Jing, and she enjoyed it immensely.

"Ah Ze's calligraphy is really beautiful. He has an extremely good character. In the future, he will definitely be even more accomplished."

Ah Ze was praised to the point that his face turned red. Feeling embarrassed, he said, "It was my brother who taught me. My brother's words are the true way to stir up trouble."

"Oh, that's all it is. We, Ah Ze, are just young and lack brushwork. When we grow older, we'll be even more promising than your brother."

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