The palace sent a mama here to teach her some of the palace etiquette. Gu Huaxin was so busy enjoying herself that she had to put up with it.

When Feng Rong heard this news, the corner of her mouth slightly curled up. It had finally come.

He lowered his head and thought for a moment. "Go, bring back all the books from the Madame's study."


"By the way, send the zither from last time over as well."

Lei saw the flash in his eyes and retreated.

When Princess Yiran had come to ask for the guqin, His Highness hadn't let her go, but she hadn't cared about giving it to the Madame.

It seemed like the days of worry had finally come to an end?

Seeing that he was in high spirits, Lei ordered the people to quickly bring out all the books.

In the study, Feng Rong was fiddling with a beautiful piece of jade.

He didn't expect that Gu Hua Jing would be noticed by the palace so quickly. It seemed that Master Hui Jin's fame had also played a role.

A trace of viciousness flashed through his eyes, thinking that Bai Lingtian was fine, as long as she was in his hands, nothing else mattered!

"All of your movements should be quick. If you dare, break it. Carefully observe your heads."

Lei saw that she was shouting loudly, so he accompanied her with a smiling face to pay his respects in front of Gu Hua Jing.

"Madam, His Highness had me deliver these to you."

Gu Hua Jing's eyes swept across those books; they were indeed the books that her big brother had given her.

"What does Your Highness mean by this?" Didn't you throw them away? "

"Of course not, Your Highness is just joking around. Madam, please do not take it to heart. This lowly one will take care of it for you, it will definitely be the same as before."

Seeing this, Lei smiled and sent all the books to the study room.

An ancient zither with a phoenix tail was placed in front of Gu Hua Jing.

"His Highness stumbled upon this by chance. He accidentally damaged Madam Wei's body previously to make up for …"


Gu Hua Jing laughed in her heart. Was she not careful? He dared say so.

However, this zither … it was much better than hers. Even she could see that this zither was extraordinary. It must be very expensive, right?

Seeing that Gu Hua Jing didn't say anything, the servant's face lit up and hurriedly left.

Lei saw that the books had been put away and left with his people in a grandiose manner.

Gu Hua Jing walked to the study room and stood in front of a bookshelf. Her fingers slowly traced along the spine of the book.

This … was he trying to curry favor with her?

She sneered. With Feng Rong's temperament, if he still needed to please her, then she must have something to do.

Thinking about how she wanted to enter the palace, Gu Hua Jing's heart slightly trembled. What did he want her to do?

After returning the book and a good guqin, Gu Hua Jing acted as if nothing had happened, quietly reading a book in the courtyard.

"What was her reaction?"

Lei Wang carefully thought back for a moment, but didn't seem to have any reaction to it.

"Alright, you may leave."

If she really wasn't shrewd, why would he think so highly of her?

Feng Rong stood up and walked over to a secret compartment. She took out a piece of paper and burnt it down …

"Madam, His Highness said that he wanted to eat at your place."

"Got it, go to the kitchen and inform the others."

The green branch had to be ordered to leave, but Senior Servant Tian remained silent as she stood next to Gu Hua Jing.

Gu Hua Jing read two pages, but really couldn't ignore it. She helplessly put down the book and sighed.

"Please speak, mama."

Senior Servant Tian didn't refuse and hurried forward.

"Miss, now that the Third Prince has given in, isn't it inappropriate for you to be so cold?"

"The book was taken by him and the guqin was broken by him. Isn't it natural for him to return it? Why do you call that a concession?"

"You don't have to say it like that. Since His Highness is willing to coax you, it means that you are in his heart. Why wouldn't you appreciate his kindness?"

Gu Hua Jing almost laughed out loud. She really didn't dare to accept this favor.

However, Senior Servant Tian didn't know the crux of the matter, so she could only nod and say that she did.

Later on, Feng Rong came over.

The smile on her face returned to its former appearance, carrying along with it a dazzling and beautiful appearance as she smiled at Gu Hua Jing.

"Your Highness."

Gu Hua Jing bowed as usual, then called for some food. The two ate in peace, as if the interrogations in the yard had never happened.

Even after finishing her meal, Feng Rong still hadn't left. She sat with Gu Hua Jing, holding a teacup and speaking to her without saying a word.

"Still angry at me?"

"Your Highness, these words are meant to kill me."

"Ah Ze is still young and has a weak heart. Seeing that he is addicted to idle books, I feel anxious too. It's just that I wasn't able to control myself at that time, Jingjing can just forgive me."


Gu Hua Jing's scalp was tingling. Jingjing? Who told him to call it that?

But Feng Rong seemed to feel that this name was very good, "Jingjing, from now on, this is how I will call you."

"Hur Hur Hur, please do so, Your Highness."

Gu Hua Jing secretly touched the goosebumps on her arm. It was just a name, she had to endure it.

"And that zither, Jingjing's singing is really good. It's just that I've thought too much …"

"Your Highness, if you have orders, feel free to speak."

Gu Hua Jing was too lazy to dawdle with Feng Rong, so she interrupted him and raised her head to look at him.

With her words interrupted, Feng Rong didn't seem to be angry.

The eyes in front of him were frighteningly bright, but he couldn't help but like them.

It wasn't easy to meet a girl who could maintain her clarity of mind in front of him.

In an instant, the corners of Feng Rong's mouth curled up as she leaned her back against the wall.

"Jingjing's character isn't good, if she's too impatient, it's easy for her to suffer."

"My personality is also different. In front of His Highness, why would I need to hide it?"

"Hur Hur Hur, you're right."

Feng Rong was about to applaud, "Then I'll be frank."

That night, Feng Rong still didn't stay at Gu Hua Jing's place.

On the second day, the people who had previously been in charge of the matter had suddenly disappeared.

When a matter was handled by another person, the person would be ordered to act with authority. If the matter of neglecting the Madam were to occur again, the result would be the same as before.

The backyard was once again filled with panic, so why did the Madame suddenly grab His Highness's heart?

His Highness had never said anything about his negligence, so why was it suddenly gone?

But no matter what, people disappearing was the most terrifying thing because no one knew what would happen to them.

Gu Hua Jing had given him an example in time.

The people who came to deliver the gifts were all trembling in fear, afraid that they would anger Gu Hua Jing.

Gu Hua Jing was still unconcerned about what she should do and what she should do. She would cook medicine for Ah Ze every day and spend the rest of her time in the study.

Thus, the day of entering the palace had finally arrived.

Gu Hua Jing was dressed in a luxurious attire, and her neck was pressed down to the point where it had shrunk. She was then helped onto the carriage.

There was already someone in the carriage.

"Your Highness, you want to enter the palace too?"

Feng Rong looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, "Of course, my current reputation is one that indulges in beauties. How can I not chase after Jingjing when she enters the palace?"


Gu Hua Jing pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

She remembered what Feng Rong had told her the other day. He had said that no matter what she thought, she had to act as a good wife for the Gu family.

He could give himself the life he wanted, provided he didn't do anything against his will.

If Feng Rong wanted to become a prince that was infatuated with her beauty, she would have to cooperate with him and act in front of outsiders.

He wanted to be a filial prince. In the palace, he had to play the role of a filial daughter-in-law who was worried about the health of the empress and imperial concubine.

"As long as you don't do anything unnecessary, I can give you whatever kind of day you want."

Under the candlelight, her face was exceptionally eye-catching, with an alluring air, like a demon trying to persuade a person.

However, Gu Hua Jing was moved.

That was all she wanted.

What love and affection, they were all bullshit.

The carefree days that he had yearned for could still enjoy the shade of a big tree, but he had only done what Feng Rong wanted him to do. As long as he didn't touch upon her bottom line, then what was wrong with him?

"Then what do you want me to do …"

"It's all just a small matter. Don't worry, I definitely won't let you do something you shouldn't have done."

"..." "Deal."

Thus, now that Feng Rong was worried about herself, her actions of entering the palace with her was understandable.

As the carriage rolled, Gu Hua Jing peeked out through the curtain, but even if she wasn't excited, it was unlikely.

Although she had visited the Forbidden City before, she had truly never seen the people who lived there before.

Gu Hua Jing was a woman, so she should be the empress of the imperial harem. She didn't know if her words would be like the ones on television, full of scheming and scheming. She was afraid that her intelligence wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Relax, it's just a question. You probably don't know that the rumors about you being guided by Master Hui Jin have long since spread into the palace, and even royal father mentioned it. These empress naturally want to meet you."

Not mentioning Gu Hua Jing, even Gu Hua Jing had forgotten. Was that monk really that influential?

"Then, other than the ones you want me to pay special attention to, are the others really up to me?"

"Suit yourself, as long as you don't go too far."

Gu Hua Jing cleared her throat, and the pressure in her heart lessened slightly.

Since Feng Rong had already said so, he should be confident. That's good, that's good …

As for the Empress he had asked her to befriend … Gu Huajuan looked up to the sky. Everything could be decided by fate …

When they arrived at the palace gates, Gu Hua Jing got off the carriage and changed it to the palace's small palanquin.

Feng Rong couldn't follow him. From here on, she would be the one fighting alone.

The small window could vaguely see the palace wall outside, it was solemn and dignified.

After walking for a long time, the palanquin finally landed.

Gu Hua Jing got off the palanquin and followed the maid inside.

After entering the palace, he had to pay respects to the empress.

This esteemed empress wasn't the kind of person Feng Rong wanted her to pay attention to.

The empress had a prince by her side, but he was still young. For the sake of this young prince, the empress was very concerned about the crown prince.

Gu Hua Jing calmed her heart and met with the empress with the introduction of the palace eunuchs.

"You are the Madam of the Third Prince's Estate? "Raise your head."

Gu Hua Jing raised her head obediently and glanced at the empress's face from the corner of her eyes. She immediately lowered her eyes, not daring to look around.

The empress had a very normal appearance, even at this age she was still able to give birth to a little prince. It wasn't easy at all, no wonder she was so precious.

"His birth is really good, no wonder even Ol 'Three lost his temper."

Gu Hua Jing smiled shyly. Her face was full of shyness, just like a shy newlyweds.

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