Gu Hua Jing came out from her cover with a dizzy spell. A light breeze blew and she suddenly stood on the spot.

That's not right, she was here to dump the burden, why did it end up being him instead?

Or was he willing to follow along?

Gu Hua Jing looked up at the sky, the silver shadow in her eyes had not disappeared yet.

The only thing that could be said was that money could make a difference!

She was a greedy little ghost! He really had no backbone!

If she let Steward Gu Hua Jing do what she had to do, she really wouldn't be able to do it all the time while she was busy with trivial matters.

Thus, for the sake of her lazy bones, Gu Hua Jing had locked herself in her room for half a day, and came out feeling refreshed and refreshed.

"Take these and have them copied. Everyone will have one copy."

Gu Hua Jing tossed over a piece of paper. Qing Mei took it and read it. Without saying a word, she found someone to copy it down.

It was a management system, and it was what Gu Hua Jing remembered about the system. She changed it to conform with the government's management system.

What work schedule, what job requirements, confidentiality regulations, items management regulations, subsidies regulations, mobility regulations, financial management regulations, etc.

However, Gu Hua Jing's actions were aimed at the management. Thus, after she received the copied management system, she picked out the most capable people in the palace.

"You are all old people of the mansion now. There is nothing you don't know about the matters of the mansion. As for the crafty tricks, it is destined that you will not escape your notice."

"Madam …"

The people kneeling below were apprehensive. The Madam had previously chased away many masters with great fanfare, and servants like them were not worth mentioning to the Madam.

"Do you understand what I've written?"

"I can understand, I can understand."

"That's good. Since you can understand it, then carry on with your duties and write me a more detailed set of rules within the scope of your work."

Gu Hua Jing's eyes swept over these people, "Those who write well will naturally be rewarded, but if you want to fool me …"

The corner of Gu Hua Jing's mouth curved up, and her voice became even deeper, "You've all thought it through. There are plenty of people who can replace you …"

With someone taking over for her, Gu Hua Jing was leisurely walking around the courtyard.

The rules and regulations that she came up with quickly fell into the hands of Feng Rong.

"Working according to the rules, she does save a lot of trouble."

When Lei saw the smile on his face at the side, looking at His Highness's expression, his mood wasn't too bad.

"Your Highness, the secondary wife even came up with a reward and punishment system, which is written in black and white. The current atmosphere in the backyard is very different."

"She's a capable person, it's just that …"

Feng Rong stopped midway through her sentence. Who knew what she was thinking about as she pursed her lips.

After a long while, Feng Rong finally raised her head and looked at Lei Jian with a smile that was not a smile.

Lei's heart thumped when he saw that, even his calves were trembling.

"You've always been practicing with Qin Fan. How's the progress?"

"Your Highness … this humble one is not familiar with this …" "No, no, no. His talent is shallow, but Big Brother Qin is skilled in martial arts, this little one is truly …"

"I can tell that Madam's reward and punishment system is pretty good. Why don't we follow it?"

Lei's face turned black. He probably only needed to read the details of the punishment.

She waved for Lei to leave, then leaned back in her chair.

This woman had always been beyond his expectations, always producing something new.

And there was also Ah Ze, she really did bring him to the Fang family's old patriarch.

That was a tough nut to crack; how in the world did Gu Hua Jing do it? What did the Master of the Fang family think of her?

Feng Rong's eyes drooped slightly, and her hand subconsciously reached for the Twin Fish Jade Carvings, but there was nothing there.

Right, the jade carving had already been given to Gu Hua Jing.

I wonder, what kind of conditions will she come up with? As long as she didn't overdo it, Feng Rong could satisfy her.

But if...

A dark light flashed in Feng Rong's eyes, before he could even nod his head, Gu Hua Jing would no longer have anything to do with Bai Lingtian!

The days seemed flat again.

Although Feng Rong still didn't stay at Gu Hua Jing's place, she still gave her a lot of dignity.

The remaining girls in the backyard were all confused, unable to understand what had happened to Gu Hua Jing.

There was only one thing that they understood, and that was that they definitely could not offend the side madam.

His Highness was even able to tolerate the side madam's heart thinking of other men. What else couldn't be tolerated?

"Madam, the entire manager is here."

Gu Hua Jing's eyes lit up. She put down the book in her hands and hastily went to the side hall.

Other than coming to pay her bills once a month, the entire shopkeeper would never come over. Today was not the day for him to do so.

In the side hall, the entire storekeepers impatiently circled back and forth. When they saw Gu Huanjing, they hurriedly went up to greet her.


"All manager, don't worry. Did something happen?"

The entire manager rubbed his hands together with a conflicted expression. He didn't know where to start.

"Actually, this could have been a good thing, but …"

The fame of the restaurant had been steadily growing. With the help of Li Song, the people might not know of his origins, but the name of the hospital was well-known.

When some of the nobles heard the name Li Song, they did not dare to question it.

As a result, Huaxia Restaurant became the most popular medicinal cuisine in the capital.

Actually, this was still alright. The guests that had arrived were all able to handle it, but the problem was that in the past few days, there had been a lot of distinguished guests that they couldn't handle.

"Master … is there no other way?"

"Madam might not know this, but those nobles are all using the palace's name to purchase things for the nobles of the palace. But since they are nobles, how could they possibly appear?"

"Elder Li has a stubborn personality. He didn't get any diagnosis, so he didn't sell anything and chased away several groups of people."

The entire storekeeper looked like he was about to cry. "Madame, did you not see Elder Li's attitude? It's really …"

Gu Hua Jing waved her hand in understanding. She understood, she could imagine.

"It's been hard on you."

The entire storekeeper couldn't wait to cry.

Li Song was a man of some standing, and could bite him to death, but not sell him. Those people couldn't do much to him, but the shopkeeper was in for a hard time.

Gu Hua pursed his lips. His Master's actions were also to protect him and the restaurant.

The safety of the nobles in the palace was very important. If someone tried to take the blame, who would be responsible for it?

However, in this way, perhaps the business of the restaurant would be affected.

"All manager, thank you for your hard work. If you are in a difficult situation, please close the shop and rest for a while. We will talk about it after this period of time."

"I also mentioned it to Elder Li, but he didn't agree …"

All the shopkeepers were troubled. Li Song's temper was really smelly and hard, especially those people sent by noble people who had such high and mighty attitudes. Li Song had been in a bad mood since a long time ago.

Why did he ask the restaurant to back down? Following the rules, what did they do wrong?

Gu Hua Jing felt a headache coming on. From the storekeeper's description, she could completely imagine her master's furious and proud appearance at that time.

"Fine, I'll leave it to him. As long as the business is worse, everything is better as long as nothing happens to the person. If anything happens, quickly get someone to tell me."

Gu Hua Jing didn't believe that, no matter what, she was still a prince's wife. Could there really be someone who would disregard everything and smash the floor?

In the end, it was beyond Gu Hua Jing's expectations. Sure enough, someone came to cause trouble.

Only three days after the entire shopkeeper had returned, a waiter from the Hua Fang House hurriedly came to look for him.

"Madam, someone from the Huaxu Cuisine Restaurant said that they ate the food in the restaurant and died from poisoning!"


The corner of Gu Hua Jing's mouth twitched. Is this a medical scene?

Did they cause a ruckus in the medicinal cuisine? Most of the recipes she created were gentle and kind, making it difficult for them to poison someone to death.

"Where's Master?"

Li Song was once the famous imperial physician, how could he let these people pester him?

"Elder Li is furious, but the other party was unreasonable and cried in front of the entrance of the restaurant." Elder Li is furious, but the other party was unreasonable and cried in front of the entrance of the restaurant.


Gu Hua Jing was having an even greater headache. Not only was she making trouble for the doctor, but she was also bumping into porcelain?

She sighed. In fact, she had guessed that something like this would happen before they opened the restaurant, so she did not panic. She ordered Qing Mei to help her change clothes.

However, when Gu Hua Jing walked out of the courtyard, she saw Lei Jian Chen standing there with a smile on his face, waiting for her.

"Madam, His Highness knows that something happened at the restaurant, so he specifically sent me to inform you. For such a small matter, why would you need to personally step in?"

Yo? Gu Hua Jing's eyes lit up. You don't need her to deal with it?

It would be great if someone could deal with it for her.

"Then I'll thank Your Highness first."

Seeing this, Lei's smile became even wider, "If Madame wants to thank His Highness, how about you personally go and tell His Highness, His Highness will be even happier."

Seeing that Lei was about to leave, Gu Hua Jing couldn't help but call out to him.

"My master is too old for this."

"Madame, don't worry. This one will definitely ensure Elder Li's safety."

Seeing that Lei was able to become her confidante, her ability naturally couldn't be underestimated, so Gu Hua Jing felt at ease.

After thinking for a moment, he sent someone to ask Qin Fan and the book shadow to follow him in case they needed it.

"Madam, do you want to go to His Highness? After all, His Highness helped you. "

Gu Hua Jing moved, but she still returned to her own courtyard.

Whether it succeeds or not was still up for grabs, but after this was over, there was no time to thank them.

Li Song sat in front of the restaurant. A woman was lying on the ground in front of him.

She wailed as her husband died after eating the food from the restaurant. Despite coming to be fair, he was knocked down to the ground. His voice was filled with grief and grief.

Li Song's face was stiff and expressionless.

He didn't believe that before he met someone, he would be able to knock them down to the ground.

Did he have this level of divine power? Why didn't he notice? This was the person who wanted to ruin the restaurant's reputation!

Some of the commoners who had received favors from Li Song wanted to speak up for him, but they were immediately forced into silence by the woman's title of helping the evil.

Li Song's face turned darker and darker. He didn't know when this farce would end.

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