It was said that the Fourth Prince, Feng Yao, had a violent temper recently. He was originally a prince who had fought his way out of the battlefield, so the hostility in his body was even more intense.

On this day, Gu Huaxin entered the palace to pay respects to esteemed wangfei.

Imperial Concubine Su was the mufei of the fourth prince. Her own son looked as if he was about to lose his power. As a mother, it was hard for her not to worry about him.

"Empress, you need to relax. Here is a formula to calm your mind and calm your mind. Empress, you can try it."

Imperial Concubine Su supported her forehead with her hands, her complexion extremely unsightly.

She had used the prescription given by the hospital, but it hadn't improved much. She also knew that this was heart disease, so how could medicine cure it?

Seeing the warm smile on Gu Hua Jing's face, Consort Su's heart couldn't help but feel anxious.

She didn't dare to move from Feng Mu's side, as the emperor was staring at her. If something happened, she might be the first to suspect her.

However, she wouldn't care about the person beside that useless Feng Rong.

Why was this woman so easy? Feng Rong was just a straw bag with a pillow, but the more useless he was, the less danger he would be in in the future.

But his son! Fighting in blood, Yao'er was so good, why couldn't she even match up to a good-for-nothing prince?!

Imperial Concubine Su's eyes slightly narrowed. She was about to speak when a small palace maid ran in from outside, saying that the Fourth Prince had arrived.


Once Consort Su changed from depressed to dispirited, she immediately stood up from her beauty bed and went out to welcome him.

Gu Hua Jing thought about it for a moment. She felt that it wasn't good to stay here, so she decided to leave.

"So this is Third Imperial Brother's wife?"

A disdainful tone came from behind her. Gu Hua Jing lowered her head in a bow, her expression tranquil and indifferent.

She had seen Feng Yao before. He had a domineering aura and a sharp aura.

However, after seeing her for the first time today, it seemed … as if she was lacking that little bit of feeling, she appeared even more ruthless.

"Yao`er, don't say that. His Highness' wife has some reputation in all the courtyards in the palace."

"Hohoho, that's a lot stronger than my royal brother."


Imperial Concubine Su knew Feng Yao's words weren't appropriate, but she didn't say anything. She swept a glance at Gu Hua Jing, and seeing her lower her head as if she hadn't heard anything, she laughed mockingly in her heart.

"Alright, you can leave now."

Gu Hua Jing couldn't wait any longer. She obediently bowed and quietly withdrew.

It seemed like the fourth prince and his mother were also bullies of the weak and afraid of the strong.

He was so angry at the second prince.

Gu Hua Jing's heart twitched. She thought that in the future, Imperial Concubine Su would have less to offer.

Only, the heavens didn't do as people wished. The next day, she came back to esteemed wangfei once more, having been escorted here.

"How dare you, Gu Clan!" You actually dare to harm the Empress, do you know your crime? "

"This little girl doesn't know."

Gu Hua Jing's face was filled with innocence. Feng Rong had left the mansion early in the morning. She had been brought here for no apparent reason, so what was there to know?

"You actually dare to give the Empress a prescription without permission. Does the golden body of the Empress allow you to act so recklessly?" "Now that the Empress is ill, what crime should you take it as?!"

Gu Hua Jing's heart sank. Sour jujube porridge could also make her body unwell, so she had to experience it for herself.

This was clearly a crime to be added, so why was there no excuse? What did Imperial Concubine Su want to do? Kill me to vent my anger? What was this? What enmity did he have with her?

"Can this little girl see the Empress?"

"How dare you!" You still want to harm the Empress? "

"This little girl was wrongly accused. What this little girl gave the Empress was nothing more than a calming meal plan. There shouldn't be any problems."

"You still dare to quibble? I think you won't die until you reach the bottom of the Yellow River! "

These words without any leeway made Gu Hua Jing even more nervous. Could it be that she wanted to torture him? She was afraid of pain the most! If it hurt, she would agree to anything!

The more he was afraid of what was coming, the more it seemed like something was about to happen. Immediately, a servant came over with something that looked like a bamboo curtain.

Gu Hua Jing immediately trembled; she knew what it was! That's for pinching your fingers!

"No!" "I was really wronged, I didn't …"

"Why aren't you blocking her mouth for us?!"

Someone stepped forward, opened her mouth, and stuffed a lump of unknown substance into her mouth, causing her tears to immediately fall.

No! She didn't want to! Who would save her? Anybody could, who could save her?

However, it seemed as if the heavens hadn't heard Gu Hua Jing's pleas.

When a heart-wrenching pain came from her fingers, Gu Hua Jing's whole body spasmed, and his vision turned black as he fell headfirst to the ground.

It hurt!

It was as if her fingers were being cut off by someone, one after another. It was so painful that Gu Hua Jing couldn't even make a sound.

She tried to get rid of the pain, but no matter how she tried to move, the pain kept coming out like a shadow, making her sob softly.

Feng Rong's face was dark and calm as she looked at the collapsed Gu Hua Jing, who was still crying from the pain.

He was like a kitten, tossed and turned due to the unbearable pain.

Feng Rong turned her head and cupped her fist at the person in front of her.

"Many thanks, Empress. I, Feng Rong, will remember your kindness."

"I should hurry and bring her back for a good rest. I've already let Imperial Physician Bai see that she hasn't injured her muscles and bones. It's just that for a while, she won't be able to use this hand."

Jing Fei acted as if she didn't see the coldness that flashed through Feng Rong's eyes as she silently turned and entered the inner room.

When Feng Rong walked to the bedside, her ten fingers were wrapped in a white cloth. In some places, one could see the blood of the stars seeping out.

Pain, wuu …

Gu Hua Jing's forehead was covered in sweat, her face was pale, and her eyes were closed. She was no longer as indifferent towards everything as she used to be.

Feng Rong's hand landed on her forehead and slowly moved down her cheeks, gently wiping away the cold sweat.

He had long since predicted that she would definitely suffer a loss in the palace, so he had clearly guessed this long ago …

But by the time Jing Fei's men came to tell him that Gu Hua Jing had been injured, why had the anger that engulfed her entire body come about?

These were his people. If they dared to hurt his people, then they should have the resolve to bear the consequences!

Feng Rong exerted strength in her arms and held Gu Hua Jing in her arms.

Her head lay limply on her chest, soft and obedient.

After walking out of the palace, Feng Rong glanced towards the direction of the concubine's residence. The cold light in her eyes sent shivers down one's spine …

Madam … wuu. Madam, don't move. This servant will change the medicine for you.

The humming sound gave Gu Hua Jing a headache.

Not only did his head ache, his body hurt, and his hands hurt even more.

Slowly she opened her eyes and saw the bed she was familiar with.

This scene was too familiar and too horrifying, Gu Hua Jing almost thought she wore it again.

"Hiss …"

A sharp pain came from her finger. Gu Hua Jing subconsciously wanted to retract her hand, but she discovered that her wrist had been locked in place.

"Madam, you're awake?!"

Qing Mei cried out in surprise. She quickly changed the medicine and carefully bandaged it.

Then she threw herself in front of Gu Hua Jing's bed and cried …


Gu Hua Jing had originally been full of grievance and anger, but after being cried like this by Qing Mei, it was all gone.

"Don't cry, I'm fine here, aren't I?"

Qing Mei was crying so hard that she couldn't stop. She was out of breath and felt like she would pass out in the next second.

"What's wrong?" Miss! You're awake?! "

Senior Servant Tian rushed in from outside, tears welling up in her aged eyes.

"Momo, don't cry too. Those who don't know, they think we're in mourning."


Senior Servant Tian could no longer care about being humble. She hastily spat a few times on the ground, hoping that the gods would forgive her for her childish words.

"You scared this old servant to death, you scared this old servant to death …!"

Senior Servant Tian wiped away her tears and cried for a while. After she finished venting her anger on Qing Mei, she wiped her tears away and went outside to get some food for Gu Hua Jing.

"When His Highness carried you back, this old servant almost fainted, just what happened?"

Gu Hua Jing really didn't want to say anything, so how could she?

The prince and the empress, who had lost to her by a level, were displeased. They found her unpleasing to the eye, so they wanted to vent their anger on her?

Even Gu Hua Jing herself found it laughable.

In the eyes of those people, the lives of others weren't their own. As long as they were happy, they could just casually kill them and use torture to kill them?

No matter what, he was still a side wife! How could he …

"Uh … mama, what did you just say?"

Senior Servant Tian was stunned as she thought back carefully. "…" This old servant nearly fainted. Just what happened? "

"No, the first sentence."

"When His Highness carried you back?"


Gu Hua Jing suddenly felt that her hand didn't hurt anymore. This news was too horrifying.

Yes... Feng Rong carried him back?

She remembered how much it had hurt, how her mouth had been stuffed and no sound came out, and how quickly she had passed out.

Yes... Feng Rong saved him?

Gu Hua Jing opened and closed her mouth, but no one knew what she was feeling.

At that time, she was thinking, if someone came to save her, she would definitely be very grateful. But she didn't expect it to be Feng Rong?

Senior Servant Tian didn't notice Gu Hua Jing's odd expression and looked at her hand with a pained expression.

"His Highness invited Doctor Li as soon as he arrived at the manor and used the best medicine. Doctor Li said that after he was done, it wouldn't affect his hands, but there would still be some symptoms …"

As she spoke, Senior Servant Tian began to gnash her teeth. "Just what kind of heartless person would hit Miss with such force?" "Miss …?"

Senior Servant Tian waved her hand in front of Gu Hua Jing.

"Hmm? "Oh, I'm just tired. Sleep a little longer."

Gu Hua Jing came back to her senses and wanted to lie down again.

Senior Servant Tian had a baffled expression. Is Miss tired? But … she hadn't eaten anything, wasn't she hungry?

Gu Hua Jing's hands had become a vital protection.

The maidservants by her side had served her wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly, and now they were even more considerate and considerate.

Gu Hua Jing was in a trance for an entire afternoon before she seemed to wake up. Feng Rong brought Ah Ze over to see her.

Sister, wuu …

Gu Hua Jing felt a headache coming on. Why did everyone cry for her the first thing they saw? This caused her to feel too ashamed to cry.

"It's fine, big sister is fine. It's just that she looks a little scary."

"How could it be okay? Elder Li flew into a rage. I'm so worried about you. "

Too good, too cute!

Gu Hua Jing habitually wanted to touch Ah Ze's head, but she couldn't do anything about it. Her hands were wrapped like rice dumplings, and she could only make two strokes to indicate her intention.

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