Life Changing System

Chapter 360: The War Begins

A while later, Bai Chen pretended to inhale deeply. His face turned calm. He stared at Namiana’s cold and distant face before asking, “When will the war begin?”

Namiana seemed a little surprised at seeing Bai Chen calm himself so quickly. However, it was good for her anyway.

“It will begin once the level of all the owners reaches 20,” she said while looking at Bai Chen with her cold eyes. “You’re the last to reach level 20, so it will begin soon. To make it easier to understand, I’ll send you the details of the war directly.”

Namiana flicked her hand softly. A number of silver rays of light floated into Bai Chen’s forehead.

Suddenly, Bai Chen’s eyes widened a little. He quickly closed his eyes as if he was trying to absorb all the information.

However, he was still only pretending, so that Namiana would not be suspicious of him.

After a while, Bai Chen opened his eyes. His face was very serious. His eyes held a strong determination.

“The winner can ask for one wish. The losers will end up dead!” he said with a serious tone.

“You quickly understand things. From the details that I gave you, you now know that the battlefield is in the celestial world. It is a world especially for cultivators. It is completely different from this current world.”

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Namiana said this in the same cold and distant manner.

“Once you enter the celestial world, the time in the current world will stop. You can freely roam between both worlds, but doing that too often may result in you falling behind the other system owners.”

Bai Chen nodded. He understood that clearly.

This was because even though the time in the current world stopped when he was in the celestial world, the time in the celestial world did not do the same when he was in the current world.

As such, winning the war would be harder. Perhaps there might not be a chance to win at all.

That was why Bai Chen had decided not to come out of the celestial world until he’d won.

He believed with all his heart that the memories that his future self had given to him would make him the victor of this war!

p<anda> He already had a plan in his head. He would train until he reached the sky soaring realm first.</anda>

Once he reached that level, he would kill Wu Fan first. He had to because, otherwise, that man would be a threat to Li Lin, Long Xu In, and Xu Xue Ning.

Among the 12 system owners, only Wu Fan, the seventh Life Changing System owner, had chosen to strike in the current world.

Even though he knew that the bracelets that his future self had given to them would be able to protect them, it would be best to get rid of Wu Fan first anyway. That way, he would not be able to search for his personal information.

“Bai Chen, let me ask you this. Are you ready for the war?”

Namiana asked this once she saw Bai Chen nod as if he understood everything.

She had a goal to become a real human. In order to do that, Bai Chen, the man she’d chosen to take possession of the ninth Life Changing System, had to win the war of the system owners!<sub> </sub>

To be honest, she expected a lot from Bai Chen since she had seen his anger and how great his thirst for vengeance had been that day. It was the day he had been standing in the freezing white snow inside Beijing central prison.

She’d put all of her hopes of becoming a human in Bai Chen!

Bai Chen did not answer immediately. He was deep in thought with a serious face.

However, not so long after that, he nodded.

Namiana also nodded. Her lips moved as if she was quietly murmuring ‘Good’, but she also spoke aloud.

“Do you want to say good-bye to anyone first? The war is very dangerous. You may not be able to come back alive!”

Hearing this, Bai Chen shook his head immediately. “No need. I’ll be the victor of this war!”

“Well said!” Namiana was satisfied with what he’d said. Yet, her face never had a smile on it. It was still as cold as ever.

“If so, I’ll take you to the celestial world. Once you are there, the war will begin immediately. You have to get rid of all 11 system owners to be the last person standing and to win!”

“I’m ready. Let’s go!” Bai Chen did not hesitate to say.

He looked at Namiana. He was suspicious of her and would never think that she was an ally. She’d tried to kill him in the future even after she became human.

It was a shame that she had not succeeded and had been killed by his future self!

Knowing this, Bai Chen did not think of regarding her as a friend. She only had the same objective as him: to win the war of the system owners!

Namiana did not say anything. She slowly nodded before pointing to the side.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to stop. Time appeared to stop. The cars and the pedestrians on the road stopped moving. Everything stopped!

The whole world was frozen in time. There was no movement whatsoever!

A beautiful silver dimensional rift appeared. It was big enough for many people to walk through. The dimension swirled like a violent whirlpool.

“Follow me. I’ll take you to the celestial world, the battlefield for the war of the system owners,” Namiana said coldly before walking into the silver dimensional rift.

Bai Chen looked at her until she had gone inside. He then stood up and unhesitatingly walked into the rift.

His heart could not help but beat faster. He was not sure whether it was due to excitement or stress.

End of Chapter 360

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