Life Changing System

Chapter 541: Stop Time In Order To Kill!

“I asked for it?” Bai Chen could not help but shake his head. The one who’d asked for death was not him, but Men Ta.

With his ability, he could see through to Men Ta’s level. Even though he was at the primary legendary level, his strength was not even half of Wu Fan’s and could not be compared with Hwa Nien.

If they were to fight, it was obvious which side would prevail.

The winner would be Bai Chen. The dead person would be Men Ta.

However, Bai Chen did not want to waste his time with Men Ta. He had to rush to the legendary realm and kill Lua Jin Ming!

With that, Bai Chen had to use his eternal truth of time.

“Eternal Truth of Time,” Bai Chen murmured softly.

Suddenly, a silver light glowed and leapt out of his body. Then, it dashed upwards and spread out to cover the whole sky.

Time was stopped. Everything stopped moving. Nothing could move except Bai Chen.

Bai Chen stood still for a second before appearing in front of Men Ta within a single step. He slammed his hand against Men Ta’s neck and went back to where he was while releasing the eternal truth of time.

Time started to flow normally again.

“You dare to shake your head in refusal? Such arrogance!” Men Ta did not seem to be able to control his anger. He blasted out a large amount of spirit qi and the air around him was distorted. The earth underneath shook violently. He was ready to dash towards Bai Chen.

“You fool. You’re dead!” Bai Chen said calmly. His voice was cold.

“W… What?!?” Suddenly, Men Ta seemed to have noticed it. His face clearly showed fear.

He opened his mouth wide, ready to shout the word ‘no’. It was a shame that he could not even say it.

Blood gushed out of his neck. At the same time, his head separated from his neck!


His head dropped onto the ground. The spark of life in his eyes faded away. His headless body subsequently fell to the ground. It was obvious that Men Ta was dead!

“Ah...” Bai Zi Sien witnessed everything that occurred. Her face showed the utmost surprise. She opened her mouth wide and cried out a single word. Her beautiful eyes widened to the size of ping-pong balls. Her body trembled violently. She stepped backward without realising it.

Her heart was ice-cold. She turned to look at Bai Chen with her eyes full of fear.

She did not see Bai Chen move at all. He’d only talked a little, and those few words had killed Men Ta, the legendary realm cultivator!

What level of power was this?

Was it a divine one?

Or was it a salvation one?!?

Bai Zi Sien inhaled deeply. Once she suppressed her emotions, she quickly made a gesture and bowed to Bai Chen.

“I, B… Bai Zi Sien, thank you very much for your help, elder. I’ll report to the Ten Thousand Sabers clan and we’ll definitely repay you as much as you deserve.”

It was obvious that she did not dare to call him her fellow Taoist anymore. Bai Chen had just killed a legendary realm cultivator in the blink of an eye. That was why she did not dare to do that.

Bai Chen turned away from Men Ta’s corpse and looked at Bai Zi Sien. He waved carelessly. “Don’t worry. I merely wanted to help.”

Bai Zi Sien looked up, yet still did not dare to look Bai Chen in the eye. She spoke softly. “May I know your glorious name?”

“Bai Chen,” Bai Chen answered; he was ready to leave. He did not want to waste any more time.

Bai Zi Sien’s face showed surprise. Even though she’d heard that he called himself a ‘Bai’, she’d still doubted it. That was why she was surprised now. She did not think that they would share the same surname.

‘No wonder why he asked if I was a Bai. It was because of this,’ Bai Zi Sien thought. Then, she realised that Bai Chen was about to leave. She could not help but shout, “Elder Bai Chen, please wait.”

“What is it?” Bai Chen halted and asked.

“Elder, I would like to repay your kindness no matter what. I won’t be at ease if I do not do so,” Bai Zi Sien said sincerely. She really did not want to owe someone a debt of gratitude.

Hearing that, Bai Chen thought about it for a second and nodded.

“If that’s all right with you, then, go find a gift that a 10-year-old girl would like and send it over to Sui Lien Er. You may refer to me and tell her to give it to Zhien Wu Shuang. She knows what to do.”

“Sui Lien Er?” Bai Zi Sien frowned. The name was somehow familiar to her. However, right now, she could not figure out who that was.

“Sui Lien Er from the Glorious Water sect. There should be only one.” Bai Chen smiled. Those were his last words before he leapt out in a certain direction. He did not forget to flick his hand and take Men Ta’s dimension ring.

“Elder!” Bai Zi Sien shouted.

However, it was too late. Bai Chen was gone.

Bai Zi Sien could only smile. She thought about what Bai Chen had just instructed her to do. Then, her body shook so violently that she could barely maintain her footing.

“Sui Lien Er from the Glorious Water sect…Lord Sui!” Bai Zi Sien screamed loudly. She had not been able to think of it before, but she realised it now!

“He…He knows lord Sui personally!” She breathed in deeply. Bai Zi Sien could not stay calm anymore.

She did not expect that Bai Chen would personally know Sui Lien Er, the lord of the Glorious Water sect. It also seemed to be a close relationship because he wanted her to find a gift for a 10-year-old girl and tell Sui Lien Er to give it to a girl named Zhien Wu Shuang.

“Zhien Wu Shuang…” Bai Zi Sien remembered this name well. She also thought about Bai Chen’s cultivator level.

She thought that Bai Chen should have been at least a tertiary divine cultivator, otherwise he would not have been brave enough to call Sui Lien Er by name.

Once she realised that she’d received help from a tertiary divine cultivator, Bai Zi Sien’s body trembled so hard, she could not control it!

End of Chapter 541

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