Life Changing System

Chapter 601: Those With Potential

Shortly after that, Number One arrived at a particular place.

It was surrounded by darkness, yet the place itself was illuminated.

There was a big white building. Number One vanished and appeared again inside it.

He was now in a hall that was state-of-the-art. All the gadgets and furniture were full of high technology that was beyond imagination.

There was a table full of gadgets on it in the middle of the hall. There was text being displayed on repeat.

Around the table, there were 7 chairs. Number One did not hesitate to sit on the chair at the head of the table. He was Number One, so that made him the leader.

As soon as he sat down, the chair let out a warm light that comforted the person on it.

However, Number One was not comfortable at all. The order that he’d just received was very dangerous.

If he and the rest of the Numbers risked their lives and crossed the destroyed path of space-time, there was a more than 70 percent chance that they would die there!

“Acches, contact all of the Numbers.” Then, Number One spoke.

He was not talking to himself, but to the AI in this room named Acches.

Acches was an assistant here. He was a brilliant operating system that helped with everything in this meeting room.

“Acknowledged, Number One.”

A monotonous voice like that of a robot’s echoed through the room. Images of the other 6 Numbers appeared on translucent light blue windows along with a telephone icon. Acches was contacting them.

Shortly after that, everyone picked up the phone.

Their small holograms appeared. They were quite faint.

“Number One, what are you contacting me for?” Number Two asked. He seemed annoyed.

The rest of them asked the same thing with different tones of voice. Some were cold, some were calm, and some were soft.

Number One looked at all of them before speaking calmly.

“Why am I calling you all? That’s because father has a mission for us. Come to the meeting room now.”

Hearing that, the holograms shook quite madly before cutting off the communication.

In less than a minute, the 6 of them appeared on their chairs. There were 2 of them that came in hologram form.

Number One nodded and looked at the holograms.

“Number Four and Number Six, where are you? Why can’t you come physically?”<novelnext></novelnext>

Number Four was a handsome man in brown. His brown eyes blinked. Even though he was not here physically, the hologram could not hide his majesty.

“I’d love to be there, but now that I’m in the A-109 dimension. I can’t.”

“The A-109 dimension? What the hell are you doing in such a far-off place?” That was Number Two. His hair was red like scorching flames. He looked violent, as if he was always angry.

“I heard from Acches that the monster Anubis is here. That’s why I’m here for its core, to power up.”

Number Four reported this without trying to hide anything. He did not have to.

“So it’s like that,” a man in green said with his emotionless face as if he was bored with everything. His green eyes blinked several times. He did not say anything more. He was Number Three. el.

“What about you, Number Six?” A man in purple asked. He looked at a hologram of a man in black.

The man in black let out a shiver-inducing smirk. “Are you interested, Number Five?”

The man in purple, Number Five, nodded. “Just a little.”

Number Six swept his eyes around the room and spoke dryly. “I’m at a forbidden dimension in search of an ancient civilisation.”

“Your interest is surely intriguing,” a man in white, Number Seven, said.

“All right, stop with the chitchat. I accept their reasons. We should start the meeting.” Number One raised his hand to stop everyone from talking.

Looking at them, they all had different clothes, hair, and eye colours.

Number One was dark blue, Number Two was red, Number Three was green, Number Four was brown, Number Five was purple, Number Six was black, and Number Seven was white.

Their abilities were also different. Number One used ice, Number Two used fire, Number Three used wind, Number Four used earth, Number Five used thunder, Number Six used darkness, and Number seven used light.

It was obvious that their abilities were based on the seven elements. Infinity Zero had created them!

That was why they were only second to Infinity Zero!

They were equal to a tertiary immortal cultivator—maybe even stronger!

Yet, they were not cultivators. Even so, however, they had their own power. They called it ‘stage’.

They were all at stage 13, which was equal to the power of the immortals!

It was obvious that there were no primary, secondary, or tertiary ones like what cultivators had. Every stage was equal to the tertiary one of each realm, e.g., stage 1 was equal to the tertiary nascent level!

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