Life Control Chart

Chapter 1012: Living towards death

Xiao Hei felt nothing except pain. Pieces of his hard skin and thick armor were torn off, and his strong muscles were broken and disintegrated.

Even the last barrier supporting his body, the bones, were moving and breaking, constantly changing into another form.

The crackling sound of bones breaking and reorganizing could be heard clearly in the violent and turbulent undercurrent.

Xiao Hei heard Mo Lu's words very clearly, but he would never choose to force out his precious blood.

Between life and death, he chose to live towards death.

That day, the scene of his mother and two uncles dying for him was engraved in Xiao Hei's heart and could never be forgotten.

Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan, two powerful enemies who seemed to be getting stronger every day, defeated Xiao Hei's laziness and arrogance. He thought that with the little light he got from Shi Yu, he could dominate the land of life.

But the death of his loved ones made Xiao Hei sober up from his unrealistic self-satisfaction.

The blood has become a river, rushing into the chaotic sea, making the pure black ocean have a different red color.

Xiao Hei's four fins continued to explode and expand. In the severe pain, his claws gradually took shape, his wings slowly extended, and his long and round body became angular.

But every change made Xiao Hei's power weaken rapidly. The power that he once thought was endless was now like a stream flowing into the desert, quickly drying up.

And the precious blood that flowed into his body not only did not rush out of his body with the rushing blood, but instead rushed into every change and new limb like a spirit, breaking new blood vessels like a sharp knife, leading Xiao Hei's already limited power to a new path.

Blood surged out, and chaos also rushed into Xiao Hei's body like a tide, but the power replenishment it brought to Xiao Hei was far less than the loss.

Soon, Xiao Hei became skinny, a monster that looked like a bird but not a bird and a fish but not a fish, hanging in the middle of the turbulent sea of ​​chaos.

Xiao Hei's consciousness was a little blurred, but his blood-red eyes widened.

He did not allow himself to faint, because if he did, he would never be able to open his eyes again.

Except for that ball of precious blood, there was very little blood left in Xiao Hei's body, but that precious blood could not bring any help except to shave him into a new look.

Xiao Hei, who had lost his power, could no longer stir up the storm, and the Chaos Sea quickly calmed down, covering everything in the depths.

Shi Yu was extremely anxious, and the slave mark in his soul was already barely detectable. Xiao Hei was sliding towards the worst abyss.

"No! I will help Xiao Hei no matter what you say. He doesn't even have the strength to force out his precious blood to save his life now!"

Shi Yu pushed away Mo Lu who was blocking him, and jumped into the Chaos Sea.

Mo Lu sighed lightly and did not stop Shi Yu.

He also saw that Xiao Hei was exhausted and dying, and Shi Yu's rescue at this time might not be able to pull Xiao Hei out of the abyss of death.

Not everyone has the luck of dying.

But just when Shi Yu stepped on the Chaos Sea, the calm Chaos Sea suddenly became violent again, and the sea currents like huge pillars gushed out, knocking Shi Yu out and hitting the rock wall heavily.

Shi Yu looked down in surprise, and the entire Chaos Sea began to spin wildly. A huge vortex quickly formed, and the vast chaos fell into the vortex like a whale swallowing a dragon. Large areas of the rock wall that had been submerged by the chaos were exposed as the sea surface dropped rapidly.

"Xiao Hei!"

Shi Yu shouted at the vortex with hope, and in return he heard a powerful sharp cry. "Chiu!"

"Xiao Hei!" Shi Yu shouted again, hurriedly got off the rock wall, and hung above the Chaos Sea.

Mo Lu also widened his eyes, looking at a golden light rushing out from the center of the vortex, and Shi Yu was enveloped by the golden light, as if he was a god on earth.


A huge tremor that shook the entire Wanling Realm came from the Chaos Sea, and all the chaos disappeared in an instant. A roc with golden wings spread out, lying on the bottom of the former Chaos Sea and breathing slowly.

And the last drop of chaos was hanging beside his sharp beak that was curved like a crescent hook.


The long red tongue stretched out of the beak and rolled the last drop of chaos into his mouth. Xiao Hei suddenly opened his eyes, screamed and rushed up, rolling up Shi Yu and crashing into the thick rock wall.


Another loud noise, the formation was broken, the wall was broken, and the rock wall exploded.

The Chaos Sea, which had never seen the sun since ancient times, was completely lit up in the Wanling Realm for the first time.

However, there was no more chaos in the sea, only jagged and strange rocks pointing angrily to the sky.

The land with a radius of millions of miles was lifted up and rushed into the void to become new star lands. The main land of the Wanling Realm changed its appearance in an instant, as if a giant bowl was suspended in the void of the Wanling Realm.

All the living beings looked at the sky in horror. A golden roc was soaring in the sky with a long cry of joy. The breath of the supreme master instantly filled the entire Wanling Realm.

"Saint King!"

I don't know which cultivator reacted first, and he shouted and bowed to the ground.

In a flash, all the cultivators in the Wanling Realm were lying on the ground, not daring to look directly at this divine bird.

And those creatures without wisdom had already curled up on the ground and trembled.

No one could see Shi Yu, because he was just a tiny grain of dust on the giant roc with a wingspan of hundreds of thousands of miles, and he was covered by his iron-like feathers and laughed foolishly.

The slave seal in his soul was growing rapidly, brighter and stronger than before.

After flying around the Wanling Main Land for several weeks, Xiao Hei screamed and rushed to the main land. His huge figure shrank rapidly, and when he landed, he was already a handsome boy.

Shi Yu couldn't speak, but just smiled at the young man in front of him.

But in a blink of an eye, the young man turned into a fluffy fledgling, jumped onto Shi Yu's shoulder, chirped a few times and turned into a golden armor, wrapping Shi Yu tightly.

Shi Yu touched the indestructible armor on his body and smiled with relief: "Great! Xiao Hei, you have grown up!"

"How can you still call it Xiao Hei? You should call it Zhi Peng." Mo Lu also floated over happily, looking at Shi Yu's bright golden armor and making a sound of admiration.

"Xiao Hei! I'm still Xiao Hei!" Xiao Hei rolled up on Shi Yu, his voice was loud and high-pitched, completely without the baby voice he used to have.

"Yes! It's Xiao Hei. In my eyes, you will always be Xiao Hei." Shi Yu patted the golden armor lightly, and the ferocious beast relief on his chest had now become a furious roc.

"Hahaha." Mo Lu smiled without saying a word, staring at the golden armor and looking at it carefully. As long as Xiao Hei wanted, it didn't matter what he was called.

The big head on Shi Yu's chest turned slightly, and his eyes softened a little, "Brother Shi Yu, thank you."

"What are you thanking me for? I haven't had time to help you yet."

Mo Lu's eyes were still on the golden armor, and he smiled: "It seems that Xiao Hei can't survive this disaster without your help, Shi Yu! Xiao Hei actually has a sense of transcendence. Nothing can do this except the rebirth brought by the divine power infusion."

"Yes! Just when I was about to give up, the blood essence I sucked from Brother Shi Yu a few days ago suddenly burst out and mixed with the precious blood. I completed the transformation when I was about to die."

Shi Yu suddenly realized and smiled even more. He was very glad that he used his blood essence to nourish the severely injured Xiao Hei, otherwise it would be difficult to end today.

The shadows of cultivators began to appear around, and all the cultivators in the Ten Thousand Spirits Realm saw the direction where the Holy Lord descended, and they all hoped to worship under the Holy Lord and seek a chance.

Shi Yu didn't want to contact anyone. The Wanling Realm was not destroyed by Duanshengdi, nor was it on the list of world destruction, so let this world continue to live in peace.

If Duanshengdi got the news that Shi Yu had appeared in the Wanling Realm, and then found out the relationship between Shi Yu and the Wanling Realm, it would inevitably bring a catastrophe to this world.

Reaching out to open the door, Shi Yu came to the Green Cloud Realm, the next big world on the list to be destroyed.

Xiao Hei's transformation was a purely accidental episode. The real thing to do was to find a way to save the big fish.

Since the War Lord had announced the news that the big fish was caught to the entire Wanjie, it was natural that he would take the big fish to travel around the world. Shi Yu could only ambush in advance to find an opportunity to save the big fish.

When the Lord of the Green Cloud Realm just entered the Wanjie in Duanshengdi, he abandoned the world and ran to the Land of Controlling Life, and the cultivators in this world who had some ability had already run away. Now there are only ordinary creatures who are at a loss, waiting for death on the main land or the star land.

Facing this scene, Shi Yu felt sympathy but was powerless. Even if he tried his best to help ordinary creatures open the gate, he would not be able to save many people when the land of life and death came.

Mo Lu thought completely differently from Shi Yu. He suddenly smiled grimly: "Why don't we destroy this world first? When the land of life and death comes and sees that there is no profit, they will definitely turn back. There will be chaos at that time, which is our chance to save your old friend."

Shi Yu rolled his eyes and ignored Mo Lu, but was despised by Mo Lu.

"You are so fussy! When we attacked the major heavens, it was common to break your wrists and feet. How can you gain without sacrifice?"

"Yes, it is others who sacrifice, and you who gain. Although I have not read for a long time, I still remember the simplest truth in my heart: do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you!"

"Bullshit truth, this truth is made up by the strong to deceive you idiots. Do you believe the person who said this? If you don't listen to his truth, he will stab you to death with a sword?"

Mo Lu rolled his eyes even bigger than Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was too lazy to argue with Mo Lu, so he patted Xiao Hei and said, "Xiao Hei, it's better to use black armor. Gold armor is too conspicuous."

Xiao Hei's golden armor immediately changed color and became pure black without reflecting a trace of light.

Shi Yu sat cross-legged on a star land full of strange rocks, restraining his breath and hiding himself perfectly.

A few days later, he finally waited for the army of Duanshengdi.

When the sky cave broken by Duanshengdi suddenly appeared in the void of Green Cloud Realm, Shi Yu opened his eyes from meditation.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Shi Yu saw the long pole erected high in front of the army, with a bloody big fish nailed on the top of the pole.

Shi Yu narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

But at this moment, the Great War Lord was standing under the long pole, and Shi Yu did not dare to act rashly.

After the Great War Lord stepped into this world, he looked around with a pair of sharp eyes. Seeing that there was no danger around, he snorted coldly and waved his hand.

If Shi Yu appears, they will kill him. If Shi Yu does not appear, they will destroy the world as usual. No matter what they do, they will all be the gains of the land of life.

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