Life Control Chart

Chapter 105: Secret Realm Opened

After several rounds of invigorating substances, Xiao Junshan and the other three's breathing and heartbeats were normal. Upon closer inspection, they showed symptoms of extreme dehydration. This also made their respective tribesmen breathe a sigh of relief. These three treasures are the future of the family. , there is no room for error.

Xiao Tong hurriedly checked Xiao Junshan and fell to the ground. He turned around and saw Shi Yu lying on the ground. He smiled sheepishly and ran over to help him up.

Before he could touch Shi Yu, the Xiyue Disk suddenly exploded with a "pop" sound, and turned into four pieces and shot out in all directions. Several old men who were still surrounding the high platform were startled, and they used their power to protect their bodies. He also cast a spell to grab the flying Xiyue Disk. This treasure also cannot be lost. Even though the door cannot be opened normally, it cannot be lost again.

The Xiyue Disk seemed to have become spiritual, and it quickly avoided capture. It actually flew towards Shi Yu and the other four people, and hung above their heads. The four disks turned into a three-foot-sized black hole, and four black lights came from the hole. It shot out and hit the four people. At the same time, it made a gurgling sound and sucked in the spiritual energy of the great world.

Everyone was surprised by the strange situation and stood silently watching, their eyes following the twilight disk up and down. Xiao Tong also hurriedly stopped and stared closely at the twilight disk flying towards Shi Yu, carefully observing its every move. .

I saw the twilight disk hanging above Shi Yu's head, emitting black light and turning into a black hole, leaving only the whirring sound of wind absorbing spiritual energy. Shi Yu, who was frozen on the ground, was completely unaware of this.

Slowly, Shi Yu's body levitated, turned from horizontal to upright, and with a "whoosh" sound, he dived towards the black hole, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Tong let out a startled shout and hurriedly turned to look at the other three people. The old man on the high platform also saw this scene clearly. He also looked at the three people and saw black light shooting towards the three people, covering the people who were supporting the three people. In the same clan, the bodies of those covered by the light were eager to rise, but it seemed that they were unable to do so. A few of them only swayed slightly and did not rise.

"Let go! Let go quickly! You all get out of the way! Quick!" Xiao Tong suddenly understood that the door to the secret realm had been opened, and he wanted to take away the person who opened the door first.

But when he woke up and reminded him, it was already too late. Everyone who was frightened by the strange situation had already unconsciously increased the strength of their hands. Even when they heard Xiao Tong's shouts and hurriedly let go, they were already several feet away from the black light shield. A breath.

The black light could not be absorbed several times and gradually dimmed. The three people who were released from their support by the clansmen fell to the ground. They were only a few feet away from the ground before they fell with the disappearing black light. Xiao Tong was so angry that he stamped his feet and cursed: " What the hell is this?"

Even the old men on the high platform were lamenting in frustration, cursing that their children were all idiots who grew up eating pig brains and didn't know how to let go earlier, thus wasting the opportunity. They didn't even think about it, even they themselves looked at all this stupidly and didn't react, but they felt more energetic about cursing.

The four Xiyue disks emitted black light and flew back to the high platform, where they reunited again. This time it landed flatly on the platform, black air spurted out, and a thick fog gradually solidified on the high platform. In a moment, an egg-shaped black crystal about a foot in size stood on top, and a black crack slowly opened, allowing Once one person enters and exits, there will be no change.


Several frustrated old men also calmed down and gathered in front of the rift. Everyone seemed to be thinking about something, and no one spoke for a while.

"This door to the secret realm is the same as before. But is there something wrong with the way it was opened this time?" Finally an old man asked, "Shouldn't the person who opened the door disappear directly? Why did it turn into a black hole this time? If he disappeared directly, it wouldn't be possible. You will be implicated by others and cannot enter the secret realm."

Having said this, the old man angrily threw his fist high into the sky again, tearing the sky apart with such force that the half-lit sky shattered into pieces like shattered glass.

"This time something went wrong. A lot of chaos happened. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to react. It's good this time. Only the little guy who was accompanying him went in by himself. Alas!" Another person sighed.

"Hehe, you deserve it, you don't agree with our clan sending one more person to open the door!" Xiao Tong was a little gloating, "Shi Yu was originally found by us, but you are still unwilling if we want one more person, look, it's over now! "

"You have a beautiful idea! If there is one more person, you will get more! I would rather not have it than get more of it!"

"What the hell! One more person means that now four of them can't get in!" Xiao Tong was not to be outdone, "Look, who would have known this? Wouldn't it be that one more person was dragged to the ground and couldn't get in? Now everyone is waiting The second round, isn’t this the same?”

"Uh~" The person arguing with Xiao Tong was speechless for a moment. Indeed, as Xiao Tong said, if the four of them were members of the three major families, who would throw their own people on the ground and ignore them? Maybe this is life.

A group of old men were quarreling in front of the gate of the secret realm. The family members who were still waiting nearby had never seen the highly respected and superior clan elders in the past like a group of children quarreling.

"Okay, stop arguing!" The old man who presided over the opening of the door said, stopping the argument between Xiao Tong and others. He walked to the crack and reached inside, but he couldn't move any further until it was flush with the surface of the spar.

"It is indeed the same as before. After the person who opens the door enters, the door to the secret realm is visible but cannot be entered. The rest of the people have to wait, but I don't know if the waiting time is still half a day. If it is delayed, I don't know how long it will be." The old man murmured. road.

"Now that the Realm Masters are not here, should we inform them? After all, there are too many variables. If an outsider comes in now, who knows what the hell will happen!" someone suggested.

Several old men nodded when they heard the words. Seeing that no one had any objections, the old man in charge stretched out his hand and drew the boundary gate. Then he stepped inside.

The remaining old men had no choice but to sit and chat, sighing with regret and saying that Shi Yu had a good life.

Xiao Junshan and the three people who had woken up were also dumbfounded. Those who least wanted to go in went in, and those who wanted to go in the most were all left outside.

Lu Yan's face was even more ugly. The bone-chilling cold air forced her disciples to stay away. She stood alone under the altar and sulked. Two cold rays of light shone directly at the door of the secret realm, forming a thin film on it.

Thin frost.

Half a day later, two figures walked out of the gate again. It was Yuan Jiezun who had left earlier and the old man who had been in charge.

Seeing Yuan Jiezun's return, both elders and disciples of all clans stood up respectfully, saluted, and quietly waited for their assignment.

Yuan Jiezun seemed to be forever taciturn. He walked towards the black crystal without saying a word, stretched out his hand to touch the surface, and then gently poked the door of the secret realm with his finger. He nodded and waved, gesturing for the elders of all clans to come closer and gather.

"You also know why I am the only one suitable to host this place." Yuan Jiezun said lightly.

Everyone nodded. Among the top experts in the Xiyue Realm, only Yuan Jiezun has no family background. He even bluntly stated that he has no intention of returning to the Yuan family. Only he can deal with things fairly.

"An accident has happened now, and the five of us already know about it." Yuan Jiezun pointed his finger at the sky, "The four of them don't want to come forward for this, for fear that they can't help but have selfish motives."

Yuan Jiezun glanced at everyone and continued: "The little guy who goes in has a good life or good luck. Since he went in, although it is not the choice of our Xiyue monks, it is the choice of Xiyue Realm. No matter what, no one can Make things difficult for him, do you understand? The power and destiny of the great world are not something we can predict. If we interfere arbitrarily, there will be endless consequences!"

"Yes!" Although everyone hesitated, they still agreed. Some of them thought that they would stop Shi Yu as soon as he came out. Not to mention forcefully grabbing him, at least he should clearly show what he got and share part of it. Some people also gave up the idea of ​​intercepting him in public and thought to themselves. How about behind the scenes.

"Very good. Everyone knows how my Yuan family was destroyed. I was greedy and secretly formed a secret alliance with foreign enemies. I am the only one left to die. Alas!" Yuan Jiezun's words really frightened everyone. This was not simply self-pity. , but a stark warning. Some thoughtful people are breaking out in cold sweat. Who knows if such a master can detect their own thoughts silently!

"I will obey Yuan Jie Zun's decree!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Yuan Jiezun nodded again seemingly satisfied.

"Then I won't say much else. Each of your three families will choose one person, who will be replaced every hundred years. He will serve as the guardian of the gate with me. Unless the life and death of the world is at stake, and a powerful enemy attacks the secret realm, this gate will never be closed again, and this plate will never be closed again. No more separation. Anyone who asks for the Xi Yue Pan under any pretext will be punished on the spot!"

Yuan Jiezun's voice suddenly became shrill, and the veins on his face stretched. Everyone could hear the anger and sadness in his words. If the Yuan family hadn't made up an excuse to dismantle the Xiyue Pan, the Xiyue Realm would not have continued to fall, and the Yuan family would not have been brutally exterminated. Now that there is hope for Xiyue to rise again, how can we allow others to act recklessly?

Everyone was afraid and bowed down again, and they followed the call.

"Okay, I'm a little rude, you guys, get up." Yuan Jiezun unclenched his fists to regain his composure, and glanced at everyone, "We all wait patiently, since the door is open, no matter how many accidents happen, it doesn't matter. When the Son of God Yu comes out, I will have a good talk with him, and you don’t have to worry that he will take away Xiyue’s luck. If he can take away Xiyue’s luck, it is not Xiyue’s luck.”

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