Life Control Chart

Chapter 1060: The Hub

Mo Lu still had many questions, but Shi Yu knew everything and said to himself:

"If I'm right! This is the real life-controlling battle path! The real bodies of all the command guards and soul-guarding slaves are here! It's just that they are all dead, so I can open their houses.

And no one can enter their private land without the permission of the owner of the house! Because even if a person dies, the house is still privately owned! That's why the Earth God Lord was blasted out by the heavy blow.

Just now! Just now! The Earth God Lord and I actually entered that house, but before I knew my identity as the owner, the house was considered ownerless.

And when I thought I was the owner of the house, I kicked the Earth God Lord out of the yard with a thought!

So I was thinking that Yu Ming Tu would use his last strength to call out the real way of controlling life, just to ask me to control the way of controlling life and drive away the Earth God Lord! "

After listening to Shi Yu's long speech, Mo Lu suddenly understood everything, but he was still confused: "Then why didn't you let the commanding guards take control of this place earlier? And it happened that you entered the ownerless house?"

"The commanding guard can control the life-controlling chart, and he is stronger than me! But in reality, he is a slave of the life-controlling chart, and a slave of the life-controlling battle path! How can the master let the slave climb on his head?

And I'm not! I don’t even have anything to do with Yu Mingtian! As for the house, I think no matter which house I choose, the result will be the same. Everything has been set up by the life-controlling chart! "

Shi Yu answered very neatly.

Mo Lu's heart brightened, Shi Yu was absolutely right! He immediately urged: "Then hurry up! Although the Earth God Lord is also subject to the control of the life-controlling map, he has much more freedom than the commanding guard. If he is not protected, he can also seize control of the life-controlling battle path!"

"That's what I think! We can't let the Earth God Lord take the lead! Fortunately, he may not understand what's going on yet, so we have the upper hand!" Shi Yu was speeding while carefully observing everything he saw.

Ordinary houses were given up first, and only those buildings with grandeur and unique shapes were the objects of his attention.

The first moment Shi Yu escaped to the sky, the Earth God discovered his whereabouts.

He watched Shi Yu fly away in confusion, frowning deeply.

But as Shi Yu said, the Earth God Lord did not know why this strange world appeared, nor did he think it was the real way to control life.

The Earth God Master wanted to follow Shi Yu to find out what was going on. As soon as he jumped up, he found a huge figure appearing above his head. The commanding guard stared at him coldly, waiting for him to make any rash move.

The Earth God Lord immediately landed on the ground, with a very helpless expression on his face. His movement would make the flowers and plants in the city tremble. If he dared to fly quickly, he would be damaged, and the commanding guard would never let him go.

The commanding guard saw that the God of Earth no longer disturbed the tranquility in the city and disappeared like a gust of wind.

Shi Yu turned back to look at the Earth God Lord, and laughed loudly: "Earth God Lord! The commanding guard is unhappy with you, be careful he will punch you to death!"

The Earth God Lord looked at Shi Yu bitterly, but was helpless.

Gritting his teeth, the Earth God Lord began to break into the houses and buildings on the roadside one by one. If he didn't believe that Shi Yu would get great benefits, he, the dignified God Lord, could only stare at it!

He broke in again and again and was kicked out again and again, but the Earth God Lord was like a persistent ascetic, using physical pain to find his own opportunities.

Shi Yu laughed louder and sarcastically said, "I've opened hundreds of houses, what if you can't even get in? How about you slap yourself and I'll open another door for you?" Shi Yu! Get away!" The Earth God Lord was furious and plunged into the darkness, but was still blasted out without any surprise.

Shi Yu smiled at Mo Lu and said, "It seems that people without palm palm patterns are restricted here. But it's strange, why hasn't the Earth God Lord been kicked out?"

Mo Lu said: "I think it's because the Life Control Diagram no longer has the power, and sending us here is already the limit. The hope of driving away the Earth God Lord lies with you and me."

Shi Yu's eyes lit up and he said excitedly to Mo Lu: "Mo Lu, there should be a place for you here. Do you want to choose a place first? I think we are both the same. Whichever we choose is an inevitable result."

"No, no, no, I don't want to be an order guard, let alone a soul-guarding slave. Although the life-control map has set up opportunities for me, I don't care about it. The same goes for you. Don't go back to that house. If we seize the ownership of the fate-controlling battle path, we will wipe out everything about you and me! We will avoid causing any trouble in the future if the destiny-controlling god comes up."

Shi Yu felt a chill in his heart and nodded.

"Also, you can control the life-controlling diagram and the life-controlling battle path, but you must give it up before going to the upper world. The deeper you get entangled with these things, the more influenced you will be by the life-controlling god! You won't think about it Let’s do the brand removal again?”

Shi Yu took it seriously and immediately responded: "Well! I have already figured it out. The purpose of maintaining the Mingyu Diagram is to give our own people time to leave the Mingtian. I will never encounter it again until there is no way out. any lifeline.”

Mo Lu saw that Shi Yu was very clear and praised: "This is the best! You used the life thread to kill Duanshengdi, but in fact you still used the power of the God who controlled the life. The cause and effect entanglement cannot be explained clearly.

Only your own strength is real. Otherwise, if you go to the upper world and there is no lifeline to pull out, you will not be a plaything in the eyes of other strong people? "

As they spoke, the two of them had been flying above the city for several weeks, and they selected more than a dozen temple-like buildings as their first choice.

On the other side, the Earth God Lord was still working tirelessly to break into the house.

Landing in front of a palace, Shi Yu stretched out his hand and pushed open the palace door, stepping in carefully. If this was the residence of a deceased soul-guarding slave, Shi Yu would definitely be kicked out when he stepped in.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Shi Yu stepped into the palace in one step and saw everything in the palace in an instant.

"Huh?" Shi Yu and Mo Lu were surprised at the same time.

This palace has a unique appearance, but the interior looks like the residence of a powerful being.

There are beds, tables and chairs, and even a zither on the table.

"I was not knocked away?" Shi Yu touched himself and was indeed safe and sound.

"You said that when you stepped into the house before, the city disappeared directly, and then you saw the life-controlling map, right?" Mo Lu suddenly asked about the past situation.

Shi Yu put aside his surprise and replied softly: "Yes! So I was surprised to see the Earth God Lord being beaten away. If I had been hit like this before, I would have been disabled if not dead."

"Well, I think I figured it out. You are different from the Earth God Lord! The Earth God Lord swallowed the Remnant Map by force and did not get the recognition of the Life Control Map, but you were recognized by the Life Control Map, so the results of your two breaking into the private house were different. And now that you have become a member of this city, you will naturally not be counterattacked." Mo Lu said firmly.

Shi Yu had no doubt about Mo Lu's inference, and said with a smile: "Then I can enter and exit any house at will? How about being a thief for once?"

Mo Lu also laughed, looking at the furnishings in the hall and sighed: "Whether it is the guards of the order or the soul-guarding slaves, they were all flesh and blood people after all! These are probably the homes they cherished most in their lives, right? Don't be a thief who ruins the scenery."

Shi Yu's heart sank, thinking back to his own house, nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I have thought about going home to see my parents more than once, but unfortunately I have no chance anymore."

"Wouldn't it be a chance to control the life-controlling map? Didn't you say that everything is a predetermined painting? Find the one in the past, and then go back to the past time and space to relive everything. Isn't it easy?" Mo Lu comforted Shi Yu.

"The God of Life Control once told me that it was meaningless to do so. But I think if I have the ability, I still have to try it."

Being able to enter and exit any hall or house at will, Shi Yu accelerated his search.

The Lord of Earth had already passed through all the open doors, and indeed, none of them could get in.

He saw Shi Yu going in and out of the various halls and houses, and the Lord of Earth hated him so much that his teeth were about to break.

In his heart, every time Shi Yu went in and out of a house, he would get countless treasures and materials, and his strength would probably surpass him quickly.


The Lord of Earth could no longer bear it, he roared and rushed towards the magnificent hall that Shi Yu had just entered. Even if he was beaten out by Shi Yu again, he would admit it.

Shi Yu entered more than ten halls in a row, all of which were mistakenly entered other people's houses, but this one in front of him was not.

The spacious hall was like the court where the emperor received his ministers. On the high steps was the majestic and magnificent imperial throne, and on both sides of the stage were the solemn and solemn thrones.

"Oh! Was the Lord of Controlling Life so grand back then? Mo Lu, are you the first one in line?" Shi Yu stepped onto the high platform and sat happily on the imperial throne.

Mo Lu fell from Shi Yu's soul and sneered at the hall, "What kind of pomp is this? The pomp that Yu Ming Tianzhu wants is to let the war gods of various heavens carry his sedan chair as a mount!"

Shi Yu and Mo Lu were just joking. Their eyes fell on the table in front of the emperor's throne, where a jade pen with a needle-like tip was quietly placed.

Next to the jade pen was a piece of yellow silk with the three words "He Sian" written on it.

In addition, there was no pivot in the hall that could control Yu Ming Tian.

Grabbing the jade pen, a complete sense of control suddenly surged into Shi Yu's heart. He seemed to have become a giant in the heavens, overlooking the entire Yu Ming Tian.

The magnificent city built on the Yu Ming map had no secrets in Shi Yu's eyes.

After closing his eyes and comprehending for a moment, Shi Yu suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long and distant sigh.

Smiling, he injected divine power into the jade pen, erased the three words He Sian, and wrote his own name.

"Who is He Sian? The real name of the Lord of Controlling Life?"

"No! He Sian is the real name of the Lord of Mad Battle." Mo Lu sighed.

Shi Yu widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Lord of Mad Battle? Then he is the Lord of Controlling Life Battle? What's the use of us if he can't do it?"

Mo Lu shook his head and said: "It's different. Lord of Mad Battle is a guard of orders, and he has been imprisoned. It's like the master is leaving home for a long journey. Before leaving, he said to the housekeeper, "You can make the decision yourself." The housekeeper really dares to make the decision? Can he really make the decision?

But you are different. You are like a bandit who broke into the house, occupied the house and property, and did whatever you wanted."

"Bandit? Mo Lu, you are so nice, but there is indeed a floating mark of the Lord on this pen, which I erased.

The Lord of Controlling Life left and made the guard of orders rely on me." Shi Yu said angrily, and threw the jade pen to Mo Lu.

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